Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

You are definitely proving this right.

If my memory serves me correctly, that is a Rassmussen poll where 100 blacks were asked if blacks were more racist. And only 27 percent thought that. But white racists run with this poll to deny their problem. 27 percent is not the American people and most certainly 100 blacks out of 48 million don't prove shit.

Because after Charlottesville an IPSO poll showed that 31 percent of whites agreed with white supremacist beliefs. Therefore America knows that whites are more racist. Now what needs to be done is that whites like you need to stop whining and pretending your asses don't take race into consideration for things. Racial preferences are why whites are where they are. Without this help, you would be nothing and thats why we see this dishonest bs about DEI.
From where merit is the top deciding priority to where it isn't.

I find it troubling that holding standards up -- to wherever they were in any given context -- has to be defended.
I find it troubling that you're arguing the white racist argument and how you choose to deny history in order to do so. You know finances but this is where you show a severe lack of knowledge. Yet you willl argue with people who have studied this for a living.

DEI was created to force merit to be a consideration. Because it never has been. It does not mean lowered standards because without such policies stupid white men get jobs over more qualified women and minorities.
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It's not so far fetched when you understand that it's because these people descend from a lineage of evil.

They haven't changed, and in fact, these people are worse than their racist descendants, because they both know better, and are able to do something about it, but they don't and they won't.

It's evil personified. That's what we're witnessing.
Racist descendants? I know, it was racist and doubtlessly evil of me to point that out.
How in the hell is diversity reverse racism?
I want to jump in on this.

I see two types of diversity, in general: Organic diversity and artificial (forced) diversity.

Organic diversity is wonderful. It's America. It gives us our edge over the rest of the world. It's the diversity that my (mixed race) children had growing up, where no one gives two shits about skin color in friends or family. I see a LOT of it in my children's generation. They just don't care. Awesome.

Then there is artificial (forced) diversity. You have to look at skin color. If person A has the preferred skin color and person B does not, you give person A the edge, and that includes lowering standards for person A if needed. And it will be enforced. And you'll be punished in some way if you stray from the rule -- professionally, socially, every possible way.

What do you honestly think is going to happen here? 2 things. EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED. Sustained periods of lowering standards are going to affect quality, and you will undoubtedly see frustration and resentment from people represented by person B build and build. This has been been building over DECADES. And any expression of that resentment ALSO leads to attacks and punishment. It only gets worse.

Then along comes some shameless, mentally ill celebrity billionaire who gives a voice and validation to those decades of building resentment and frustration and lets it all out. Frees it. Pushes it. And the shit hits the fan.

This is what has played out. It could NOT be more clear to me, and I sure as hell seen it affect my mixed race family and people I know.
It was a simple question, and Gay’s respond was deplorable. That you defend a woman afraid to point-blank condemn calls to genocide Jews is equally as deplorable.

Glad the woman was fired from her post. I just wish they had dismissed her from Harvard entirely.

Ms. Gay’s answer was both correct, and well reasoned. Your response is deplorable, but I’ve come to expect no less from someone as racist and deplorable as you.

You’re really fucking quick to label others is insufficiently sensitive to the racial biases while, you trash every non-white that passes your doorway.

The Israelis have squandered all of the goodwill of the world after the horrific attacks on October 7, but buterching more than 25,000 Palestinians civilians - more than half of whom are women and children.

Netanyahu has been funding Hamas, through Qatar, and he’s Bernie using them to frighten his voters into keeping him in power.
When in the world did I deny that racism exists? Show me.

Here's something that I did actually say, post 68: "First, there is the old fashioned, mouth breathing, buttcrack scratching, ignorant, bigoted, manipulated, paranoid racism that you and I goddamn well both know still exists. We certainly see plenty of it on this board, and we're both called evil Hitler commies for pointing it out. And to me, even worse is the way it's denied and enabled by so many on the Right."

What I am ACTUALLY saying is that I see counterproductive tactics being used on both ends of this issue, they're as clear as day to me, and that they both feed into the other, they both give ammo to the other, and IT JUST MAKES THINGS WORSE. And this growing tension gave us TRUMPISM.

We have to get past binary thinking, we have to be able to be intellectually honest, we have to hold our own accountable, BOTH ends of the issue, before it can be adequately addressed. I want this fixed. And I know it will take effort from one end to the other.

While I disagree with much of what you've said, Trumpism is the result of 40 years of Republicans lying about blacks and using race to divide Americans, starting with his "welfare queens" lie. The whole "urban versus rural" divide has always been about race.

The past 40 years has seen Republicans basically adopt a scorched earth policy of lying to the American people about race and demonizing blacks, Hispanics and democrats. Just like Trump has spent the last 3 years lying about January 6th.

Any lie to retain power. Keeping white people in a state of fear and outrage to keep them voting Republican.

As long as Republicans are permitted to lie about everything, and then claim "freedom of speech", you won't solve ANYTHING.

The problem really isn't "both sides". The problem is that one side is lying - about everything.
You hit on the actual, practical issue here -- resentment -- and I think the Left underestimates its profound importance.
I think you're so busy accomodating white right wing beliefs that you only seem to consider what whites think as important. Do you not see how the right doesn't GAF about the resentment they have created with their continuing racism? And do you not consider the profound importance of non white resentment to whites trying to reestablish whites only policies?
Ms. Gay’s answer was both correct, and well reasoned. Your response is deplorable, but I’ve come to expect no less from someone as racist and deplorable as you.

You’re really fucking quick to label others is insufficiently sensitive to the racial biases while, you trash every non-white that passes your doorway.

The Israelis have squandered all of the goodwill of the world after the horrific attacks on October 7, but buterching more than 25,000 Palestinians civilians - more than half of whom are women and children.

Netanyahu has been funding Hamas, through Qatar, and he’s Bernie using them to frighten his voters into keeping him in power.

While I disagree with much of what you've said, Trumpism is the result of 40 years of Republicans lying about blacks and using race to divide Americans, starting with his "welfare queens" lie. The whole "urban versus rural" divide has always been about race.

The past 40 years has seen Republicans basically adopt a scorched earth policy of lying to the American people about race and demonizing blacks, Hispanics and democrats. Just like Trump has spent the last 3 years lying about January 6th.

Any lie to retain power. Keeping white people in a state of fear and outrage to keep them voting Republican.

As long as Republicans are permitted to lie about everything, and then claim "freedom of speech", you won't solve ANYTHING.

The problem really isn't "both sides". The problem is that one side is lying - about everything.
Both ends of this issue tell me that it's all 100% the other end's fault.

So I'm not very hopeful this will be fixed any time soon.
From where merit is the top deciding priority to where it isn't.

I find it troubling that holding standards up -- to wherever they were in any given context -- has to be defended.
Have you ever considered this? When the makeup of an entire profession is white or white/male how is it that we end up with people losing their jobs due to things like white collar crime, theft of company property, violations of policy including misuse of company computer systems to gamble, spend time posting on social media, watching pornography, etc. stuff like this? And this doesn't even take into consideration domestic violence, harassment, bullying, stalking, etc. on the jobsite.

Or forgetting to bolt in the plug door on a Boeing 737 MAX 9.

Or better yet, redesigning the 737 to create then737 MAX and making it less aerodynamic which then requires compensating for its tendency to nose up by using software to force the nose down when it's onboard computer, the MCAS system mistakenly believes that the plane is getting ready to stall. MCAS then forces the nose down not realizing that the reason for the nose high attitude is because the plane is in the take-off phase and needs to climb, sometimes steeply. The "dumb" computer (as opposed to a smart one) is oblivious to the fact that the aircraft is in a climb to cruising altitude and forces the nose down, thereby flying it into the ground in one case and the ocean in the other.

I haven't heard ANYTHING to date about these problems being caused by "diversity hiring" so is THIS the standard you're referring to Mac? What's the standard when everyone is a white male? Or just white?
Have you ever considered this? When the makeup of an entire profession is white or white/male how is it that we end up with people losing their jobs due to things like white collar crime, theft of company property, violations of policy including misuse of company computer systems to gamble, spend time posting on social media, watching pornography, etc. stuff like this? And this doesn't even take into consideration domestic violence, harassment, bullying, stalking, etc. on the jobsite.

Or forgetting to bolt in the plug door on a Boeing 737 MAX 9.

Or better yet, redesigning the 737 to create then737 MAX and making it less aerodynamic which then requires compensating for its tendency to nose up by using software to force the nose down when it's onboard computer, the MCAS system mistakenly believes that the plane is getting ready to stall. MCAS then forces the nose down not realizing that the reason for the nose high attitude is because the plane is in the take-off phase and needs to climb, sometimes steeply. The "dumb" computer (as opposed to a smart one) is oblivious to the fact that the aircraft is in a climb to cruising altitude and forces the nose down, thereby flying it into the ground in one case and the ocean in the other.

I haven't heard ANYTHING to date about these problems being caused by "diversity hiring" so is THIS the standard you're referring to Mac? What's the standard when everyone is a white male? Or just white?
You haven't heard anything from me on that because I haven't said anything on that.

One of these days, I will be criticized here (by both ends) for things I actually SAY.

I don't assign race to any of what you said. That's you doing it. How do you know the race of the person who screwed up with the airplane? Or the gender? I sure as hell don't, and I know the screwup could have happened in any number of ways.
Here we go again. I've proven this to be a lie twice now.

This is why I don't bother here.
Mac, It's exactly WTF you're doing. Your entire analysis of this is wrong. The problem comes from white resentment of racial equality. And that's a problem that cannot be compromised with, rationalized or accepted. There are no 2 wrong sides in this and as long as you believe this you are indeed repeating the white racist narrative.
You haven't heard anything from me on that because I haven't said anything on that.

One of these days, I will be criticized here (by both ends) for things I actually SAY.

I don't assign race to any of what you said. That's you doing it. How do you know the race of the person who screwed up with the airplane? Or the gender? I sure as hell don't, and I know the screwup could have happened in any number of ways.
You are getting criticized for what you say.
Mac, It's exactly WTF you're doing. Your entire analysis of this is wrong. The problem comes from white resentment of racial equality. And that's a problem that cannot be compromised with, rationalized or accepted. There are no 2 wrong sides in this and as long as you believe this you are indeed repeating the white racist narrative.
I agree completely. The problem comes from white resentment of racial equality. That's my point. Not always the IDEA of racial equality, not always the PURPOSE of racial equality, but the way it has been approached. The way it has been implemented. The way it has been enforced. Human nature is playing out predictably, and that resentment is now threatening the very existence of our democracy.

The Left has chosen to COMPLETELY ignore this. And now we have Trumpism. Hey, great job there.

Trumpsters tell me they want to "Make America Great Again". Hey, fantastic. Let's do that! Let's really improve things. I just don't like the way they go about doing it. I don't like the way they want to force it. I don't like their tactics, because I don't think they'll work. I don't like their complete lack of curiosity or willingness to consider other ideas and strategies. I look at results and I can see that I'm correct.
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I would like to know how many times IM2 had the N word keyed across the hood of his car, had his school locker spray painted with the same, had someone trespass into his house and destroy a black symbol, had his clothes mocked as ”African clothes,” and, of course….had his parents’ immediate families SLAUGHTERED for being black.

IM2 needs to get it through his thick skull that other people have suffered too, and succeeded despite that - largely by taking control of the things in their own community, and within themselves, to make for a better life.
At the end of the day, you're still white Lisa. No one in the United States has forced you or your family members to wear the yellow star of David, but Black people are immediately identifiable as being Black.

No one has to know that you're Jewish unless you want them to.

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