Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

Meister, you don''t get to determine things.. The fact DTMB is Asian is imperative to any discussion of DEI. Asiians are included in DEI, so for an Asian to post a white racist meme about equity is just dumb..

Most East Asians, unlike most colored people, are assets to the United States because of their high average IQ's, and their low rates of crime and illegitimacy.
It is zero sum. What else could it be? Whites are the fucking majority in every mfng category and whites like you whine about reverse racism because non whites want inclusion.
East Asians are catching up with us on the basis of merit. Negroes are discriminated in favor of with affirmative action programs. They still lag behind.
The problem comes from white resentment of racial equality.
Mac it doesn't matter how it's done. When it was left up to the white race to self-correct, they didn't do it. When slavery was abolished, they created Jim Crow. When Jim Crow was rendered null & void by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and affirmative action called for people to be treated in their employment "without respect" to their race, gender, nationality, etc. whites created the lie that affirmative action was displacing "highly qualified white job seekers" by hiring "unqualified black job seekers".

Every major accomplishment made by Black people as a whole was met with ferocious violence and pushback including whites willing to kill Black people to keep them from voting simply so that their power base would not be weakened.

IM2 is correct, the resentment has NOTHING to do with the mechanism of how equally is attempted, it's everything to do with a resentment of Black people being in what whites consider "their spaces", occupying "their jobs", intermingling, socializing and marrying "their people".

It's resentment that society is finally listening and showing that they care about the injustices that they were previously blind to in how Black people in America have been treated by law enforcement and our two-tier justice system, as well as all of the other societal injustices.

It's resentment against Black people full-stop, period.
Because of the enormous race gap in intelligence and achievement, achieving racial equality in rewards always requires dropping standards for blacks.
UNLESS they actually have the ability and talent and can show it as every other applicant is required to do then frankly it's a BAD THING!!.

But it is true. The average black IQ is 85. The average white IQ is 100. It is not possible to achieve equity without advancing blacks to positions where they obviously lack the intelligence to perform adequately. I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action. Their incompetence was obvious to everyone.
What do you do for a living?
There was no plagarism. Here we see your racism. You never considered questioning the qualifications of the white presidents before her and you mindllessly accept a story about plagarism that was investigated by the University and found to be untrue. She was not anti semitic either. And you don''t question the attack on her which was not done on any of the previous white presidents of Harvard.
There was too plagiarism. Moreover, Claudine Gay was the only Harvard president who had never written a book, and who would not be required to attend faculty meetings. Those who appointed her did not want to stress her lean talents.
But it is true. The average black IQ is 85. The average white IQ is 100. It is not possible to achieve equity without advancing blacks to positions where they obviously lack the intelligence to perform adequately. I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action. Their incompetence was obvious to everyone.
It's not true and what does it say about your intelligence if you believe something that can so easily be proven false?
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What do you do for a living?
I am a retired computer programmer. To get my last job I had to pass a mental aptitude test and another test of my knowledge of computer programming.

On the internet it is easy to claim high distinctions. If a poster's posts are unimpressive, the claims merit skepticism.
I am a retired computer programmer. To get my last job I had to pass a mental aptitude test and another test of my knowledge of computer programming.

On the internet it is easy to claim high distinctions. If a poster's posts are unimpressive, the claims merit skepticism.
What language(s)?
It's not true and what does it say about your intelligence if you believe something that can so easily be proven false?
What about this,



2006 College & University
Guidance, Scholarships, Money and Info Gateways
(For Students, Parents, College Advisors, Mentors,
and Cultural Groups)

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity: 2003

In recent years the noted pattern of test scores has reflected similar numbers--
Editor, 2005

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• American Indian---482/480 (962)
• Asian American-----575/508 (1083)
• African American-----426/431 (857)
• Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)

Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)

• White-----534/529 (1063)
• Other ----513/501 (1014)


Average ACT Composite Score by Race/Ethnicity, 2003

• African American ----16.9
• American Indian---18.7
• Caucasian---- 21.7
• Mexican American----18.3
• Asian American---- 21.8
• Hispanic----19.0
• Other ----19.3
• Multiracial-----20.9
• Prefer Not to Respond -----21.8
• No Response-----20.1


and this,

. The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans.

don't you understand?
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I want to jump in on this.

I see two types of diversity, in general: Organic diversity and artificial (forced) diversity.

Organic diversity is wonderful. It's America. It gives us our edge over the rest of the world. It's the diversity that my (mixed race) children had growing up, where no one gives two shits about skin color in friends or family. I see a LOT of it in my children's generation. They just don't care. Awesome.

Then there is artificial (forced) diversity. You have to look at skin color. If person A has the preferred skin color and person B does not, you give person A the edge, and that includes lowering standards for person A if needed. And it will be enforced. And you'll be punished in some way if you stray from the rule -- professionally, socially, every possible way.

What do you honestly think is going to happen here? 2 things. EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED. Sustained periods of lowering standards are going to affect quality, and you will undoubtedly see frustration and resentment from people represented by person B build and build. This has been been building over DECADES. And any expression of that resentment ALSO leads to attacks and punishment. It only gets worse.

Then along comes some shameless, mentally ill celebrity billionaire who gives a voice and validation to those decades of building resentment and frustration and lets it all out. Frees it. Pushes it. And the shit hits the fan.

This is what has played out. It could NOT be more clear to me, and I sure as hell seen it affect my mixed race family and people I know.
The idea that black people need to wait for white people to organically be not racist is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. Should we have waited organically for the South to give up their slaves or segregation? The socio-economic disparities that exist for black families translate into higher poverty rates, higher crime rates, higher rates of victim hood from crimes, higher rates of illiteracy, higher rates of physical and mental health issues, higher rates of depression and homelessness and food insecurity. Why should Black Americans have to wait until racists get their heads right for us to address these inequalities? Whatever half you're mixed with it sure as fuck ain't black because you wouldn't be looking at little half black children running around your house and thinking to yourself they need to wait on racists to organically accept them. That's some bullshit Mac.
All 13% don't have to be employed, but if Blacks make up 13% of the U.S. population our representation in the workforce should be close to 13% as well.
That would only be true if Negroes on the average were as intelligent as whites and East Asians. It is obvious they are not.
The idea that black people need to wait for white people to organically be not racist is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.

White racism will cease when blacks stop reinforcing it with their average performance and behavior.
The advocates of DEI know that their arguments will not survive critical scrutiny. That is why they try to suppress the discussion. When they cannot do that they rely on insults, name calling, and logical fallacies.

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