Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

Yep. That's what I get from both ends of this.

It's working out really great.
Mac no one cares what you get. The fact is that one side is wrong and at this time that side is the right. You don't have a solution because aappeasing or compromising with wrong never creates right. You have ignorantly given the same qualities to both sides and until you face reality, you will continue getting what you do. There is no compromise to be made with white supremacists by any person of color. Period. And if you think so, go ask Booker T Washington who made the Atlanta Compromise with white racists then watched whites proceed to burn down black property all over the south. They tell rubes like you about how much they loved King. But they murdered him too. There is only one reason why things aren't working, the resistance of a part of white America to equality no matter how it's proposed. And that is just not something anyone should "consider" when policies are proposed to enforce equality.

Last, go take a look at unemployment medan income and poverty for the last 60 years then come back to me and try explaining what reason trumpers have for being angry because it's apparent you haven't done that while you call yourself a centrist so you think all you have to do is sit on your ass criticizing ideology.

Like I said, you know finance, but when it comes to history and American public policy you don't have the first clue. Your position in this matter is wrong and I suggest that you go do some research to better educate yourself on this matter in order to come to a more informed opinion.
Racism. Each side of this needs to be honest and hold their side accountable. If one side starts, it will set the example for future progress. If not, both ends will just keep feeding the other all the material it needs to continue.

Now, both ends will next say "but my side isn't doing anything wrong". And any example I provide will be summarily dismissed, so I'm done trying. Here, anyway.

I've had this conversation a thousand times here, and I'm tired of it.
Mac, your argument is stupid. That's why you're getting this. Each side needs to hold themselves accountable for racism? What? Blacks set the standard with non violent resistance. The leader of non violent resiistance got a bullet in his neck. Your argument is tired because its silly. There is no both sides to this. You have no example to provide.
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Let's just conclude that Mac is an arrogant idiot who has made some money and thinks that because HE lives in a biracial family that racism is not a problem.. Meanwhile the VP of this country who is living far more comfortably in a bi racial family says that racism is a problem and both sides have nothing to do with it.
Let's just conclude that Mac is an arrogant idiot who has made some money and thinks that because HE lives in a biracial family that racism is not a problem.. Meanwhile the VP of this country who is living far more comfortably in a bi racial family says that racism is a problem and both sides have nothing to do with it.
The VP got her job BECAUSE of race! She’s an idiot.

Reminds me when Michelle Obama complained to a bunch of black girls that black women just can’t make it In this racist world. And she was the First Lady!
Let's just conclude that Mac is an arrogant idiot who has made some money and thinks that because HE lives in a biracial family that racism is not a problem..
^^^ Another great example of why I no longer put much effort in here. People are just ALLERGIC to intellectual honesty.

My ACTUAL opinion, post 68:

First, there is the old fashioned, mouth breathing, buttcrack scratching, ignorant, bigoted, manipulated, paranoid racism that you and I goddamn well both know still exists. We certainly see plenty of it on this board, and we're both called evil Hitler commies for pointing it out. And to me, even worse is the way it's denied and enabled by so many on the Right.

Okay, done. Play with someone else.
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^^^ Another great example of why I no longer put much effort in here any more. People are just ALLERGIC to intellectual honesty.

My actual opinion, post 68:

Okay, done.

Intellectual honesty would have led you to a different conclusion about things. So don't come in here whining because I read every word you have written. You post 1 paragraph but you don't post the one where you claimed there was a more reasonable type. Furthermore, your entire argument, meaning every post, ignores why the laws were needed and neglects the lax enforcement of those policies that have still allowed racial discrimination to go on.. And then you ignore the total dishonesty of a group of people who have 70 percent of the jobs and 80 percent of the management positions complaining about DEI. Instead your broke off some dumb ass "leftists created this and it's why leftists are not liked" hogwash.
If my memory serves me correctly, that is a Rassmussen poll where 100 blacks were asked if blacks were more racist. And only 27 percent thought that. But white racists run with this poll to deny their problem. 27 percent is not the American people and most certainly 100 blacks out of 48 million don't prove shit.

Because after Charlottesville an IPSO poll showed that 31 percent of whites agreed with white supremacist beliefs. Therefore America knows that whites are more racist. Now what needs to be done is that whites like you need to stop whining and pretending your asses don't take race into consideration for things. Racial preferences are why whites are where they are. Without this help, you would be nothing and thats why we see this dishonest bs about DEI.
No they don’t. They are moving blacks to the head of the line because they want more blacks. I’d say you’re a racist POS because you’re fine with making decisions based on race.
Based on qualifications.
It’s you who have a problem with their diversity. :rolleyes:
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From 1776 until 1964 the only qualification for everything was white skin. I showed you an example of a white person in modern times who only made being white the qualification for a job. Not competance,, education, merit or anything you bark about. So shut up.

From 1776 until 1964 the only qualification for evverything was white skin. I showed you an example of a white person in modern times to only made being white the qualification for a job. Not competance,, education, merit or anything you bark about. So shut up.
Libs mouth the standard spiel, and think they have proven something

But you have proven nothing

Hiring less qualified minorities (aka black people) may fulfill some emotional need for you

But its counterproductive for the workforce and race relations
I have proven what I've stated on multiple occasions. If I were a white man would you believe me then? Better yet, you can look up the information for yourself to determine the veracity of my statements (the truthfulness of my statements).

I have yet to see a white person on this message board who is more qualified than us, claiming that any Black person hired since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is unqualified to do the job that they were hired into.

If it's true, you should have no trouble at all proving it, yet you won't. If you continue to resist proving your claim then it becomes obvious that the reason is because you're unable to do so.
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I have proven what I've stated on multiple occasions. If I were a white man would you believe me then? Better yet, you can look up the information for yourself to determine the veracity of my statements (the truthfulness of my statements).

I have yet to see a white person on this message board who is more qualified than us, claiming that any Black person hired since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is unqualified to do the job that they were hired into.

If it's true, you should have no trouble at all proving it, yet you won't. If you continue to resist proving your claim then it becomes obvious that the reason is because you're unable to do so.
Not every black person is unqualified

Thats your straw man

But thanks to AA hiring, admitting and promoting less qualified people all blacks carry the stigma whether deserved or not
There is a reasonably good chance that standards for black pilots have been reduced. That is the way affirmative action works.
Would you be surprised to find out you're completely wrong? You know who the Red Tails are right? They couldn't get jobs flying commercially after they returned to the U.S. at the end of WWII but it would appear that you don't believe they were qualified to be flying either, in spite of the fact that the pilots flying the bombing runs would routinely request them specifically as escorts on their because they had a near spotless record when it came to never losing a plane they were escorting.

Again, this is documented American/African American history that you or anyone else can verify for yourself.
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Not every black person is unqualified

Thats your straw man

But thanks to AA hiring, admitting and promoting less qualified people all blacks carry the stigma whether deserved or not
In your opinion, the majority of Black people hired since 1964 are unqualified?
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