Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

Today I was near the TV for a while, and there is Jewish propaganda coming out of every crevice. Poor innocent Israelis were attacked for nothing by scary scoundrels from a gangster enclave. Not a word about how Jews have been oppressing this sector for years, how they simply killed Arabs, how they stole Palestinian gas and how they sold water to Gaza at triple the price, how they squeezed the land and how they expelled Palestinians - nothing at all, nothing.
The mouthpiece of the Jewish hutzpah is pumping at full throttle.ayne because that is untrue.

Today I was near the TV for a while, and there is Jewish propaganda coming out of every crevice. Poor innocent Israelis were attacked for nothing by scary scoundrels from a gangster enclave. Not a word about how Jews have been oppressing this sector for years, how they simply killed Arabs, how they stole Palestinian gas and how they sold water to Gaza at triple the price, how they squeezed the land and how they expelled Palestinians - nothing at all, nothing.
The mouthpiece of the Jewish hutzpah is pumping at full throttle.
Maybe because that is untrue.
To state they conquered it is a partial Lie. Yes, they won it on the battlefield, but it is a Lie as that battle was FORCED on them by arab nations of that time.
Since the Zionists simply declared a State of Israel - off course the Arab-league attacked them. They never acquitted towards that UN idea.
The palestinians refused the UN offer of Statehood. Israel accepted.
Since the Zionist immediately started to drive them of their lands in 1948 - what Statehood on what land?
The arab nations said dont sign. We will drive Israel into the ocean and you will have it ALL.
The Arab-League - NEVER - said that, since they wanted Palestine for themselves
Arafat was offered a State as well. Again, they refused.
What State and based on what territory?
They will only accept Israels destruction and all land. For over 7 decades this is the truth.
No - the PLO/Fatah recognized Israels right to exist - Hamas and Hezbollah did not.
Again - what State and territory has Israel supposedly promised the Palestinian-Arabs?
Oh, I think it's pretty much inevitable. Just like the end of South Africa Apartheid was inevitable.
Yes and clearly no - it's actually a perfect comparison.

If the European South-Africans had been politically united - which they were not - just like the Israelis, they could have simply cut off a portion of SA into a "new European South-Africa" (militarily they could have done that easily - just like Israel). Expell all Negros that would have endangered a European majority in that "new South-Africa" and introduce "a fake democracy" like all these other countries on this globe, and then constitutionally grant equal rights to all races living in that "new SA". e.g. 6,6 million Europeans&Asians and 2 million Negros. Problem solved.

The same goes for Israel - they could keep all territories they occupied incl. Gaza (they have the military power) - except the Westbank territory as designed in 1947, leaving that to the Palestinian-Arabs. And finally arranging a peaceful coexistence.

However since they are politically not united - the killing will simply go on - and yes one could be correct that one day e.g. Iran or Saudi-Arabia - regardless of own devastation will nuke the shit out of Israel.

The more practical reality therefore will be - more and more countries are going to get rid of their "holocaust guilt&pity syndrome" thus leaving Israel more and more isolated - less $$, and making Israel far more vulnerable to terrorism (just like SA). Hence more and more Israeli's are going to continue migrating out of Israel, e.g. Berlin has already become the largest destination for migrating Jews out of Israel into Europe.

The Palestinian-Arabs with their own State will have an absolute population majority in this former British Palestine (around 14 million Palestinian Arabs contra 7 million Jews), and will start to get into a war with the remaining Israel. Using terrorism and military means.

Israel (the Zionist) know this very well - the clock is ticking - and will increase their efforts to drive out the Palestinian-Arabs out of "their promised land" - bringing back the Muslim nuke option.

Therefore as I stated many times - the only chance for Jews to survive is to go back to e.g. Europe and the USA - or the sooo honest, and supportive human rights oriented USA and it's humane&caring population, will carve out some shitty 15-20,000mls2 out of it's 3.5 million mls2, for a Jewish State in the USA. Problem solved.
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Question for any who thinks Israel is wrong to occupy Gaza and the West Bank: Were the U.S. and the other allies wrong to occupy German after WWII? After all, it wasn't the fault of the German people, it was that Hitler guy and his followers. Why did we punish innocent Germans with an Apartheid state?
Israel is bombing locations that rockets were launched from. What part of that concept don't you grasp? Israel has been hit by over 20,000 rockets. That's twenty THOUSAND rockets! Of course Israel bombs the Palestinians. They see where the rockets originate from and they target that site.

Right, they just happen to ALWAYS hit the right building. It's not about terrorizing people at all.

They don't. Is that your pathetic attempt to justify what Hamas just did in this latest attack, Billo? Israel plays hardball but they don't do any of the sick shit that Hamas does.

They do their own sick shit, that's the problem.

I'm not seeing how killing a kid with a 2 million dollar smart bomb is less evil than killing a kid with a knife.

Allah is Satan
. It's man that is fucked up, look at libs for an example.
Um, no, Allah, Yahweh and Jehovah are the same "diety".
Yes and clearly no - it's actually a perfect comparison.

If the European South-Africans had been politically united - which they were not - just like the Israelis, they could have simply cut off a portion of SA into a "new European South-Africa" (militarily they could have done that easily - just like Israel). Expell all Negros that would have endangered a European majority in that "new South-Africa" and introduce "a fake democracy" like all these other countries on this globe, and then constitutionally grant equal rights to all races living in that "new SA". e.g. 6,6 million Europeans&Asians and 2 million Negros. Problem solved.

Actually, no. The Bothas tried to do that, by creating "Homelands" for the African tribes that excluded the major cities where the economic activity was happening. But they still wanted black folks to come in and work their farms and factories. The world looked at this and called bullshit. Now, the problem is that only about 10% of the population of South Africa were of British and Dutch descent. Israel has near parity with Palestinian Arabs. (6 million Jews vs. 1 million Arabs within the 67 borders, 2.3 million in Gaza and 3.5 million on the West Bank.) By locking all the Palestinians out, the Jews won't have anyone to do the scrub work. (Because, honestly a Jew isn't happy unless he's exploiting a goyim. )

A two-state solution also won't work for an obvious reason. The Palestinians want ALL of Palestine back, not just the crappy parts the Jews don't want.

The same goes for Israel - they could keep all territories they occupied incl. Gaza (they have the military power) - except the Westbank territory as designed in 1947, leaving that to the Palestinian-Arabs. And finally arranging a peaceful coexistence.

However since they are politically not united - the killing will simply go on - and yes one could be correct that one day e.g. Iran or Saudi-Arabia - regardless of own devastation will nuke the shit out of Israel.

Hopefully it won't come to that. South Africa also tried to use the threat of nukes to keep their neighbors in line. The problem with a nuclear Iran is that the Ayatollahs aren't suicidal. They can rant against the "Great Satan (us) and the "Little Satan" (Israel) all day, but they like being in power too much. Saudi Arabia, not so much, it's too hooked into the west to cause trouble.

The more practical reality therefore will be - more and more countries are going to get rid of their "holocaust guilt&pity syndrome" thus leaving Israel more and more isolated - less $$, and making Israel far more vulnerable to terrorism (just like SA). Hence more and more Israeli's are going to continue migrating out of Israel, e.g. Berlin has already become the largest destination for migrating Jews out of Israel into Europe.

And this is why Zionism won't last. Even Jews realize it isn't sustainable.
Question for any who thinks Israel is wrong to occupy Gaza and the West Bank: Were the U.S. and the other allies wrong to occupy German after WWII? After all, it wasn't the fault of the German people, it was that Hitler guy and his followers. Why did we punish innocent Germans with an Apartheid state?

Wow, Seymour, I'm am starting to think you have a learning disability.

The US only "Occuppied" West Germany for 10 years. Then we allowed the Western Zones to re-unite in the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundes Republik Deutschland) and pretty much let them do their own thing. We even let ex-Nazi back into power if they promised they really didn't love Hitler anymore.

What we didn't do was settle Germany with a bunch of Americans and make Germans a second-class citizen in his own country.
A two-state solution also won't work for an obvious reason. The Palestinians want ALL of Palestine back, not just the crappy parts the Jews don't want.
Mexico may want Texas back, and with far more justification, since they did own it at one time, while the "Palestinians" have always been roaming nomads, no more familiar with the concept of land ownership and borders than the American tribal people were.

If Mexico fires rockets into the U.S., and kidnaps Americans with the demand that "their" land be returned, what should be our reaction?
Mexico may want Texas back, and with far more justification, since they did own it at one time, while the "Palestinians" have always been roaming nomads, no more familiar with the concept of land ownership and borders than the American tribal people were.

If Mexico fires rockets into the U.S., and kidnaps Americans with the demand that "their" land be returned, what should be our reaction?

Cancel Cinco di Mayo?

I do love how you guys like to pretend Palestinians aren't real people. I guess all those Jews were killed by unicorns last week.

Fucking unicorns.
Cancel Cinco di Mayo?

I do love how you guys like to pretend Palestinians aren't real people. I guess all those Jews were killed by unicorns last week.

Fucking unicorns.
Now you turned to childishness.

There was not a nation called "Palestine." Palestine was always a territory, and no one called themselves Palestinians, until it became a way to cry about the evil Jews. There were displaced Arabs living in the territory, and there were displaced Jews as well. As part of the global re-organization following World War II, Jews were given part of Palestine for their own homeland.

The Arabs were welcome to live in the remainder of Palestine, or to be taken in by their fellow Arabs in more than 20 Muslim nations in the region. Or their fellow Arabs could have helped them to establish a civilization where they had been roaming nomads. Unfortunately for them as much as for the Jews, their fellow Muslims saw some advantage in encouraging those Arabs in the territory called Palestine to pout their anger that a Jewish nation dared to exist.

Did you get around to answering whether the U.S. was wrong to occupy German and Japan after WWII?
Mexico may want Texas back, and with far more justification, since they did own it at one time, while the "Palestinians" have always been roaming nomads, no more familiar with the concept of land ownership and borders than the American tribal people were.

If Mexico fires rockets into the U.S., and kidnaps Americans with the demand that "their" land be returned, what should be our reaction?
There is no need to dig into history for hundreds of years. Mexico has recognized the USA and it's territory. A long time ago.

Therefore you example/comparison is plain stupid

The Arab-league and the Palestinians have NEVER recognized Israel - especially not after them occupying additional Palestinian lands that were designated for them in 1947. Your "roaming nomad" is also total bullshit - 80% of the Palestinians were an urban population before the Zionist drove them out.
Actually, no. The Bothas tried to do that, by creating "Homelands" for the African tribes that excluded the major cities where the economic activity was happening. But they still wanted black folks to come in and work their farms and factories. The world looked at this and called bullshit.
No - the homeland policy factually did work - you still confuse "indigenous Negros" with those millions of illegal Negros coming in from neighbor countries - setting up these illegal townships - and thus providing the breeding and recruiting potential for the ANC terrorists. Also the European and Asian South-Africans didn't need 20 million Negros to work for them at all - the ratio in 1990 between Europeans and Asians to Negros was 40%. Including these illegal Negros it went down to 20%.

Sooner or later the corrupt and despotic ANC regime will find a reason to attack these remaining homelands like e.g. Swaziland and Lesotho.
There was not a nation called "Palestine." Palestine was always a territory, and no one called themselves Palestinians, until it became a way to cry about the evil Jews. There were displaced Arabs living in the territory, and there were displaced Jews as well. As part of the global re-organization following World War II, Jews were given part of Palestine for their own homeland.

You do realize that the vast majority of "Nations" that exist today didn't exist before World War II, right? It was someone else's territory until the world wars tore up the European Empires (and Japan's Empire).

Hey, there was no South Korea before 1945. Must mean Koreans aren't really a people!
What about Malaysia? No Malaysia before 1945, it must not be a real place!
Or Eritrea? It didn't exist as a country until 2011.

The Arabs were welcome to live in the remainder of Palestine, or to be taken in by their fellow Arabs in more than 20 Muslim nations in the region. Or their fellow Arabs could have helped them to establish a civilization where they had been roaming nomads. Unfortunately for them as much as for the Jews, their fellow Muslims saw some advantage in encouraging those Arabs in the territory called Palestine to pout their anger that a Jewish nation dared to exist.

You do realize that people who don't own property are still people, right? The Palestinians lived there for hundreds of years. The Zionists are squatters from Europe who only became interested in living there after Hitler tried to exterminate them.

Did you get around to answering whether the U.S. was wrong to occupy German and Japan after WWII?
Yes, I did. Clearly you were too stupid to understand the answer, though, Corky. Post 589. Have someone help you with the big words


It's Super-retard!
No - the homeland policy factually did work - you still confuse "indigenous Negros" with those millions of illegal Negros coming in from neighbor countries - setting up these illegal townships - and thus providing the breeding and recruiting potential for the ANC terrorists. Also the European and Asian South-Africans didn't need 20 million Negros to work for them at all - the ratio in 1990 between Europeans and Asians to Negros was 40%. Including these illegal Negros it went down to 20%.

Ah, the "Apartheid wasn't so bad" argument.

Apartheid was unacceptable.
So is Zionism.
Ah, the "Apartheid wasn't so bad" argument.

Apartheid was unacceptable.
So is Zionism.
This isn't about Apartheid being good or bad - it was bad and stupid. My family and myself never supported or favored that system.
But, IF the European and Asian, South-Africans had been united - they could easily have set up their own state. And that State would have survived and been prosperous.

Israel - it doesn't matter if they are united or not - The concept of an Israel with Israelis and Palestinians being jointly ruled in a unified country to me isn't feasible after 80 years of hatred and distrust, aside of being totally overpopulated aka 9 million Israelis + 12-14 million Palestinians. The concept of a Jewish Israel IMO - doesn't have a future either. therefore either back to where they came from since the 1920's or the sooo humane and sooo caring USA can spare some 15-20,000 mls2, for them to set up shop in an own State in the USA.
There is no need to dig into history for hundreds of years. Mexico has recognized the USA and it's territory. A long time ago.

Therefore you example/comparison is plain stupid

The Arab-league and the Palestinians have NEVER recognized Israel - especially not after them occupying additional Palestinian lands that were designated for them in 1947. Your "roaming nomad" is also total bullshit - 80% of the Palestinians were an urban population before the Zionist drove them out.
Okay, what is the magic number of years then? Israel has been in existence 70 years plus. When they hit 100 are you going to be telling Hamas to shut the fuck up because Israel exists?

Back in the day, Mexico had a case to make that the Texas Revolution was just a land theft plot by the United states. But once the situation jelled and Americans settled into what was once a territory of Mexico called Texas and then the state of Texas, a sudden surprise attack by Mexico would have been a fresh Act of war, not a continuation of the previous war.

The Arab people living in Palestine have been given chance after chance after chance by Israel and the rest of the world to act peacefully and start developing industry instead of insisting on living with an 9th century mentality and attacking the hated Jews with small 20th Century weapons supplied by outsiders.

It is long past time to realize that they have been given enough chances and gone feral each time and that the time for peace is over except for peace that is achieved through total defeat and total occupation.

The United States was able to help Germany join civilized Humanity, but only after we defeated them utterly and made it be known that we weren't leaving their countries until they were no longer even a potential threat. Note that we are still there.

I assume you are consistent enough to say that the United States was also wrong to occupy Germany and japan. We should have let the werewolves and the holdout worshipers of the emperor continue to attack and should have given those violent people concessions hoping that they would change their nature. Like the Scorpion and the frog, people's Natures do not change.
You are the one that is confused. The Jews coming from Europe were just reclaiming a portion of what God gave them, that is recent history. If they had everything God gave them more than just Palestinians would be mad.

If God gave Palestine to the Jews, then God must hate the Jews. It's the most violent and unholy place on earth.

If God loved the Jews, then why didn't he give them America? God must have known America existed, right? If Moses & God could part the Red Sea, and if Noah could build that arc, then certainly Moses & the Jews could have built ships to take them to America.

Either God hates the Jews or ....
Originally posted by Richard-H
If God gave Palestine to the Jews, then God must hate the Jews. It's the most violent and unholy place on earth.

If God loved the Jews, then why didn't he give them America? God must have known America existed, right? If Moses & God could part the Red Sea, and if Noah could build that arc, then certainly Moses & the Jews could have built ships to take them to America.

Either God hates the Jews or ....


Richard-H has already lost his faith that someday the arabs of Palestine will accept the state of Israel.

And let's be honest here, people... who can blame him?

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