Zone1 Critical Race Theory

No we weren’t

We taught motherhood and apple pie about our country at the same time we ignored the rights of blacks, native Americans, women, gays.

Today, children learn the impact of such polices so they don’t repeat them

No we weren’t

We taught motherhood and apple pie about our country at the same time we ignored the rights of blacks, native Americans, women, gays.

Today, children learn the impact of such polices so they don’t repeat them
No we weren’t

We taught motherhood and apple pie about our country at the same time we ignored the rights of blacks, native Americans, women, gays.

Today, children learn the impact of such polices so they don’t repeat them
Childhood suicides are way up.

NG: "We have to appreciate that children are highly impacted by their family, their community, their schools."

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Do they not exist?

Don’t some blacks hate whites? Is hatred of a different race not racism?
Why would some blacks hate whites gipper? Is it based on a false belief in our inherent superiority? Or is it due to 404 years of being treated like shit?

The false equivalence some whites use to deny continuing white racism is straight dishonest.
Why would some blacks hate whites gipper? Is it based on a false belief in our inherent superiority? Or is it due to 404 years of being treated like shit?

The false equivalence some whites use to deny continuing white racism is straight dishonest.
So they do hate whites because of what whites no longer living did to blacks no longer living. This is nonsensical. It’s illogical. It’s racism.

I suspect this racist hatred of whites by blacks is why our races can’t get along. We need to put a stop to this.
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You want to drag negros and queers behind your pickup truck and figure "long hairs" will be next?
You really miss the 70s, eh?

Move out. Orlando is a nice place to visit if you want to go to Disney or MGM, but I wouldn't want to live there.

70's BC or 70's AD ... actually right in the middle ... there's a reason Christ is portrayed as a long-haired bearded man ...

You statement was "that does not affect me or anybody I know." ... so if you're not black or a faggot, then you're fine with negros and faggots being dragged to death behind F-150's ...

I'm asking ... are long-hairs next? ...
An honest history of the Negro race, and particularly of American Negroes would include a number of facts.

To begin with, Negroes never created a civilization comparable to white and Oriental civilizations. The Nubian and Ethiopian civilizations contributed nothing to the intellectual and scientific history of the world. The Bantu never developed indigenous systems of writing and mathematics the way the Mayans did in the Americas.

Second, African Negroes were not enslaved by white slave traders. They were enslaved by other African Negroes and sold to white slave traders. Until modern medicine was invented by whites, after whites crushed the African slave trade, African diseases kept whites out of the interior of Africa.

When African Negroes sold by other African Negroes to white slave traders, Negro slavery was widespread in sub Saharan Africa. Negro slaves in sub Saharan Africa were sometimes the victims of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

I have read that Negro slaves in the United States usually lived longer and grew taller than Negroes in sub Saharan Africa. If this is true, it would indicate better health, and should be included in a history of American Negroes.

I have also read that Jesse Jackson has pointed out that the total number of Negroes lynched in the United States throughout American history is less than the numbers of American Negroes murdered by other American Negroes in a single year. If this is true it should be included in a comprehensive history of American Negroes.

Moreover, as far as can be known, the vast majority of Negroes lynched were guilty of murdering whites and raping white women. They were not guilty of trivial offenses.

An honest history of Negroes in the United States should include the facts that Negroes tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites, that they have higher illegitimacy rates, and much higher crime rates, and that these facts have characterized them as long as reliable statistics exist.

If all these facts are included in a comprehensive, honest history of American Negroes, I would approve of such a history being taught to public school students. I would oppose a course of study that presented American Negroes as unoffending victims of irrational white prejudice and discrimination and which claimed that Negroes on the average are intrinsically equal to whites in native intelligence and natural inclinations.

I am not in any way justifying the slave trade and Negro slavery in the United States. I think the United States would be a far better country if these had not been allowed.
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70's BC or 70's AD ... actually right in the middle ... there's a reason Christ is portrayed as a long-haired bearded man ...

You statement was "that does not affect me or anybody I know." ... so if you're not black or a faggot, then you're fine with negros and faggots being dragged to death behind F-150's ...

I'm asking ... are long-hairs next? ...
Nope. Long-hairs are not next. Oh, and I do not support dragging "a black or a faggot" being dragged behind a pickup truck. If I see you being dragged behind a pickup truck, you can count on me to pull Walther and expend 31 rounds to stop the truck and its driver, not that it will do you much good.
If I see you being dragged behind a pickup truck, you can count on me to pull Walther and expend 31 rounds to stop the truck and its driver, not that it will do you much good.

You statement was "that does not affect me or anybody I know." ... now you say you'd intervene even if it means death to you ... because Bubba's gonna return fire ...

I use "long-hair" as an example of what I've faced east of the Sierra/Cascade divide ... there's true hatred in these people's eyes as they chase me with sheers ... do you suggest I pack heat and start shooting next time in Florida? ... "standing my ground"? ... I can use this since I do have white skin and I have a whitie last name ...

This is why we say no one has rights unless ALL OF US have those rights ... why there's Catholics among us ...
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You statement was "that does not affect me or anybody I know." ... now you say you'd intervene even if it means death to you ... because Bubba's gonna return fire ...

I use "long-hair" as an example of what I've faced east of the Sierra/Cascade divide ... there's true hatred in these people's eyes as they chase me with sheers ... do you suggest I pack heat and start shooting next time in Florida? ... "standing my ground"? ... I can use this since I do have white skin and I have a whitie last name ...

This is why we say no one has rights unless ALL OF US have those rights ... why there's Catholics among us ...
Grow up.
Of course I would stop to stop a truck dragging your ass down the street, and not worried about "Bubba" returning fire from a moving truck. I just came back from my 2nd consecutive day at The Range, and am better than Bubba in a rolling pickup, probably why the range operator watching me shoot was trying to get me into the next competitive combat shoot there.

Florida? Big deal. Florida law is pretty clear. If somebody come at you with shears, you can pull you weapon and if they don't stop, you will probably be on firm ground to shoot them until they are no long a threat, as you are in fear for your life. I have been carrying a weapon legally in Florida for years, every time I go. They honor my permit, as well as the permit of Chief and his wife the Colonel, that often comes with us, as they carry, also, though we have never had need to pull a weapon down there, or in transit to and from.

Yes, if you cannot handle yourself or the situations you allow to escalate around you, by all means, learn to handle weapons and get a permit and carry, as is your right. I say get a permit, as there are plenty of "Bubbas" out there with no clue, and a danger to themselves and the public. I advise you to take the training seriously (as your life may depend on it), keep a card from your lawyer in your wallet right behind your permit (I do) and join an organization of your choice with insurance and legal services provided, realizing, if you shoot, you are probably going to be arrested, even if you do not stay long.

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