Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

Exactly! This “diversity” crap holds back well-deserving whites - and this case proves it.

I remember the first instance I heard of the unfair treatment of whites in order to advance or hire blacks, more than 40 years ago the local police department in my town announced that 50% of all new hires would be black.

How is THAT not unfair to whites? There were at most 15% blacks in the town.
So whites are entitled to 100% of all of the jobs they want?
What happened to Negroes in the past has nothing do do with they way they are treated in the present. Because of the race gap in average intelligence it is not possible to create equal results without lowering standards for blacks.
What happened to your answer to my questions regarding your background, degree & qualifications as a computer programmer? You never answered any of my questions other than to say you were a COBOL programmer and that you were required to take a mental aptitude test and demonstrate your programming skills.

I want to see which one of us got standards lowered so that we could obtain a professional position as a computer programmer.

You can skip the one about your location if you want but by asking that I'm not trying to locate you, I'm just trying to take into consideration how you fare compared to the rest of the population, if for example you're a computer programmer somewhere in Appalachia - I doubt the median pay rate would be as high as it is here in Washington state.

I am so waiting for this :)
LOL, no. The problem was that no one other than the original individuals who graded the tests saw them. You don't see a problem whereby you are told that you failed a test yet were refused to see or find out what it was you allegedly got wrong?

On top of being told that you failed the test, then the test results are SEALED? And then DESTROYED? Like I said originally, during that lawsuit the attorneys for the Black firefighters should have filed a motion for spoliation and asked the court to sanction opposing counsel and rule in their (the Black firefighters') favor:

As I recall the Fire Department didnt write the test

A 3rd party that was contracted by the city did

Are you claiming it was somehow a racest test designed to prevent black firefighters from being promoted?

If so how and why?
You never have a coherent argument. You just screem “white supremist” or “racist” for every response. All while being racist yourself.
It's funny how you white supremacists try to think. I am no racist.

And here again we see the dishonesty by a certain part of the white population.
What happened to your answer to my questions regarding your background, degree & qualifications as a computer programmer? You never answered any of my questions other than to say you were a COBOL programmer and that you were required to take a mental aptitude test and demonstrate your programming skills.

I want to see which one of us got standards lowered so that we could obtain a professional position as a computer programmer.

You can skip the one about your location if you want but by asking that I'm not trying to locate you, I'm just trying to take into consideration how you fare compared to the rest of the population, if for example you're a computer programmer somewhere in Appalachia - I doubt the median pay rate would be as high as it is here in Washington state.

I am so waiting for this :)
Most of your questions are none of your business. What matters is that I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action. They were worthless.

By every objective measurable criterion Negroes are considerably less intelligent than whites. They also have much higher crime rates. This is not because of what whites did to colored people during the last 400 hundred years. It is because of what never happened to them. Human evolution has not prepared most of them for the economic and social demands of civilization.
Your ignorance knows no bounds:
What don't I know that would cause me to agree with you if I learned?
It's funny how you white supremacists try to think. I am no racist.

And here again we see the dishonesty by a certain part of the white population.
I am not a white supremacist. I am a race realist. I explain race realism in my book review of Professor J. Philippe Rushton's book Race, Evolution and Behavior. You can find it here:

Do you have something to contribute or are you just here as an aggrieved white supremacist?

It's funny how you white supremacists try to think. I am no racist.

And here again we see the dishonesty by a certain part of the white population.
I rest my case.

So whites are entitled to 100% of all of the jobs they want?
Lisa failed to mention that in 1983 when that happened, it happened because that police department had been found in violation because it had not hired blacks and because of that the company was mandated to hire that 50 percent to come up to standards.. She uses the number 50 percent dishonestly to race bait, because if the department hired 10 cops 5 had to be black in order to become 15 percent of the police force.

You see, this is what makes these "debates"so tiring. Whites like Lisa don't know how the policy works then whines about something being racist against whiites. Lisa,, shut up and go learn how AA actually worked, beccause:

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.” -Sally Kohn

This is why Lisa ran from debating me. She's a WHITE AA beneficiary talking about how the policy discriminates against whites. A prime example of cognitive dissonance.
As I recall the Fire Department didnt write the test

A 3rd party that was contracted by the city did

Are you claiming it was somehow a racest test designed to prevent black firefighters from being promoted?

If so how and why?
My first instinct is to say that it doesn't matter who wrote the test but upon reflection I can't say that simply because NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO SEE THE TEST RESULTS.

So we don't know why ONLY the Black firefighters failed the test, if in fact they actually failed.

If I can find the time this weekend, I'll see if I can locate any of the court pleadings and other documentation in the case. I remember I did some rather extensive research into the matter when I first arrived here on the message board but that was 5 years ago and I do remember that there was a particular document I was interested in but couldn't locate.

You don't find it suspicious or in the very least odd that they sealed the test results then destroyed them? To me, that SCREAMS evidence tampering and the destruction of the one thing that could show EXACTLY what occurred with the exam.

I'm not trying to be funny, but white racists are not exactly known for their honesty and aren't above doing any number of horrible things, up to and including murder when they feel offender or disrespected or hell, if someone is just in their way.

I can think of a couple of cases in point, but I really need to sleep now. I'll pick this up tomorrow EOD.
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Most of your questions are none of your business. What matters is that I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action. They were worthless.

By every objective measurable criterion Negroes are considerably less intelligent than whites. They also have much higher crime rates. This is not because of what whites did to colored people during the last 400 hundred years. It is because of what never happened to them. Human evolution has not prepared most of them for the economic and social demands of civilization.
Surly you jest. You're here on U.S. Message Board denigrating Black people and accusing us of having inferior intelligence to you and every other race & ethnic group in the country, bragging about your own superiority and when asked questions about your profession, that's none of my business when you offered up the information when I asked the first time, just not the details?

By every objective measurable criterion, you are full of shit and not nearly as intelligent as any the Black members on this message board in spite of your cries to the contrary. We were discussing intelligence as it relates to excelling in one's career and now you're trying to deflect with the red herring of "higher crime rates"?

I asked the questions I did because just as I suspected, you are not nearly as accomplished as I am yet because of the vestiges of institutional racism, you are believed to be the end all and be all of a successful [white male] professional software developer AKA computer programmer while my accomplishments mean what exactly to you and the segment of America that is still very much racist when it comes to Black people?

As IM2 has already pointed out, you don't have a case, but I can provide you with one if you so desire.
You don't find it suspicious or in the very least odd that they sealed the test results then destroyed them?
I have never seen that documented so I cant agree or disagree

Was white racist tampering with the scores the first black excuse or did they first say that the test itself was racist?

I remember it being the latter

Which was easily shot down by logical counter arguments
Lisa failed to mention that in 1983 when that happened, it happened because that police department had been found in violation because it had not hired blacks and because of that the company was mandated to hire that 50 percent to come up to standards.. She uses the number 50 percent dishonestly to race bait, because if the department hired 10 cops 5 had to be black in order to become 15 percent of the police force.

You see, this is what makes these "debates"so tiring. Whites like Lisa don't know how the policy works then whines about something being racist against whiites. Lisa,, shut up and go learn how AA actually worked, beccause:

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.” -Sally Kohn

This is why Lisa ran from debating me. She's a WHITE AA beneficiary talking about how the policy discriminates against whites. A prime example of cognitive dissonance.
Yeah I remember trying to explain to someone how when a company is required to bring up the number of women and/or minorities in the workforce which the racists erroneously refer to as a "quota", it's generally because they've entered into a consent decree where in exchange for not having to admit to any guilt and go to court, they agree to make changes to attempt to remedy the harm that their past practices have caused.

Actually that's what Donald Trump & his dad did when they had a complaint and case against them brought for discriminatory housing. I remember Trump stating in some interview "that there was no finding of guilt" in that particular case, like they had some other option.
I have never seen that documented so I cant agree or disagree

Was white racist tampering with the scores the first black excuse or did they first say that the test itself was racist?

I remember it being the latter

Which was easily shot down by logical counter arguments
What do you mean, "the first Black excuse"?
What don't I know that would cause me to agree with you if I learned?
You're not the target audience of the article. It's primarily for people who work in Talent Acquisition who have to deal with both implicit and explicit bias when it comes to hiring pilots for the airlines.

You are not qualified to work in that role because you are a raging bigot and racist and would get your company sued unless you managed to somehow do your dirt without anyone being aware of what you're doing.
I have never seen that documented so I cant agree or disagree

Was white racist tampering with the scores the first black excuse or did they first say that the test itself was racist?

I remember it being the latter

Which was easily shot down by logical counter arguments
There was no shooting down of anything, there was only the sealing and destruction of the evidence so that EVERYONE could understand how and why ONLY the Black firefighters failed the test. That's why I said the other side should have been sanctioned for the destruction of that evidence. They knew or should have known that it was going to be needed for the civil case yet not only did they fail to preserve the evidence as required by law, they intentionally destroyed it from everything that I've read if I'm remembering this correctly.

That in and of itself makes the whole case suspect. It's no different than a rape kit disappearing, or the only witness to a murder going missing or being murdered.
What do you mean, "the first Black excuse"?
Its self explainatory

Black firefighters scored lower on the same exam that white fire fighters took

That screams the fact that black firefighters are less qualified by virtue of being less knowledgeable about firefighting

Your side has to explain that away somehow
There was no shooting down of anything, there was only the sealing and destruction of the evidence so that EVERYONE could understand how and why ONLY the Black firefighters failed the test.
You have so far failed to document that claim

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