Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

To the right you have two men who can clearly articulate their points with facts. On the left you have the embodiment of the DEI crowd, two women who are only capable of babbling bias and emotional chatter. Try to sit through the whole seven minutes if you can, but it will be challenging.

That one stupid bitch that claims to be a Person of Color but is really White needs to be slapped upside the head.

That video was sickening to watch.

My god these Libtards are idiots and out of touch with reality.

There is a reason we call them Moon Bats.
Nobody is talking about zero sum....perhaps that's what you project me as to saying. But, I'm not.
It is zero sum. What else could it be? Whites are the fucking majority in every mfng category and whites like you whine about reverse racism because non whites want inclusion.
How about the white presidents before her? You need to get out of that right wing bubble.
What do you have on them? I really don't know. But somebody should have vetted
her plagiarism....that was a no brainer. Was she really the most qualified black person to
have thrown their name in? Or, was she a female far left person who happened to be antiemetic.
Perhaps, go after the most qualified instead of checking the boxes.
No, I really haven't but when a person uses terms I heard him say during interviews, it kinda gives you away.

Yeah, cause as a leftist you believe no one can have their own original thoughts, they must be regurgitating the propaganda they've been fed, just like you do on a daily basis. :itsok: Sorry to disappoint you, but I have never listened to him, nor have I ever heard him say anything I've said. I don't even know which specific things I said that you think I just repeated from hearing him talk. Everything I said was based on my own, real world experiences. :dunno:
It sure seemed that way with Harvard and their choice of presidents with Claudine Gay.
…and their decision to keep paying someone like her $900,000 a year.

If a Jewish president was caught plagarizing 50 times, and refused to condemn white students screaming “Death to Blacks!!,“ he’d be history.

The incident with Claudine Gay reveals two things, both of which I already knew:

1) Harvard put her race, gender, and DEI support ahead of competence and integrity - and continue to do so by virtue of their retaining someone so lacking in integrity.

2) Among leftists, there is MUCH more tolerance for antisemitism - even when it involves calling for the genocide of Jews - than there is for racism or Islamaphobia.

Personally, we are at the point where we need a Jewish Lives Matter movement.
What do you have on them? I really don't know. But somebody should have vetted
her plagiarism....that was a no brainer. Was she really the most qualified black person to
have thrown their name in? Or, was she a female far left person who happened to be antiemetic.
Perhaps, go after the most qualified instead of checking the boxes.
And why did she have to be the most qualified black person? Why couldn’t Harvard hire the most qualified person, period?
Lots of mumbo-jumbo there….How do you suppose newly arrived East Indians and Asians are able to run right past Blacks and Mexicans on the socioeconomic scale?
Do you really believe we are all ‘equal’?

They can't explain it, other than 'wacism', they're all little victims. Yet I see lots of very successful black people as well, guess they're just anomalies.
When they’re passed over based on their name , appearance or ethnicity? What then?
Because that’s right where we are.
And we're there even with civil rights laws.

This is a cultural issue, so it's going to take a while to change the culture. The only way to do that is to engage, not attack or create more laws. And part of engagement will have to include each side holding their own accountable.

And every time I say that here, whatever "side" I'm talking to says that their side has done nothing to be held accountable for. It's all the other side's fault. And that's where it ends.

This doesn't improve until that happens.
Meister, you don''t get to determine things.. The fact DTMB is Asian is imperative to any discussion of DEI. Asiians are included in DEI, so for an Asian to post a white racist meme about equity is just dumb.. Meister why was I calling people racist in the 500th thread made by whites telling blacks how we should not call ourselves African Americans when no threads have ever been made by whites telling whiite ethnic grooupps the same thing? You racists love the false equivalence.
Asians have been PENALIZED by Affirmative Action. Too many are high-achievers, so Harvard devised some insulting personality test where they could rate Asians low and blacks high, thereby justifying why blacks with lower grades and SAT scores got accepted and the Asians with better grades and scores got rejected.
And we're there even with civil rights laws.

This is a cultural issue, so it's going to take a while to change the culture. The only way to do that is to engage, not attack. And part of engagement will have to include each side holding their own accountable.

And every time I say that here, whatever "side" I'm talking to says that their side has done nothing to be held accountable for. It's all the other side's fault. And that's where it ends.

This doesn't improve until that happens.
No one is being attacked by DEI initiatives, Mac. :rolleyes:
That one stupid bitch that claims to be a Person of Color but is really White needs to be slapped upside the head.

That video was sickening to watch.

My god these Libtards are idiots and out of touch with reality.

There is a reason we call them Moon Bats.
I couldn’t get through it.
No one is being attacked by DEI initiatives, Mac. :rolleyes:
Not attacked, but discriminated against. Gay wrote in her application that she wants to give promotions and opportunities to blacks whenever possible. That means she is favoring blacks and discriminating against whites.

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