Zone1 Critical Race Theory

Only an ignorant idiot thinks blacks are incapable of racism, which explains your intellectually minimalist question.
You’re just not smart enough to compete here, son.
No only an ignorant idiot tries making something the same that comes from opposite life experiences. Blacks are not raised to believe we are superior and that whites have low IQ's, are lazy people who only want handouts among other things, most whites here believe. There is not one thread here by a black person pushing scientific racism, but a lot of whites here believe that nonsense.

What you call black racism is the reaction to such white beliefs. You aren't intelligent renough to recognize that, but there are whites here who are.
So they do hate whites because of what whites no longer living did to blacks no longer living. This is nonsensical. It’s illogical. It’s racism.

I suspect this racist hatred of whites by blacks is why our races can’t get along. We need to put a stop to this.
Except whites are still practicing racism. And the attempts to insult our intelligence with the bs you posted keeps blacks angry and it's only done by whites who continue practicing racism.
No only an ignorant idiot tries making something the same that comes from opposite life experiences. Blacks are not raised to believe we are superior and that whites have low IQ's, are lazy people who only want handouts among other things, most whites here believe. There is not one thread here by a black person pushing scientific racism, but a lot of whites here believe that nonsense.

What you call black racism is the reaction to such white beliefs. You aren't intelligent renough to recognize that, but there are whites here who are.
How are white attitudes about blacks mistaken?
Except whites are still practicing racism. And the attempts to insult our intelligence with the bs you posted keeps blacks angry and it's only done by whites who continue practicing racism.
You’ve already admitted blacks hate whites for what happened decades ago. Hatred of a race is racism. Stop being racist.
You’ve already admitted blacks hate whites for what happened decades ago. Hatred of a race is racism. Stop being racist.
Many whites dislike the Negro race because of the harm Negroes are causing us right now. Whites who do not dislike the Negro race are usually whites who have had little contact with Negroes.
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Grow up.
Of course I would stop to stop a truck dragging your ass down the street, and not worried about "Bubba" returning fire from a moving truck. I just came back from my 2nd consecutive day at The Range, and am better than Bubba in a rolling pickup, probably why the range operator watching me shoot was trying to get me into the next competitive combat shoot there.

Florida? Big deal. Florida law is pretty clear. If somebody come at you with shears, you can pull you weapon and if they don't stop, you will probably be on firm ground to shoot them until they are no long a threat, as you are in fear for your life. I have been carrying a weapon legally in Florida for years, every time I go. They honor my permit, as well as the permit of Chief and his wife the Colonel, that often comes with us, as they carry, also, though we have never had need to pull a weapon down there, or in transit to and from.

Yes, if you cannot handle yourself or the situations you allow to escalate around you, by all means, learn to handle weapons and get a permit and carry, as is your right. I say get a permit, as there are plenty of "Bubbas" out there with no clue, and a danger to themselves and the public. I advise you to take the training seriously (as your life may depend on it), keep a card from your lawyer in your wallet right behind your permit (I do) and join an organization of your choice with insurance and legal services provided, realizing, if you shoot, you are probably going to be arrested, even if you do not stay long.

You statement was "that does not affect me or anybody I know." ...

Now you're advocating LBGT+ folks pack heat and open fire at the slightest hint of intimidation ... killing people dead ... God knows I'd hate to be you ...

Long-hair = Christian in my case ... God forbids me killing my brothers and sisters even if they're trying to kill me ... and we have a 2,000 year history of being murdered for our beliefs ...
Blacks are not raised to believe we are superior and that whites have low IQ's, are lazy people who only want handouts among other things, most whites here believe.
You have no clue what "most whites" believe, you broad-brushing bigot.
The idiocy and shortcomings I describe are only attributed to you, based on the ignorant and entitled crap you whine about here daily.
Like any other race, blacks are individuals first, who can have many good and bad qualities in the content of their character.
When viewed in the aggregate, your lack of character and intellect just drags the rest down.
Your pitifully repetitive "reparations" whine puts you in the same category as the bum on the freeway off ramp, spending his days with his hand out while doing absolutely nothing to rectify his self-wrought loser status in life.
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You statement was "that does not affect me or anybody I know." ...

Now you're advocating LBGT+ folks pack heat and open fire at the slightest hint of intimidation ... killing people dead ... God knows I'd hate to be you ...

Long-hair = Christian in my case ... God forbids me killing my brothers and sisters even if they're trying to kill me ... and we have a 2,000 year history of being murdered for our beliefs ...
Not at the slightest hint of intimidation, but suit yourself as long you don't start shooting near me. Sorry you feel intimidated, but maybe should consider where you hang out and how you conduct yourself in public.

I certainly have no problem with Christians stopping an active attack in progress. I too, am a Christian and God does not ask me to lay down my life without defending it. If that is what God asks of you, so be it, tough to be you. Good luck to ya. :dunno:
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...but maybe should consider where you hang out and how you conduct yourself in public.

Acting like a Christian in the Bible Belt is a fault? ... what an odd assertion ...

The reason why hatred is frowned upon is because someday, somewhere ... each of us will be hated ... and we shouldn't be harmed because of this hatred ... or that's what we become, hatred ...

True story ... I was stopped outside Harrah's on The Strip by some young folk from Minnesota ... they asked if they could take a picture of them smoking pot with an actual "Streets of San Francisco" hippy ... God, they were excited ... I didn't have the heart to tell them their stock was full of ditchweed ... it's just the way people are back East ... a man with very long hair attracts notice in Buttfuck County, Florida ...
You’ve already admitted blacks hate whites for what happened decades ago. Hatred of a race is racism. Stop being racist.
Why would some blacks hate whites gipper? Is it based on a false belief in our inherent superiority? Or is it due to 404 years of being treated like shit?

1619-2023=404 years idiot. Stop making up definitions of racism and pretending racism is a thing of the past while you still practice it and see other whites here practicing it daily.
Why would some blacks hate whites gipper? Is it based on a false belief in our inherent superiority? Or is it due to 404 years of being treated like shit?

1619-2023=404 years idiot. Stop making up definitions of racism and pretending racism is a thing of the past while you still practice it and see other whites here practicing it daily.
White racism is an understandable response to black social pathology. If blacks want to be accepted by whites, they will need to behave and perform as well as most whites.
Acting like a Christian in the Bible Belt is a fault? ... what an odd assertion ...

The reason why hatred is frowned upon is because someday, somewhere ... each of us will be hated ... and we shouldn't be harmed because of this hatred ... or that's what we become, hatred ...

True story ... I was stopped outside Harrah's on The Strip by some young folk from Minnesota ... they asked if they could take a picture of them smoking pot with an actual "Streets of San Francisco" hippy ... God, they were excited ... I didn't have the heart to tell them their stock was full of ditchweed ... it's just the way people are back East ... a man with very long hair attracts notice in Buttfuck County, Florida ...
Your idea of Christian differs from mine, here in the bible belt. I'll walk my walk, you walk yours. When The Lord has a problem with me or wants me to do something, he lets me know or at least has in the past. You do as you are guided.

If you do not like it in Buttfuck County, Florida, then move. Florida is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there, though I haven't had hair half way down my back since I was 19, and of course, in Florida, I am usually carrying, as I don't hang out in bars or bad looking places. But, that's just me.
You have no clue what "most whites" believe, you broad-brushing bigot.
The idiocy and shortcomings I describe are only attributed to you, based on the ignorant and entitled crap you whine about here daily.
Like any other race, blacks are individuals first, who can have many good and bad qualities in the content of their character.
When viewed in the aggregate, your lack of character and intellect just drags the rest down.
Your pitifully repetitive "reparations" whine puts you in the same category as the bum on the freeway off ramp, spending his days with his hand out while doing absolutely nothing to rectify his self-wrought loser status in life.
I know what I see most whites in here posting and its pure racist garbage. Just like everything you post. Individualism is an excuse used by racists because the laws and policies created that have caused the problems were not created to exclude 1-2 individuals, so that argument is bs.

“The Discourse of Individualism is a claim that we all act independently from one another and that we all have the same possibility of achievement and are unmarked by social positions such as race, class, and gender. As Mill states, however, “The reality is that one can pretend the body does not matter only because a particular body… [white] is being presupposed as the somatic norm.” The Discourse of Individualism posits race as irrelevant. In fact, claiming that race is relevant to one’s life chances is seen as limiting one’s ability to stand on one’s own; standing on one’s own is both the assumption and the goal of Individualism. Because it obscures how social positioning impacts opportunity, the Discourse of Individualism is a dominant discourse that functions ideologically to reinforce and reproduce relations of unequal power.” - Robin DeAngelo
Many whites dislike the Negro race because of the harm Negroes are causing us right now. Whites who do not dislike the Negro race are usually whites who have had little contact with Negroes.


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