Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show




You're not the target audience of the article. It's primarily for people who work in Talent Acquisition who have to deal with both implicit and explicit bias when it comes to hiring pilots for the airlines.

You are not qualified to work in that role because you are a raging bigot and racist and would get your company sued unless you managed to somehow do your dirt without anyone being aware of what you're doing.
Calling anyone a racist or a bigot is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. When my adversary resorts to name calling I know I have won the argument.

My racism consists of and is limited to evaluating Negroes using the same criteria I use in evaluating whites and Orientals.

By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites and Orientals. This means that very few Negroes deserve to be hired for managerial and professional positions. Diversity, equity, and inclusion is forever the enemy of excellence, merit, and qualifications.
Not if the Black candidate is more qualified but I guess in your world there exists no such person right?

I was working a project management job where I asked the agency if they didn't have any females that they could send over for me to interview. They did and I wanted to hire her but I was outvoted by the males, one of whom was the company president.

As far as I was concerned she was perfect BECAUSE she had experience in the language that the legacy system was running on, as did I. None of the guys had this experience so had I simply just accepted the best of the bunch (of males) I would have missed out on the perfect candidate, even though I was overruled as far as bringing her onboard for my project.
There you go again - ignoring what I’ve actually said to make up some false attitude and attribute it to me because you insist on seeing racism when it’s not there.

I never said the best qualified would NEVER be a black female. I said that in 94% of the cases, the best qualified would be someone else. That’s because only 6% of the population is a black female, and when you prioritize that above getting the best, and thus exclude everyone else from consideration, you end up losing out on the best qualified in 94% of the cases.

It’s simple math.
There you go again - ignoring what I’ve actually said to make up some false attitude and attribute it to me because you insist on seeing racism when it’s not there.

I never said the best qualified would NEVER be a black female. I said that in 94% of the cases, the best qualified would be someone else. That’s because only 6% of the population is a black female, and when you prioritize that above getting the best, and thus exclude everyone else from consideration, you end up losing out on the best qualified in 94% of the cases.

It’s simple math.
There is no such thing as the best qualified. That's stupid.
So whites are entitled to 100% of all of the jobs they want?
There you go again! Who said whites are entitled to 100% of the jobs they want?

But why are blacks, as in the example I gave of my local police department, entitled to 50% of the open jobs? Why should it be 3x as hard for a white to be hired as a black?

It has become so extreme, especially in the federal government, to prioritize hiring or promoting blacks over whites that you end up with the extreme cases of racism against whites. Do you think it’s fair that a white friend of mine, who had worked for the government for 16 years and had a masters’ degree, was passed over for a promotion given to the black female hired 6 months earlier, and had a mere high school diploma, and with very limited work experience?
Surly you jest. You're here on U.S. Message Board denigrating Black people and accusing us of having inferior intelligence to you and every other race & ethnic group in the country, bragging about your own superiority and when asked questions about your profession, that's none of my business when you offered up the information when I asked the first time, just not the details?

By every objective measurable criterion, you are full of shit and not nearly as intelligent as any the Black members on this message board in spite of your cries to the contrary. We were discussing intelligence as it relates to excelling in one's career and now you're trying to deflect with the red herring of "higher crime rates"?

I asked the questions I did because just as I suspected, you are not nearly as accomplished as I am yet because of the vestiges of institutional racism, you are believed to be the end all and be all of a successful [white male] professional software developer AKA computer programmer while my accomplishments mean what exactly to you and the segment of America that is still very much racist when it comes to Black people?

As IM2 has already pointed out, you don't have a case, but I can provide you with one if you so desire.
Personal insults are the second worst form of discourse. I have not said anything about your qualifications or intelligence. I have posted facts that indicate that blacks tend to be less intelligence than whites and Orientals.

Notice my use of the word "tend." I do not think, and I do not write in terms of absolute categories but in terms of tendencies and averages.

I am well aware that there are Negroes who perform and behave as well as many whites. I have even known a few Negroes who were more admirable than most of the whites I have known. Unfortunately, these are exceptional Negroes, and greatly outnumbered by the blacks who are criminals, welfare recipients, and/or academic failures.

Your resort to name calling, personal insults, and obscene words indicates that you know that what I say is true. People do not become angry when opinions they have confidence in are questioned. They become angry when opinions they desperately hope are valid, but fear are not, are questioned.

There is no such thing as the best qualified. That's stupid.
It is stupid to think "there is no such thing as best qualified."

It is intelligent to realize that the best qualified applicant is rarely a Negro, unless we are choosing for sports teams.
There you go again - ignoring what I’ve actually said to make up some false attitude and attribute it to me because you insist on seeing racism when it’s not there.

I never said the best qualified would NEVER be a black female. I said that in 94% of the cases, the best qualified would be someone else. That’s because only 6% of the population is a black female, and when you prioritize that above getting the best, and thus exclude everyone else from consideration, you end up losing out on the best qualified in 94% of the cases.

It’s simple math.
Simple math has sometimes been considered racist because blacks tend to have more difficulty learning it then whites, Orientals, and especially Jews.
abc NEWS, July 7, 2023

How corporate America is slashing DEI workers amid backlash to diversity programs​

DEI officers say they've faced cuts in the years since George Floyd's murder.

Madison Butler is one of the many diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals that companies previously brought on their payroll to ensure their business is equitable and accessible for people of all backgrounds.

But in recent months, Butler said she has found it increasingly hard to find work -- and she's not alone.

DEI positions have been disproportionately hit by layoffs across industries, but particularly at tech companies...

When Butler reached out to DEI professionals who planned to hire her for consulting, she said companies have told her: "'Oh, this person is no longer with the company.' 'Oh, this person has been laid off.' 'Oh, this person no longer works here effective last month.'


The firing of DEI "professionals" is not happening because of "ignorant prejudice" but the knowledge that Negroes rarely have the intelligence for managerial and professional jobs. Hiring managers have had three years to learn what they always knew to be true.

When the Supreme Court rules against affirmative action in hiring, millions of blacks will be fired from jobs their managers never wanted to hire them for. This will open jobs for whites and East Asians who have the intelligence to get the work done.
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It is stupid to think "there is no such thing as best qualified."

It is intelligent to realize that the best qualified applicant is rarely a Negro, unless we are choosing for sports teams.
Is that your example of an intelligent explanation?

Lisa knows she's too stupid to attempt an explanation which is why she avoids the question. You aren't even as smart as that dumb ass, apparently. :lmao:

The best qualified is obviously a subjective notion. Anyone looking for the "best" qualified is going to have different criteria for what they think the "best" is. Even in the supposed meritocracy of sports we can't get consensus on who the best or most valuable player in any league is. That's because we all have our own ideas about what the "best" would like.
There you go again! Who said whites are entitled to 100% of the jobs they want?

But why are blacks, as in the example I gave of my local police department, entitled to 50% of the open jobs? Why should it be 3x as hard for a white to be hired as a black?

It has become so extreme, especially in the federal government, to prioritize hiring or promoting blacks over whites that you end up with the extreme cases of racism against whites. Do you think it’s fair that a white friend of mine, who had worked for the government for 16 years and had a masters’ degree, was passed over for a promotion given to the black female hired 6 months earlier, and had a mere high school diploma, and with very limited work experience?
"The Inequality Taboo," by Charles Murray, From Commentary, September 1, 2005

Consider an observation furtively voiced by many who interact with civil servants: that government is riddled with people who have been promoted to their level of incompetence because of pressure to have a staff with the correct sex and ethnicity in the correct proportions and positions. Are these just anecdotes? Or should we be worrying about the effects of affirmative action on the quality of government services?[77] It would be helpful to know the answers, but we will not so long as the taboo against talking about group difference prevails.

"Qualified" is in the eye of the hiring beholder. There's any number of potential criteria, and there's any number of ways to rank the criteria to match that business.

Either way, the decision should be left with the employer, the one who is taking the risk. Not artificial mandates that force the employer to distort their criteria.

Regardless of skin color or gender or nationality or (whatever else) of an individual, assuming that an individual is inferior or superior based only on immutable characteristics is ignorant and short-sighted.
Is that why neither of you can give me an intelligent explanation for how one finds the objectively best candidate for a job?
In The Bell Curve, Charles Murray and Professor Richard Herrnstein claim that an IQ test is the best measure. I would add that an IQ test and a test of knowledge one will need in the job will find the objectively best candidate.

Nevertheless, I agree with Mac1958 that the person hiring for the job is the best judge.

There are bosses who dislike blacks, and who want nothing to do with them. There are bosses who dislike Jews and Orientals. Nevertheless, Jews and Orientals tend to earn more than white Gentiles, because bosses know that they tend to be more intelligent.
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"Qualified" is in the eye of the hiring beholder. There's any number of potential criteria, and there's any number of ways to rank the criteria to match that business.

Either way, the decision should be left with the employer, the one who is taking the risk. Not artificial mandates that force the employer to distort their criteria.

Regardless of skin color or gender or nationality or (whatever else) of an individual, assuming that an individual is inferior or superior based only on immutable characteristics is ignorant and short-sighted.
What about a bank who doesn't want to risk lending to black people. Should that be allowed?
In The Bell Curve, Charles Murray and Professor Richard Herrnstein claim that an IQ test is the best measure. I would add that an IQ test and a test of knowledge one will need in the job will fine the objectively best candidate.
Yes you idiots who like to point to the Bell Curve don't actually understand it or the fact that they have to keep recalibrating the tests because IQs have been increasing over time. The average IQs of Black Americans today is around what it was for the average white during the supposed greatest generation. Where those whites incapable?
Yes you idiots who like to point to the Bell Curve don't actually understand it or the fact that they have to keep recalibrating the tests because IQs have been increasing over time. The average IQs of Black Americans today is around what it was for the average white during the supposed greatest generation. Where those whites incapable?
Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein mention that in The Bell Curve. It is called "the Flynn Effect." Although scores go up, the race gap persists.

The Flynn Effect occurs when old IQ tests are given again. I attribute the Flynn Effect to the fact that the first tests had questions that measured knowledge an intelligent person should be expected to have. For example, one question was about who Copernicus was.

New IQ tests have been developed that require no knowledge of reading, no knowledge of mathematics, and that can be explained without the use of English. A space alien could take one of those tests. I am confident the space alien would get a perfect score in record time.
To the right you have two men who can clearly articulate their points with facts. On the left you have the embodiment of the DEI crowd, two women who are only capable of babbling bias and emotional chatter. Try to sit through the whole seven minutes if you can, but it will be challenging.

Can't stand Chris Wallace no thanks on the babbling women.

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