Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

No, DTMB is an Asian and what he posted was some white racist garbage.. He's been so affected by internalized racism that he ignores the fact the DEI includes Asians.

As for you and those like you, your opinions relative to this matter shows a dishonesty that is nothing less than evil.
Oh, and one other thing, DEI in it's context that is being driven, is in fact, racism.
So shove that up your ass, IM2.
Like I said, you can't comprehend. IM2. Your racism and hatred blind any common sense to the subject.
You didn't have to bring up Asian in your quote, it added nothing to the conversation. If I referred to you
as Black IM2, or African American IM2 you would call me a racist. In fact you even responded in a thread that's
centered around the term African American.....and took offense to it.
What's wrong with YOU???
Meister, you don''t get to determine things.. The fact DTMB is Asian is imperative to any discussion of DEI. Asiians are included in DEI, so for an Asian to post a white racist meme about equity is just dumb.. Meister why was I calling people racist in the 500th thread made by whites telling blacks how we should not call ourselves African Americans when no threads have ever been made by whites telling whiite ethnic grooupps the same thing? You racists love the false equivalence.
Of course not.

At some point we have to stop using race and/or gender as a data point, a criteria, a test, and just choose whomever the "chooser" thinks is THE BEST available person for the slot, whatever that is.

When you lower standards you lower quality. When you lower standards over a elongated period of time, the decrease in quality accelerates. I don't think that's a crazy philosophy.

Further, when you lower standards, you take away the incentive to improve, and you're slowing that individual's potential growth. When you make excuses for that person and keep standards low, you are hurting them and those around them. You enable and validate their mediocrity. Again, I don't think that's a crazy philosophy.

I can't think of a better example of this than the last occupant of the White House.
Mac, you say of course not then go on for two paragraphs about lowering standards. :rolleyes:
Do you even read what you post?? :auiqs.jpg:
Just remember, if you're lucky, and I say if you're lucky, you may live to 72.
You cannot show one example of me being a Jim Crow bigot, or any kind of racist, yet here you are, spewing your
ignorance for all to read.
That is just priceless. :rolleyes-41:

Carry on, young man, don't stop now.
Meister I have been black going on 63 years. I've seen white bigotry in every form. You are a bigot. I will live as long as God says I can, luck has nothing to do with it.
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Meister, you don''t get to determine things.. The fact DTMB is Asian is imperative to any discussion of DEI. Asiians are included in DEI, so for an Asian to post a white racist meme about equity is just dumb.. Meister why was I calling people racist in the 500th thread made by whites telling blacks how we should not call ourselves African Americans when no threads have ever been made by whites telling whiite ethnic grooupps the same thing? You racists love the false equivalence.
Says the board's black racist .
Just remember, IM2, DEI isn't going to produce any reparations for you.
Even the democrat politicians know they can't afford what you expect.
But, it's an election year, so they'll say just about anything.
I think that our race issue would improve dramatically if both ends would stop pointing at the other and hold their own side accountable.

The behaviors of each only confirm and validate the arguments of the other. They feed each other.
It’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Ignoring it only allows the inequality to persist.

I expect and demand better of our people and our society. As should you.
Meister I have been black going on 63 years. I've seen white bigotry in every form. You are a bigot. I will live as long as God says I can, luck has nothing to doo with it.
Obviously, you can't produce anything that resembles my being a racist, or a bigot....other than the fact that I do not agree with you.
You have to redefine the words to include me. :eusa_whistle:
It’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Ignoring it only allows the inequality to persist.

I expect and demand better of our people and our society. As should you.
That's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm ignoring nothing.

I point out that racism still exists on a large scale, regularly. Including this thread.

Seeing both sides doesn't mean I'm ignoring one.
Not it isn't. Whites are not entitled to every job,, and in every case whites aren't the most qualified. Don't let Chris Rufo tell you what DEI is.
That's why I said, "in it's context that is being driven". It's just reverse discrimination, which you lap up.
Who the hell is Chris Rufo? I'll have to look him up.
Says the board's black racist .
Just remember, IM2, DEI isn't going to produce any reparations for you.
Even the democrat politicians know they can't afford what you expect.
But, it's an election year, so they'll say just about anything.
There are no black racists on this board. And when you see me declaring the inherent superiority of the black race, feel free to call me a racist.. But holding white members of the American right accountable for racism isn't racism.

Agaiin, evidence exists that shows how whites have been the beneficary of the equivalent of a minimum of 500 trillion dollars worth of government economic assistance that blacks were excluded from durung the last century. So nobody is going to listen to anything you have to say about what you don't think blacks are not going to get, or what the politicians can't afford. Once a national study is commissioned, ignorant whites like yourself will be silenced.
Your first paragraph scolds the poster for assuming that females and minorities are less qualified and that only merit matters.
Something she didn’t do by the way.

Then in your second you literally go on a rant about how this woman of color was not hired on her merits but was hired simply to check a box. Something you couldn’t possibly know by the way.

Could you be any less self aware?
It’s obvious that the woman I discussed - the Affirmative Action plagarist who is unable to condemn calls to genocide Jews - was not selected because she was the most qualified, competent person in the nation to fulfill that role. Her diversity quotient came first.

Can you be any more in denial?
That's why I said, "in it's context that is being driven". It's just reverse discrimination, which you lap up.
Who the hell is Chris Rufo? I'll have to look him up.
No, its not reverse discrimination because whites would still get the majority of the jobs using DEI. It's time you right wingers got rid of zero sum thinking.
There are no black racists on this board. And when you see me declaring the inherent superiority of the black race, feel free to call me a racist.. But holding white members of the American right accountable for racism isn't racism.

Agaiin, evidence exists that shows how whites have been the beneficary of the equivalent of a minimum of 500 trillion dollars worth of government economic assistance that blacks were excluded from durung the last century. So nobody is going to listen to anything you have to say about what you don't think blacks are not going to get, or what the politicians can't afford. Once a national study is commissioned, ignorant whites like yourself will be silenced.
Sure, IM2, sure. :laughing0301:
That's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm ignoring nothing.

I point out that racism still exists on a large scale, regularly. Including this thread.

Seeing both sides doesn't mean I'm ignoring one.
You suggested doing just that. You suggested “both sides” need to address their issues. Which issues do qualified diverse candidates need to address? Their diversity or their lack of qualifications?
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