Zone1 Critical Race Theory

This is being done to get people to think America is an awful country and thus accept the decline. Our enemies are behind it.
Black victim hood is also extremely profitable for the people pushing it. Sharpton became a multi-millionaire pushing victim hood. BLM has taken in BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. DEI officers are in every major corporation and university now making 6 figure salaries for doing nothing.
It's not black history, it's American history. No one is saying the focus of teaching history be on racism or slavery, only that those subjects be discussed as accurately and thoroughly as possible.

As far as the "they already know" argument, Americans remain amongst the most ignorant of any industrialized country in the world, so don't assume that anyone knows anything, especially in regards to history.

Speak for yourself.
Then educate yourself because there ain't no black victimhood agenda. But there has been a white one for 247 years next week, Because thats what white racism is. White victimhood. Those blacks are taking things from me. That's victimhood and you've lived your whole life as a victim.

What whites like you say doesn't help us, is what helps us the most. Our problems stem from white racism that continues today and lives in people like you. Dr King summed it up:

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Victim hood leads to a sad and angry life. That is what the purveyors of Black victim hood want. Keep Black people angry and blaming White people for events that happened hundreds of years ago. It's ridiculous and self-defeating. You are perfect example of what happens when you buy into the Black victim hood narrative.
Victim hood leads to a sad and angry life. That is what the purveyors of Black victim hood want. Keep Black people angry and blaming White people for events that happened hundreds of years ago. It's ridiculous and self-defeating. You are perfect example of what happens when you buy into the Black victim hood narrative.
Actually it's rich white people convincing poor white people the black people are their enemy.
I'm speaking about the macro level, where you speak at the micro level. I see the big picture, you see your own hand in front of your face.
You make stupid, inaccurate generalizations. I take people as individuals.
Teach actual American history. You don't want that because of how it looks. Like whites did horrible things. Well, they did do horrible things and its time you came to grips with that.
I know all about American history and the history of slavery throughout the world. You may be surprised to learn that slavery is still alive and well all over the world. CRT has nothing to do with teaching "actual" American history it is all about CONTROL over minorities and more importantly, their children.

Racism and victim hood is big business and like any business the purveyors of CRT, DEI, Project 1619 and BLM etc want to make sure they get to your kids early to keep them in the "pipeline".
I know all about American history and the history of slavery throughout the world. You may be surprised to learn that slavery is still alive and well all over the world. CRT has nothing to do with teaching "actual" American history it is all about CONTROL over minorities and more importantly, their children.

Racism and victim hood is big business and like any business the purveyors of CRT, DEI, Project 1619 and BLM etc want to make sure they get to your kids early to keep them in the "pipeline".
I couldn't be less interested in so called CRT. I'm interested in the truth. Do you really think if the truth is not taught in schools it won't be learned? It wasn't taught to me but I learned it anyway.

Considering no one alive today was responsible for what happened centuries ago, what should be taught is that these things did happen. It was bad but we don't want that to happen ever again.

You don't want to bring back this country's evil past do you?
I couldn't be less interested in so called CRT. I'm interested in the truth. Do you really think if the truth is not taught in schools it won't be learned? It wasn't taught to me but I learned it anyway.

Considering no one alive today was responsible for what happened centuries ago, what should be taught is that these things did happen. It was bad but we don't want that to happen ever again.

You don't want to bring back this country's evil past do you?
Oh please….nobody is bringing back slavery or Jim Crow.

The purpose of diverting limited classroom time to focus even more on historic racism rather than try to bring our children up to grade level is twofold:

1) The Marxists want to keep our children dumb and poorly educated, and

2) they want the children to despise our country and thus support the Marxists continuing destruction of it.
So on the one hand your don't want to educate people about the past because it will make White people fee bad
On the other you expect to carry the baton forward because you've been educated about the past.

OK then.
So, I have a white person (I assume) trying to tell me what's being taught in schools don't address racism in the past? Do you have any kids in school? I have two of them. I likely have a better idea than you do what's taught. Do you want to educate people about that our ancestors went out and brought other black people to the shore so that they could be sold and brought over to the US? When you decide to cherry pick what's taught, then you're not really wanting to educate people. BTW, I was in a predominately black school and we were taught that in the late 80s. What are you talking about it's not taught now. That will be news to my kids, and their school is more racially diverse.

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