Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

It's one-sided because this individual is clearly a young, white supremacist, male likely found in this picture...

One example from six years ago of an event lasting a few hours.

We CURRENTLY have multiple and threatening Jew-hate rallies being conducted in liberal cities, by leftists, yelling to genocide the Jews.

How do you just skip that over?
Have you ever considered this? When the makeup of an entire profession is white or white/male how is it that we end up with people losing their jobs due to things like white collar crime, theft of company property, violations of policy including misuse of company computer systems to gamble, spend time posting on social media, watching pornography, etc. stuff like this? And this doesn't even take into consideration domestic violence, harassment, bullying, stalking, etc. on the jobsite.

Or forgetting to bolt in the plug door on a Boeing 737 MAX 9.

Or better yet, redesigning the 737 to create then737 MAX and making it less aerodynamic which then requires compensating for its tendency to nose up by using software to force the nose down when it's onboard computer, the MCAS system mistakenly believes that the plane is getting ready to stall. MCAS then forces the nose down not realizing that the reason for the nose high attitude is because the plane is in the take-off phase and needs to climb, sometimes steeply. The "dumb" computer (as opposed to a smart one) is oblivious to the fact that the aircraft is in a climb to cruising altitude and forces the nose down, thereby flying it into the ground in one case and the ocean in the other.

I haven't heard ANYTHING to date about these problems being caused by "diversity hiring" so is THIS the standard you're referring to Mac? What's the standard when everyone is a white male? Or just white?
This is because when you're from a lineage of evil, white males are pure as the driven snow.

The thought of incompetence never even crosses their mind, although incompetence is glaring them directly in the face.
Chris Wallace proved he was a piece of shit when he worked for Fox and did his best to undermine Trump.

Just the kind of asshole that CNN hires.
Have you ever considered this? When the makeup of an entire profession is white or white/male how is it that we end up with people losing their jobs due to things like white collar crime, theft of company property, violations of policy including misuse of company computer systems to gamble, spend time posting on social media, watching pornography, etc. stuff like this? And this doesn't even take into consideration domestic violence, harassment, bullying, stalking, etc. on the jobsite.

Or forgetting to bolt in the plug door on a Boeing 737 MAX 9.

Or better yet, redesigning the 737 to create then737 MAX and making it less aerodynamic which then requires compensating for its tendency to nose up by using software to force the nose down when it's onboard computer, the MCAS system mistakenly believes that the plane is getting ready to stall. MCAS then forces the nose down not realizing that the reason for the nose high attitude is because the plane is in the take-off phase and needs to climb, sometimes steeply. The "dumb" computer (as opposed to a smart one) is oblivious to the fact that the aircraft is in a climb to cruising altitude and forces the nose down, thereby flying it into the ground in one case and the ocean in the other.

I haven't heard ANYTHING to date about these problems being caused by "diversity hiring" so is THIS the standard you're referring to Mac? What's the standard when everyone is a white male? Or just white?
The reason you haven’t heard of how the diversity iniatives are lowering the caliber of any given company’s competence is because the leftist channels wouldn't say this,

When you prioritize race over competence, you are not getting the best qualified in 87% of the cases.Simple math: when you exclude 87% of people from consideration for a job because they aren’t black, the odds are 13:87 that you did not hire the most competent

Would you rather fly in a plane piloted by the best they could find, or the best black they could find?
This thread wouldn't be here with all of the people crying about alleged "reverse discrimination" if there were actual "equal consideration" such as "equal opportunities" that affirmative action laws are about and enforce.

Why wouldn't it be, that makes no sense whatsoever. Affirmative action only forces a quota, nothing else, it potentially enforces the wrong person being hired for a position simply based off of skin color, it's racism.
No IM2 was not taught this. Unless I'm mistaken he learned about the preferential laws, policies, treatises, etc. granted to the white race by our government that left Black Americans out through self study of American as well as Black American history. Things like the social safety net social security for one, how the Black veterans returning from WWII were excluded from the GI bill that allowed white veterans to buy homes and go to school for free, how whites received free land via the Homestead Act, etc.

I've learned most of the above due to the information that IM2 posts on this board as well as much more. Which is part of the reason I've always been baffled as to why none of you ever offering opposing viewpoints with your own documentation of American history/archives.

How do you measure success? IM2 doesn't need anything from you nor is he bitter or an ass kisser which is why you all get all pissy and everything with him because he tells it like it is and you can either take it and him or leave it.

You think IM2 fought in WWII?

Why do you always have to go back to 'history', we're living right now, in the present, not almost 100 years ago. If you can't make it today, and you have to blame your failures on racism of 100 years ago, then you are the problem, not racism. Blacks immigrate to here from other countries and do 100 times better than American blacks, because they don't come here with this preconceived notion that they are disadvantaged in any way, and use 'racism' as a crutch and excuse for why they're not successful. People from India and Asia immigrate here and are highly successful, much more successful than American blacks who were born here, they come from poverty the likes no American has seen and they are hardworking and successful. All American blacks have are excuses.
You don't think those things exist in East Asia? The Asian immigrants who come over here to work tech jobs and earn more than you fail whites are from families that are typically better off than your average Asian. What you think is a dig on black people is actually you fail whites being systemically replaced by your betters from other countries. :lmao:
East Asians have high IQ averages in their own countries. Negroes have low IQ averages everywhere they live, especially in their own countries.

Why is it so important that you believe this falsehood? You've been shown repeatedly that this is not true.
Libs mouth the standard spiel, and think they have proven something

But you have proven nothing

Hiring less qualified minorities (aka black people) may fulfill some emotional need for you

But its counterproductive for the workforce and race relations
Libs mouth the standard spiel, and think they have proven something

But you have proven nothing

Hiring less qualified minorities (aka black people) may fulfill some emotional need for you

But its counterproductive for the workforce and race relations
Yup. And one day….someone is going to forget to bolt the door window to the plane because it was more important to get a black than the best qualified, regardless of color.
Just imagine where Jews would be had they not been given their land?

Which was taken by force from another group BTW.
Jews have always succeeded against the odds. The British invited the Jews to move to what had been Palestine. When the Jews moved there they were attacked, They fought back against the entire Arab world, and conquered the Land of Israel.
East Asians have high IQ averages in their own countries. Negroes have low IQ averages everywhere they live, especially in their own countries.

And you imagine that means what? Or is a result of what? Don't post numbers at me that you don't understand you Simp. 😄

Why a high IQ doesn't mean you're smart
Jews have always succeeded against the odds. The British invited the Jews to move to what had been Palestine. When the Jews moved there they were attacked, They fought back against the entire Arab world, and conquered the Land of Israel.
With the full backing of the Western power structure.

In this case, they were Goliath.
Jews have always succeeded against the odds. The British invited the Jews to move to what had been Palestine. When the Jews moved there they were attacked, They fought back against the entire Arab world, and conquered the Land of Israel.
And the Jews have had a presence there for more than 3500 years.
All 13% don't have to be employed, but if Blacks make up 13% of the U.S. population our representation in the workforce should be close to 13% as well.

There are some workforces where white males make up the majority, such as at Boeing (I just posted the charts a few days ago). They have 70%+ workforce of white males if I recall correctly which is close to their representation of the U.S. population.

Do you think all 70% of the white population work, or better yet are both white & male?

Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2021

Composition of the labor force​

By race, Whites made most of the labor force (77 percent). Blacks and Asians constituted an additional 13 percent and 7 percent, respectively. American Indians and Alaska Natives made up 1 percent of the labor force, while Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders accounted for less than half a percent. People who were of Two or More Races made up 2 percent of the labor force. (See table 1.)

Among Asians participating in the labor force, the largest group was Asian Indian, making up 25 percent of all Asians. Chinese made up 22 percent, followed by Filipinos (15 percent), Vietnamese (10 percent), Koreans (7 percent), and Japanese (4 percent). The remainder—18 percent—were classified as Other Asians, a category that includes individuals in an Asian group not listed above—such as Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, etc.—and those who were of two or more Asian groups. (See table 2.)

People of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, who may be of any race, made up 18 percent of the total labor force. Almost 9 in 10 Hispanics in the labor force were White (89 percent). Another 4 percent were Black, and 1 percent were Asian. By detailed ethnicity, most Hispanics in the labor force were Mexican (60 percent). Central Americans made up another 11 percent, about one-third of whom were Salvadorans. Eight percent of Hispanics in the labor force were Puerto Rican, and 8 percent were South American. People of Cuban and Dominican ethnicity each represented 4 percent of the Hispanic labor force. An additional 5 percent were classified as Other Hispanic or Latino. (See table 2.)
The reason you haven’t heard of how the diversity iniatives are lowering the caliber of any given company’s competence is because the leftist channels wouldn't say this,

When you prioritize race over competence, you are not getting the best qualified in 87% of the cases.Simple math: when you exclude 87% of people from consideration for a job because they aren’t black, the odds are 13:87 that you did not hire the most competent

Would you rather fly in a plane piloted by the best they could find, or the best black they could find?
Well, considering pilots must all meet the exact same requirements in order to be a pilot.
I would say that you’re a racist POS that’s either simply too stupid to know or too cowardly to openly admit it.
Well, considering pilots must all meet the exact same requirements in order to be a pilot.
I would say that you’re a racist POS that’s either simply too stupid to know or too cowardly to openly admit it.
There is a reasonably good chance that standards for black pilots have been reduced. That is the way affirmative action works.
Well, considering pilots must all meet the exact same requirements in order to be a pilot.
I would say that you’re a racist POS that’s either simply too stupid to know or too cowardly to openly admit it.
No they don’t. They are moving blacks to the head of the line because they want more blacks. I’d say you’re a racist POS because you’re fine with making decisions based on race.

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