Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

What is the problem? And what is the current solution?
Racism. Each side of this needs to be honest and hold their side accountable. If one side starts, it will set the example for future progress. If not, both ends will just keep feeding the other all the material it needs to continue.

Now, both ends will next say "but my side isn't doing anything wrong". And any example I provide will be summarily dismissed, so I'm done trying. Here, anyway.

I've had this conversation a thousand times here, and I'm tired of it.
The idea that black people need to wait for white people to organically be not racist is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.
It sure would have been, had I actually said that.

This conversation is going nowhere, as usual. Keep doing what you're doing. Congratulations on all your success.
It sure would have been, had I actually said that.

This conversation is going nowhere, as usual. Keep doing what you're doing. Congratulations on all your success.
It doesn't go anywhere because your arguments barely say anything at all leaving the rest of us to have to interpret your meaning. What needs to happen organically? White people becoming comfortable with and accepting black people into their communities, schools and work places? Or black people organically progressing to the point of meriting inclusion? I've been assuming this whole time that your argument was the former and that you're simply a gradualist sort of servile coward but I suppose you could also just be racist. :dunno:
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Did you want her to genuflect as well? In spite of her being aware that she was being baited she still gave a very good and truthful answer, just not the one Stefanik wanted.

Asking if calling for the genocide of the Jewish people is wrong is an easy answer, it is. Asking if "calling for the genocide of the Jewish people" violates Havard's policy on harassment and bullying, Gay correctly replied that "it can be" not the blanket "yes" that Stefanik was trying to bully her into declaring. This after offering a hypothetical with no information (because it's a hypothetical) of who was doing the calling, who was the audience, and what were the circumstances - was someone on a soap box in the quad with a magaphone, was a student watching a video on their phone in which protestors were chanting "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free", was someone discussing their opinions on a telephone call and could be overheard, there are a ton of circumstances that wouldn't "automatically" rise to the level of harassment/bullying.

I know you won't like my answer anymore than you accepted Ms. Gay's answer however if you think about it, when cases make it to the U.S. Supreme Court, SCOTUS doesn't just issue a ruling stating "Yes it's Constitutional" or "No it's not Constitutional", they explain the case, other cases that are similar and which have established precedence, what law/case law they're depending up to support their rulings, etc.

Quit being so thin-skinned and seeing antisemites under every bush.

Asking if a verbal declaration made is a violation of a school's rules/policy against harassment and bullying really does "depend" upon ALL of the factors surrounding the statement made. That is entirely different than asking if making such a statement as an affirmative is wrong.
Sorry, someone who automatically defaults to “Gay was being baited” ignores that it was a simple “yes or no” question. The fact is that Gay did not want to condemn the students calling for the genocide of Jews, and that you are trying to defend her is disgusting. If a bunch of white supremacists were marching around Harvard screeching “Death to Blacks!!,” and the Harvard president said it was OK depending on the context, you would not be defending HIM.

This unqualified president of Harvard, who NEVER would have been considered if she were white, was coached on how to answer the question so as not to offend the Arabs who are financing her school.

The only minority for which leftists excuse - and reveal - an abhorrent degree of bigotry are Jews.

P.S. And as far as my being so thin-skinned and seeing antisemites everywhere, look who’s talking. You see racists who don’t exist.
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Most East Asians, unlike most colored people, are assets to the United States because of their high average IQ's, and their low rates of crime and illegitimacy.
You don't think those things exist in East Asia? The Asian immigrants who come over here to work tech jobs and earn more than you fail whites are from families that are typically better off than your average Asian. What you think is a dig on black people is actually you fail whites being systemically replaced by your betters from other countries. :lmao:
At the end of the day, you're still white Lisa. No one in the United States has forced you or your family members to wear the yellow star of David, but Black people are immediately identifiable as being Black.

No one has to know that you're Jewish unless you want them to.
Actually, that isn’t true in all instances. And somehow, you think it’s OK that Jews are now being so attacked and assaulted that we have to HIDE our Jewishness, if we can?

Besides, the point was that Jews, when faced with antisemites who wouldn’t hire them, moved to DC to get jobs with the federal government.

And P.S. The Star of David we wear, or used to before we are getting harassed, was not YELLOW.
Just imagine where Jews would be had they not been given their land?

Which was taken by force from another group BTW.
Just imagine where Jews would be if the Arabs hadn’t driven them out of the entire Middle East, stealing their property and assets? In one case, ome Arab coumtry forced the Jews they kicked out to first sign papers bequeathing their property to the Jew-haters who kicked them out?

You never mention that side of the equation, do you?
Coyote used to attack me all the time, and you didn’t have a problem with that.
You don't get attacked because you're Jewish Lisa. You get attacked because you're a disgusting human being who likes to compare Black Americans to Jews without acknowledging the billions in reparations your people have gotten and are still getting. I think Germany just announced they're giving another billion, on top of 36 billion they've already given Israel, going to the victims of the Holocaust the world over. When you support the same for Black Americans then maybe we won't think you're a disgusting piece of shit.
Just imagine where Jews would be had they not been given their land?

Which was taken by force from another group BTW.
What a sec…you antisemite. We are talking about how DIE iniatives lead to hiring less qualified people (in most cases), and you divert to a lie about Jews and Israel?
But of course the whites can go where they can get hired as well. :rolleyes:

Your concern seems to always be one sided.

As I’ve pointed that out to you several times now. I can only conclude that it’s intentional.
It's one-sided because this individual is clearly a young, white supremacist, male likely found in this picture...

What a sec…you antisemite. We are talking about how DIE iniatives lead to hiring less qualified people (in most cases), and you divert to a lie about Jews and Israel?
Which one of these guys is you?

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