Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

What do you have on them? I really don't know. But somebody should have vetted
her plagiarism....that was a no brainer. Was she really the most qualified black person to
have thrown their name in? Or, was she a female far left person who happened to be antiemetic.
Perhaps, go after the most qualified instead of checking the boxes.
There was no plagarism. Here we see your racism. You never considered questioning the qualifications of the white presidents before her and you mindllessly accept a story about plagarism that was investigated by the University and found to be untrue. She was not anti semitic either. And you don''t question the attack on her which was not done on any of the previous white presidents of Harvard.
There are no black racists on this board. And when you see me declaring the inherent superiority of the black race, feel free to call me a racist.. But holding white members of the American right accountable for racism isn't racism.

Agaiin, evidence exists that shows how whites have been the beneficary of the equivalent of a minimum of 500 trillion dollars worth of government economic assistance that blacks were excluded from durung the last century. So nobody is going to listen to anything you have to say about what you don't think blacks are not going to get, or what the politicians can't afford. Once a national study is commissioned, ignorant whites like yourself will be silenced.
Only the 'American right' is racist? What a fool you are. It just shows that they own you with their propaganda, hook/line/sinker.
Every white is a bigot to you, you need to look in the mirror, you're worse than most white 'bigots' I know.
I'm not a bigot, nor a racist, but, if you disagree with IM2, you are both.
And, tying me to Jim Crow is because I was 6-7 years old when that was going on.
So, it's guilt by association.
IM2 can't help but show his ignorance.
There was no plagarism. Here we see your racism. You never considered questioning the qualifications of the white presidents before her and you mindllessly accept a story about plagarism that was investigated by the University and found to be untrue. She was not anti semitic either. And you don''t question the attack on her which was not done on any of the previous white presidents of Harvard.
"There was no plagiarism." I see...interesting.
"You never considered questioning the qualifications of the white presidents....." I didn't have that job, IM2 :rolleyes-41:
How do you know that the white presidents weren't vetted, IM2?
I see you are now rewriting history...again....interesting.

Chris Wallace starts out with the "racial reckoning" of George Floyd, which is another bogus Radical Left issue.
If Floyd had been White, you would have never heard of him because his case was exploited by the racist demagogue Democrats to help elect Joe Biden.
DEI, CRT and ESG are unconstitutional policies that discriminate.
Those polices treat people differently based on race and gender, which is illegal.
The two ladies have not evolved enough yet to accept that everyone has the same civil rights.
It is like when the Radical Left had a shitfit when affirmative action racial discrimination in education was ruled unconstitutional by the USSC.
Plus Floyd was not murdered, another fact.
"There was no plagiarism." I see...interesting.
"You never considered questioning the qualifications of the white presidents....." I didn't have that job, IM2 :rolleyes-41:
How do you know that the white presidents weren't vetted, IM2?
I see you are now rewriting history...again....interesting.
Now he says there was no plagarism? He is simply unable to hold a black person responsible for wrongdoing.
Wrong. The American right is the racist part of the white population. Yes. And they love trying to telll blacks how that's not so.

Cause that's what you're told to think. How many 'American right' people do you interact with? lol
That one lady who is "infuriated" is complaining about something the Left created. When a minority is included, there will always be a question as to why. THAT'S BECAUSE THE LEFT DEMANDED THE INCLUSION IN THE FIRST PLACE. Exactly what were they expecting when they dropped standards and made immutable characteristics like race and gender a higher priority than merit?

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off about the Left.

This is what you voted for. Why?
Not attacked, but discriminated against. Gay wrote in her application that she wants to give promotions and opportunities to blacks whenever possible. That means she is favoring blacks and discriminating against whites.
Uh huh.
Only the good old school white discrimination is acceptable to Lisa.
I'm not a bigot, nor a racist, but, if you disagree with IM2, you are both.
And, tying me to Jim Crow is because I was 6-7 years old when that was going on.
So, it's guilt by association.
IM2 can't help but show his ignorance.
No Meister, it's not that simple. For example, if you were not a bigot, you could see how whites were given an unfair advantage and you would not oppose things created to end that advantage with the flimsy excuses you do. Because in my life, that's what I have seen non racist whites do, including non racist whites born during segregation.
Isn't it logical to think that in a country where white is the majority, that there would be more whites in everything.

How is it sound thinking to believe that 13% of the population should be represented equally in businesses?

Also, I noticed you ignored me in the other thread, why?
Exactly....same in commercials, TV shows, movies...instead of equal or the majority.
No Meister, it's not that simple. For example, if you were not a bigot, you could see how whites were given an unfair advantage and you would not oppose things created to end that advantage with the flimsy excuses you do. Because in my life, that's what I have seen non racist whites do, including non racist whites born during segregation.

So if you're black you need an 'advantage' handed to you, you're not capable of making it on your own?
Uh huh.
Only the good old school white discrimination is acceptable to Lisa.
Damn….do you leftists all have to lie? NO discrimination is acceptable, and there should be NO discussion in a job application as to how you’re focused on helping one race over another.
Exactly....same in commercials, TV shows, movies...instead of equal or the majority.
If you were a visitor from another planet and all you know about America is what you see in TV commercials you might think this country is 50% black instead of 12%

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