Zone1 Critical Race Theory

I love it when the clueless say such a thing. ;)
For your education, CRT, DEI, Project 1619 and BLM are all part of the same misguided Black victimhood agenda plaguing America. All of that crap needs to stop. The truly ironic thing is it doesn't help Black people, unless you happen to be an officer in one of those organizations. I'm always happy to educate the uninformed.
For your education, CRT, DEI, Project 1619 and BLM are all part of the same misguided Black victimhood agenda plaguing America. All of that crap needs to stop. The truly ironic thing is it doesn't help Black people, unless you happen to be an officer in one of those organizations. I'm always happy to educate the uninformed.
CRT is not an attempt to shame white people like myself, it is simply an attempt to encompass the full history of this country, which has been based on racism, an undeniable fact. The fallout from this systemic racism is partly responsible for the many problems plaguing our country today. Perhaps a reckoning is long overdue.

This predictably triggers conservatives, but facts matter, and this overt hostility to a more thorough teaching of this country's history really says more about you than it does about CRT.
CRT is not an attempt to shame white people like myself, it is simply an attempt to encompass the full history of this country, which has been based on racism, an undeniable fact. The fallout from this systemic racism is partly responsible for the many problems plaguing our country today. Perhaps a reckoning is long overdue.

This predictably triggers conservatives, but facts matter, and this overt hostility to a more thorough teaching of this country's history really says more about you than it does about CRT.
I never said anything about shaming white people. I said it is an agenda to perpetuate a victim hood mentality in American Black people into the next generations. Read what I wrote and then present a cogent argument.
So are you white now Lisa?

There is nothing anti America or anti white about the 1619 Project.

How about we stop teaching the Holocaust Lisa?

More blacks died during slavery and Jim Crow that what happened to the Jews. And what went on lasted longer. But here we have a Jew that wants us to forget about that.

Why do you hate the Jewish people?
For your education, CRT, DEI, Project 1619 and BLM are all part of the same misguided Black victimhood agenda plaguing America. All of that crap needs to stop. The truly ironic thing is it doesn't help Black people, unless you happen to be an officer in one of those organizations. I'm always happy to educate the uninformed.
Then educate yourself because there ain't no black victimhood agenda. But there has been a white one for 247 years next week, Because thats what white racism is. White victimhood. Those blacks are taking things from me. That's victimhood and you've lived your whole life as a victim.

What whites like you say doesn't help us, is what helps us the most. Our problems stem from white racism that continues today and lives in people like you. Dr King summed it up:

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
So are you white now Lisa?

There is nothing anti America or anti white about the 1619 Project.

How about we stop teaching the Holocaust Lisa?

More blacks died during slavery and Jim Crow that what happened to the Jews. And what went on lasted longer. But here we have a Jew that wants us to forget about that.
Of for Gds sake. Nobody is asking that we stop teaching children about slavery or Jim Crow,

And don’t pull that Oppression Olympics with me. Slavery went on longer than the Holocaust… that your point? Jews have been persecuted, expelled, and murdered for 2000 years. Yet a generation of poor, uneducated immigrants can arrive here fleeing European persecution, and by the next generation, their kids are college graduates or otherwise successful.
I never said anything about shaming white people. I said it is an agenda to perpetuate a victim hood mentality in American Black people into the next generations. Read what I wrote and then present a cogent argument.
There’s a great book out by the Indian guy - Ramasay or something - who is running for president explaining how the victimhood narrative being encouraged by the Left is the cause of America’s decline. Great read.

This is being done to get people to think America is an awful country and thus accept the decline. Our enemies are behind it.
What specific literature was removed? The anti-America, anti-white biased 1619 crap?
So you admit your ONLY concern is that your view be the only view seen by kids.
It is helpful to see and speak to the truth.
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So you admit your ONLY concern is that your view be the only view seen by kids.
It is helpful to see and speak to the truth.
I’m opposed to spending time ramming a biased, anti-America narrative by leftists down the throat of impressionable kids when they can’t even read, write, or do math at grade level.

They ALREADY know about slavery and the Jim Crow South. There are now more important things to focus on than how America used to be racist. Black history is NOT the most important thing in the world.
Please provide the class title, year, and syllabus.
When did YOU learn about how Grant issued an edict for all Jews in his territory to leave their homes, upon 24 hours’ notice?

The point is….not every event of racism or bigotry can be taught in the classroom. Unless of course you are trying to raise a generation of resentful, angry kids who hate this country - and will go along with the Commies‘ efforts to destroy it.
I’m opposed to spending time ramming a biased, anti-America narrative by leftists down the throat of impressionable kids when they can’t even read, write, or do math at grade level.

They ALREADY know about slavery and the Jim Crow South. There are now more important things to focus on than how America used to be racist. Black history is NOT the most important thing in the world.
But the White centric mythology is perfectly fine.
Got it.
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When did YOU learn about how Grant issued an edict for all Jews in his territory to leave their homes, upon 24 hours’ notice?

The point is….not every event of racism or bigotry can be taught in the classroom. Unless of course you are trying to raise a generation of resentful, angry kids who hate this country - and will go along with the Commies‘ efforts to destroy it.
The POINT is that people you support are not only saying what you say, repeating one another's lies as it were, but those same people with your support, are actively trying to erase history.

The reason?

So you can build your own Hitler Youth.
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The POINT is that people you support are not only saying what you say, repeating one another's lies as it were, but those same people with your support, are actively trying to erase history.

The reason?

So you can build your own Hitler Youth.
Wow….all the way to page 7 before the libtard invokes Hitler!
They ALREADY know about slavery and the Jim Crow South. There are now more important things to focus on than how America used to be racist. Black history is NOT the most important thing in the world.
It's not black history, it's American history. No one is saying the focus of teaching history be on racism or slavery, only that those subjects be discussed as accurately and thoroughly as possible.

As far as the "they already know" argument, Americans remain amongst the most ignorant of any industrialized country in the world, so don't assume that anyone knows anything, especially in regards to history.

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