Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

Blacks have the same opportunity. You’re telling me that blacks can’t get hired anywhere? Why not just go to the federal government, which is very biased TOWARD blacks? That’s why Jews did when all the antisemites wouldn’t hire them.

You leftists making excuses for blacks who can’t get jobs isn’t helping them. In fact, black females are sitting in the driver’s seat these days.
Just imagine where they’d be if they could get hired anywhere like white folks.
Just imagine where they’d be if they could get hired anywhere like white folks.
Except we were talking about Jews, who can’t. And yet they still succeeded without making excuses. Had to move out of their cities to get jobs with the federal government, but that’s what they did.

Just imagine where the blacks would be if they followed the Jews’ example.
Except we were talking about Jews, who can’t. And yet they still succeeded without making excuses. Had to move out of their cities to get jobs with the federal government, but that’s what they did.

Just imagine where the blacks would be if they followed the Jews’ example.
Jews were given reparations and their own country Lisa....
Except we were talking about Jews, who can’t. And yet they still succeeded without making excuses. Had to move out of their cities to get jobs with the federal government, but that’s what they did.

Just imagine where the blacks would be if they followed the Jews’ example.
If only you had as much concern for diverse applicants as the whites that you lament are hurt by their inclusion.

You have zero self awareness.

On the one hand diverse candidates should simply suck it up and look elsewhere .
On the other it’s unfair to whites to choose diverse candidates.

You wear you bias proudly for all to see.
If only you had as much concern for diverse applicants as the whites that you lament are hurt by their inclusion.

You have zero self awareness.

On the one hand diverse candidates should simply suck it up and look elsewhere .
On the other it’s unfair to whites to choose diverse candidates.

You wear you bias proudly for all to see.
And you proudly support racism against whites.

And yes….a “diverse candidate” (What’s that….someone half white and half black?) who finds himself rejected by a racist hiring manager should go where they CAN be hired. It’s the exact same thing the Jews did when antisemites wouldn’t hire THEM - and they turned out to have successful lives.

I don’t hear your crying that Jews faced prejudice and were rejected. Only blacks. I repeat: blacks who come up against a racist hiring manager should move on and go where he will be appreciated.
And you proudly support racism against whites.

And yes….a “diverse candidate” (What’s that….someone half white and half black?) who finds himself rejected by a racist hiring manager should go where they CAN be hired. It’s the exact same thing the Jews did when antisemites wouldn’t hire THEM - and they turned out to have successful lives.

I don’t hear your crying that Jews faced prejudice and were rejected. Only blacks. I repeat: blacks who come up against a racist hiring manager should move on and go where he will be appreciated.
But of course the whites can go where they can get hired as well. :rolleyes:

Your concern seems to always be one sided.

As I’ve pointed that out to you several times now. I can only conclude that it’s intentional.
But of course the whites can go where they can get hired as well. :rolleyes:

Your concern seems to always be one sided.

As I’ve pointed that out to you several times now. I can only conclude that it’s intentional.
One-sided? I said the Jews went elsewhere also. Funny how you skip right over that. But then again, you’re a Dem….and your concern is only with blacks. Jews? Eh.

And I’ll point out your obvious bias: you don’t think blacks should go elsewhere, but you’re fine with whites going elsewhere.

One-sided? I said the Jews went elsewhere also. Funny how you skip right over that. But then again, you’re a Dem….and your concern is only with blacks. Jews? Eh.

And I’ll point out your obvious bias: you don’t think blacks should go elsewhere, but you’re fine with whites going elsewhere.

Like I said.

Zero self awareness.
Do you see this shit that these lefties spew, they don't want to 'allow' you to raise or educate your children as you see fit, they think they know better than you do what is best for your children. They state it every day in bullshit ways just like this, this is what they really want, total control over your life and the lives of your family. They mean what they say, don't ever believe otherwise.
Oh you mean like this?


It was a simple question, and Gay’s respond was deplorable. That you defend a woman afraid to point-blank condemn calls to genocide Jews is equally as deplorable.

Glad the woman was fired from her post. I just wish they had dismissed her from Harvard entirely.
Did you want her to genuflect as well? In spite of her being aware that she was being baited she still gave a very good and truthful answer, just not the one Stefanik wanted.

Asking if calling for the genocide of the Jewish people is wrong is an easy answer, it is. Asking if "calling for the genocide of the Jewish people" violates Havard's policy on harassment and bullying, Gay correctly replied that "it can be" not the blanket "yes" that Stefanik was trying to bully her into declaring. This after offering a hypothetical with no information (because it's a hypothetical) of who was doing the calling, who was the audience, and what were the circumstances - was someone on a soap box in the quad with a magaphone, was a student watching a video on their phone in which protestors were chanting "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free", was someone discussing their opinions on a telephone call and could be overheard, there are a ton of circumstances that wouldn't "automatically" rise to the level of harassment/bullying.

I know you won't like my answer anymore than you accepted Ms. Gay's answer however if you think about it, when cases make it to the U.S. Supreme Court, SCOTUS doesn't just issue a ruling stating "Yes it's Constitutional" or "No it's not Constitutional", they explain the case, other cases that are similar and which have established precedence, what law/case law they're depending up to support their rulings, etc.

Quit being so thin-skinned and seeing antisemites under every bush.

Asking if a verbal declaration made is a violation of a school's rules/policy against harassment and bullying really does "depend" upon ALL of the factors surrounding the statement made. That is entirely different than asking if making such a statement as an affirmative is wrong.
It was a simple question, and Gay’s respond was deplorable. That you defend a woman afraid to point-blank condemn calls to genocide Jews is equally as deplorable.

Glad the woman was fired from her post. I just wish they had dismissed her from Harvard entirely.
Lisa just because you're ignorant of how violations of policies are determined, doesn't make me deplorable, nor Ms. Gay.

On the other hand, this should make you feel better - an awesome Jewish lady hired me into my current position :)
That one lady who is "infuriated" is complaining about something the Left created. When a minority is included, there will always be a question as to why. THAT'S BECAUSE THE LEFT DEMANDED THE INCLUSION IN THE FIRST PLACE. Exactly what were they expecting when they dropped standards and made immutable characteristics like race and gender a higher priority than merit?

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off about the Left.

And this is a great example of the systemic racism, that you refuse to acknowledge exists.

When you assume that the minority or the woman or anyone, other than the white male, is unqualified, you provide proof positive as to why “inclusion” needs to be legislated.

When a white male is appointed to anything there is never any questions as to whether he’s qualified.

When Justin Trudeau appointed first cabinet, half of his appointees were and are women. The howls of outrage over the appointment of “unqualified women” were heard nationwide.

No one has ever questioned the qualifications any of the white men he appointed, or any of the white men that any other Prime Minister had appointed to cabinet.

Anytime, I see a minority in an all otherwise all white or all mail list of leaders, my assumption is that the minority had to be an exceptional person to get past all of the white men ahead of them.
That’s not what he said. He said that merit should be the top priority - IOW, hire the most qualified for the job. Why would you assume that means that females or minorities are automatically less qualified for any and all jobs?
Lisa this is what Mac stated:Mac1958 said:
Nope. I'm saying that merit is either the top priority or it is not. Skin color irrelevant. And if we drop standards for any reason, we're hurting ourselves. When we maintain standards, we all end up winning.

Why do you all feel a need to state "when we maintain standards" in context of diversity hiring because that's what you're referring to, the hiring of women and minorities, whether you think we cannot see what you're doing or not, that's what you're doing. And that is exactly what he said Lisa.

It is clear that, IN THIS INSTANCE, Gay was hired because Harvard decided that being a black female (and obviously a liberal) was the top priority, and then, of that group, she was the best. The problem is that Harvard limited themselves to 6% of the population in making their decision.
Wow, that's some convoluted reasoning you've got going on there.
And this is a great example of the systemic racism, that you refuse to acknowledge exists.

When you assume that the minority or the woman or anyone, other than the white male, is unqualified, you provide proof positive as to why “inclusion” needs to be legislated.

When a white male is appointed to anything there is never any questions as to whether he’s qualified.

When Justin Trudeau appointed first cabinet, half of his appointees were and are women. The howls of outrage over the appointment of “unqualified women” were heard nationwide.

No one has ever questioned the qualifications any of the white men he appointed, or any of the white men that any other Prime Minister had appointed to cabinet.

Anytime, I see a minority in an all otherwise all white or all mail list of leaders, my assumption is that the minority had to be an exceptional person to get past all of the white men ahead of them.
When in the world did I deny that racism exists? Show me.

Here's something that I did actually say, post 68: "First, there is the old fashioned, mouth breathing, buttcrack scratching, ignorant, bigoted, manipulated, paranoid racism that you and I goddamn well both know still exists. We certainly see plenty of it on this board, and we're both called evil Hitler commies for pointing it out. And to me, even worse is the way it's denied and enabled by so many on the Right."

What I am ACTUALLY saying is that I see counterproductive tactics being used on both ends of this issue, they're as clear as day to me, and that they both feed into the other, they both give ammo to the other, and IT JUST MAKES THINGS WORSE. And this growing tension gave us TRUMPISM.

We have to get past binary thinking, we have to be able to be intellectually honest, we have to hold our own accountable, BOTH ends of the issue, before it can be adequately addressed. I want this fixed. And I know it will take effort from one end to the other.
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"Racism" is a human foible. Depicting it as "white" is itself racist. There is discrimination in every society towards some others. Americans make the mistake of taking their nation to be "the world". The fact that there are "racial" problems here is just a symptom of the human condition. Surely, it needs attention and redress, but it must be done with great care and intelligence. Ignorant bigots will never be won over by cornering them.
Says the board's black racist .
Just remember, IM2, DEI isn't going to produce any reparations for you.
Even the democrat politicians know they can't afford what you expect.
But, it's an election year, so they'll say just about anything.
You're a moderator and you get to attack Black members of the board in this manner?

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