Critical Race Theory is a poison we must not drink.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The founders of our country warned us about the dangers of government. They cautioned that government must be restrained and remain under constitutional control. Each had a distinctive warning, but all agreed that the biggest threat to American democracy would come from within, not without. All the founders argued for limited government, but James Madison said it best:

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely, for the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, the establishing in like manner schools throughout the union; they may assume the provision of the poor.... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America."

Madison recognized the threat that government could undermine education and use it to indoctrinate the people’s children against local democracy. He was ahead of his time but even he could not have predicted that Washington would resort to the gaslighting psychology of racial ethnic cleansing currently underway in America’s schools under the banner of Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory is new in America but old in the world of fascism, totalitarianism and Communism. Its foundations are supported by the notion that the upside of society is not made of individuals but of a group that functions robotically and unconsciously to subvert and marginalize the downside. History’s death camps, killing fields, and mass graves are saturated with the same poison trying to take root in American government, education, and judicial infrastructure today. It is a poison that has a long half-life. The malice of Critical Race Theory cannot be overstated, nor can it be ignored if democracy as we know it is to be preserved.

One unsettling aspect of the danger we face from Critical Race Theory is corporate cowardice with its propensity to join the cause and genuflect to what it sees as a new state religion not to be opposed or criticized lest the bottom line be threatened. Another is the curious posturing of the military industrial complex preoccupied with vacuous platitudes and gesturing obediently to doctrines of equity and inclusion. This weakens America in the eyes of the world and leaves us vulnerable to attacks of all kinds.

Critical Race Theory must be stamped out and fast or disorder and discord will sweep the nation like a plague that will make SARS CoV-2 look like child’s play. People are waking up and hopefully it is not too late.

Critical Race Theory is a symptom of the problem.

It isn't what needs to be stamped out.

It's the Communist Left that needs to be stamped out.

Stamping out CRT will only cause the Communist Left to grow another head.
Please list some of the specific things that CRT teaches that must not be taught or it will cause 'disorder and discord will sweep the nation like a plague'. That's some sweeping hyperbole based on very non specific allegations. But the Neo-GOP is big on allegations and very short on evidence or facts.

What is the worst thing, (specifically not some sweeping hyperbole), about CRT that really bugs you?
You fascists sure do like to talk about stamping out things. Has any idea ever been successfully stamped out by anyone?
The Communist Left have been stamped out many times throughout history.

You guys will be defeated again.
The graveyard is full of cranks like you who thought they were doing the world a favor by bitching and griping about everything.
From what I have read, this is all wrong about Critical Race Theory.
In history, you will always see people tending to stick with their group and stick it to others.
That is bad, divisive, and unethical, but common.
For example, the Hebrew considered themselves the "Chosen People", then had no problem massacring the Canaanites at Jericho.
Same with Romans enslaving or massacring Germanics.
Same with the Tulsa Massacre or the Tuskegee Experiment.

It can be counteracted if one is aware of it, so then it has to be taught.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
Word. We need to teach the whippersnappers they are inferior because they never walked up hill both ways to school, didn't drop out in 6th grade to work at the saw mill, and never saw a day of action in The Big One, not because they are white. :rolleyes-41:
Critical Race Theory is entry level ethnic cleansing:
Of course.

It's revamped Eugenics.

Eugenics has ALWAYS been the Left's baby.

It got a bad name after Hitler was so successful using it against the Jews.

It's now making a come back with the Left.
Eugenics huh? Do tell. What's their plan?
To kill everyone on earth except for the Illuminati and the Cabal and slaves of the Cabal.
Shweeeew! I thought the plans had changed!
That was not a joke, Bub.

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