Zone1 Critical Race Theory

I know what I see most whites in here posting and its pure racist garbage. Just like everything you post. Individualism is an excuse used by racists because the laws and policies created that have caused the problems were not created to exclude 1-2 individuals, so that argument is bs.

“The Discourse of Individualism is a claim that we all act independently from one another and that we all have the same possibility of achievement and are unmarked by social positions such as race, class, and gender. As Mill states, however, “The reality is that one can pretend the body does not matter only because a particular body… [white] is being presupposed as the somatic norm.” The Discourse of Individualism posits race as irrelevant. In fact, claiming that race is relevant to one’s life chances is seen as limiting one’s ability to stand on one’s own; standing on one’s own is both the assumption and the goal of Individualism. Because it obscures how social positioning impacts opportunity, the Discourse of Individualism is a dominant discourse that functions ideologically to reinforce and reproduce relations of unequal power.” - Robin DeAngelo
What laws and policies are in place that give you less opportunities than whites?
There was a huge uproar over CRT being taught in our schools, and almost no one could even describe what CRT would encompass, assuming it was ever being taught in the first place (it wasn't)

So if you're wondering what CRT would look like, it would probably look something like this:

View attachment 796650
Cultural Marxism. Period.
Critical race theory is any effort to make whites feel guilty about high rates of black poverty and incarceration. What happened to blacks in the past is not responsible for black performance and behavior now.

Those who blame white racism for black social pathology cannot explain why black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen since 1963, and why expensive efforts to close the race gap in intellectual have achieved very little.
Critical race theory is any effort to make whites feel guilty about high rates of black poverty and incarceration.
Actually, it's just an attempt to explain what really happened in U.S. history. That you and many others would feel 'guilty' about what happened is the inevitable result of learning what really happened. I don't think any overt attempt at shaming would be part of CRT. So how does one teach history without attaching any attempt to include "guilt' to the guilty? I believe it can be done, and it is a teacher's responsibility to remain factual.

I believe the current approach is to highlight the anomalies, to focus on those tiny few who were able to break their bonds and become known nationally for their achievements, while ignoring the plight of the other millions in bondage.

So we don't really teach what actually happened, we gloss over it, or we just ignore it completely. and there is little doubt in my mind that this is why so many Americans remain amongst the most ignorant of any industrialized nation on earth.
Actually, it's just an attempt to explain what really happened in U.S. history. That you and many others would feel 'guilty' about what happened is the inevitable result of learning what really happened. I don't think any overt attempt at shaming would be part of CRT. So how does one teach history without attaching any attempt to include "guilt' to the guilty? I believe it can be done, and it is a teacher's responsibility to remain factual.

I believe the current approach is to highlight the anomalies, to focus on those tiny few who were able to break their bonds and become known nationally for their achievements, while ignoring the plight of the other millions in bondage.

So we don't really teach what actually happened, we gloss over it, or we just ignore it completely. and there is little doubt in my mind that this is why so many Americans remain amongst the most ignorant of any industrialized nation on earth.
An accurate study of Negroes in the United States will include mention of low average IQ's for blacks, and high rates of crime and illegitimacy. It will allow high school teachers to assign their classes to read Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."

Actually, it's just an attempt to explain what really happened in U.S. history. That you and many others would feel 'guilty' about what happened is the inevitable result of learning what really happened. I don't think any overt attempt at shaming would be part of CRT. So how does one teach history without attaching any attempt to include "guilt' to the guilty? I believe it can be done, and it is a teacher's responsibility to remain factual.

I believe the current approach is to highlight the anomalies, to focus on those tiny few who were able to break their bonds and become known nationally for their achievements, while ignoring the plight of the other millions in bondage.

So we don't really teach what actually happened, we gloss over it, or we just ignore it completely. and there is little doubt in my mind that this is why so many Americans remain amongst the most ignorant of any industrialized nation on earth.
We teach about slavery and Jim Crow, and that’s sufficient until our kids can read and write at grade level. Classroom time is limited, and we need to use that time to make sure our kids can become employed and self-sufficient.

What good is it if a Baltimore public high school graduate - last year, not a single one was proficient at math - tells her potential employer “I can barely read and can’t write a simple sentence, but I sure know how awful the white man used to be to blacks”?
Better phrased as...

How do you know where you're going if you don't know where you've been.

The problem with that is that the majority of people haven't been either a slave or alive when Jim Crow was a thing. So, race hustlers and white allies have to throw it in their faces so when things don't work out like they want it to, there's a nice convenient scapegoat that they can point to and say that's the reason why they didn't get something they wanted or got something that they didn't want. This is a good way to keep us down because we're worrying about things in the past (which we can't change) instead of focusing on the future (which we can shape).

To me life is like a relay race. You get the baton from the previous runner, and you run forward and pass the baton to the next person. I understand what people have gone through in order for me to be in the situation that I'm at now. So, I owe it to them to "take my baton", advance as far as I can go, and pass it on to the next generation. I can't do that as well as I should if I'm always looking behind. I appreciate the struggle that people, like my parents, went through back in the day. I honor what had happened with living the best possible life I can to pass on to the next generation.
We teach about slavery and Jim Crow, and that’s sufficient until our kids can read and write at grade level. Classroom time is limited, and we need to use that time to make sure our kids can become employed and self-sufficient.

The problem with that is that the majority of people haven't been either a slave or alive when Jim Crow was a thing. So, race hustlers and white allies have to throw it in their faces so when things don't work out like they want it to, there's a nice convenient scapegoat that they can point to and say that's the reason why they didn't get something they wanted or got something that they didn't want. This is a good way to keep us down because we're worrying about things in the past (which we can't change) instead of focusing on the future (which we can shape).

To me life is like a relay race. You get the baton from the previous runner, and you run forward and pass the baton to the next person. I understand what people have gone through in order for me to be in the situation that I'm at now. So, I owe it to them to "take my baton", advance as far as I can go, and pass it on to the next generation. I can't do that as well as I should if I'm always looking behind. I appreciate the struggle that people, like my parents, went through back in the day. I honor what had happened with living the best possible life I can to pass on to the next generation.
So on the one hand your don't want to educate people about the past because it will make White people fee bad
On the other you expect to carry the baton forward because you've been educated about the past.

OK then.
There was a huge uproar over CRT being taught in our schools, and almost no one could even describe what CRT would encompass, assuming it was ever being taught in the first place (it wasn't)

So if you're wondering what CRT would look like, it would probably look something like this:

View attachment 796650
Just continue teaching, including rampart black violence and failure.

No theory, just the facts.

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