Zone1 Critical Race Theory

So, I have a white person (I assume) trying to tell me what's being taught in schools don't address racism in the past? Do you have any kids in school? I have two of them. I likely have a better idea than you do what's taught. Do you want to educate people about that our ancestors went out and brought other black people to the shore so that they could be sold and brought over to the US? When you decide to cherry pick what's taught, then you're not really wanting to educate people. BTW, I was in a predominately black school and we were taught that in the late 80s. What are you talking about it's not taught now. That will be news to my kids, and their school is more racially diverse.
But that is exactly what your ancestors did..
I couldn't be less interested in so called CRT. I'm interested in the truth. Do you really think if the truth is not taught in schools it won't be learned? It wasn't taught to me but I learned it anyway.

Considering no one alive today was responsible for what happened centuries ago, what should be taught is that these things did happen. It was bad but we don't want that to happen ever again.

You don't want to bring back this country's evil past do you?
These guys don't know what CRT is.
No one alive today fought in the Revolutionary War. But I don't see any opposition to that being taught. There is a reason for that.

Not what I asked.
You said if we don’t spend more classroom time expanding upon historical racism, instead of teaching our kids basic academics to where they can compete in the world, slavery could return. You really think those ridiculous scare tactics are going to fool anyone? You remind me of Biden saying that whitey is “going to put ya’ll back in chains.”

Have Americans been so dumbed down that they believe this nonsense?

My father fought in a war to save members of your family.. When he came back here he was excluded from programs your parents got to use that you now use to diss black people by claiming we don't do certain things and are jealous of Jewish progress. So please put me on ignore before you get your racist --- cussed out.

Whites bought slaves and shipped them here. That's fact..

My father fought in a war to save members of your family.. When he came back here he was excluded from programs your parents got to use that you now use to diss black people by claiming we don't do certain things and are jealous of Jewish progress. So please put me on ignore before you get your racist --- cussed out.

Whites bought slaves and shipped them here. That's fact..
I’ve said nothing racist.

And don’t resent that Jews arrived on these shores fleeing persecution, penniless and uneducated, and by the next generation their kids are all college grads - despite antisemitism. Learn from a minority that has been persecuted, expelled, and murdered for 2000 years, and still manages to be successful.
You said if we don’t spend more classroom time expanding upon historical racism, instead of teaching our kids basic academics to where they can compete in the world, slavery could return. You really think those ridiculous scare tactics are going to fool anyone? You remind me of Biden saying that whitey is “going to put ya’ll back in chains.”

Have Americans been so dumbed down that they believe this nonsense?
Of course it's possible. Rich white men were responsible for it. Long as they are in charge anything is possible. Even another holocaust.
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So, I have a white person (I assume) trying to tell me what's being taught in schools don't address racism in the past? Do you have any kids in school? I have two of them. I likely have a better idea than you do what's taught. Do you want to educate people about that our ancestors went out and brought other black people to the shore so that they could be sold and brought over to the US? When you decide to cherry pick what's taught, then you're not really wanting to educate people. BTW, I was in a predominately black school and we were taught that in the late 80s. What are you talking about it's not taught now. That will be news to my kids, and their school is more racially diverse.
I have 5 kids. the youngest just graduated hs.
So, I've been involved in knowing what's being taught for the last 29 years.
No, I don't want
"in 1400 and 92 Columbus sailed the ocean blue"
That's your version of history.
I want why he sailed, what happened to society thereafter.
Yes, I did.

Not my fault if you didn’t pay attention in school.
No, you didn't.
They didn't teach it to me in high school, in 6 hours of history and 3 of PS in college.
They didn't teach it to my kids either.

How about a syllabus from

I have 5 kids. the youngest just graduated hs.
So, I've been involved in knowing what's being taught for the last 29 years.
No, I don't want
"in 1400 and 92 Columbus sailed the ocean blue"
That's your version of history.
I want why he sailed, what happened to society thereafter.
You're trying to tell me that this is this black man's version of history? :laugh2: If you studied social studies while in school, it answered that question. Columbus sailed west to try and find a western passage to the East Indies and its spice trade. It brought about colonization because European countries now knew these places existed. Unless you have a different theory why he did it. BTW, you didn't answer if the teaching of slavery should include those black tribe in Africa that gathered conquered people, brought them to the coast, and traded them away to the Europeans. It should be since it's a very important part of the Transatlantic Slave trade. Without that, would there any slaves to ship to America?

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