Critique of Intelligent Design

It's a general knowledge and problem-solving test score, just like you get in school. Some get A's, some not.
Hilarious. No, you get A‘s in particular subjects. You take SATs over particular topics. Problem solving ? Hilarious. Who was the better problem solver, Mozart or Einstein or Tom Brady ?
Hilarious. No, you get A‘s in particular subjects. You take SATs over particular topics. Problem solving ? Hilarious. Who was the better problem solver, Mozart or Einstein or Tom Brady ?
Test scores and grades correlate directly with applied intelligence.
History, social studies, etc. are general knowledge courses. Math and science are problem solving courses. Test scores and grades correlate directly with intelligence.
Ha ha, you’re babbling. So a genius in history who can recall every date, can’t do trigonometry for a lick. So much for problem solving. There are so many holes in your posts it’s hilarious. So, who is better at problem solving, Mozart or Tom Brady ?
The notion of IQs has been irrelevant for decades. Only bozos brag about their “ IQ”, which is a fictional number you can literally “buy” on line. The snake oil salesman and huckster selling “ IQ”s is waiting for your call.
Dipshit, you have a low IQ. You can't collect enough of it to objectively, scientifically debate the material.
Dipshit, you have a low IQ. You can't collect enough of it to objectively, scientifically debate the material.
You obviously are oblivious to facts. No one uses IQ test scores for any relevant purpose. ( Except to scam people.)
Now tell us how smart you are.
We've mentioned Behe, above.

'Robert Pennock, philosopher and historian of the ID movement, criticized prominent IDer Michael Behe for including in the definition of evolution also the emergence of life by natural means and especially wrongly attributing it this perception of evolution also to Darwin. To refute Behe, Pennock referred to Darwin's quote in the Origin that "it hardly concerns us how life itself originated" (Darwin 1988 [1872] p. 151).

So what did Darwin think on the origin of life? It might seem peculiar that Darwin (1859) hardly discussed the subject of the origin of life in his major opus The Origin of the Species (1859). As attested especially in Darwin's post Origin letters, there were two major reasons why he avoided the subject in the Origin.

First, Darwin perceptively realized and repeatedly stated that the origin-of-life question was beyond the powers of the science of his day. Second, realizing the inflammatory potential of the origin-of-life subject in the theological context of his day, Darwin didn't wish to alienate his public even more. So much so that at the end of the second edition of the Origin, departing from the general tenor of the work, Darwin used the biblical term of the creation of life (Darwin 1860:484). However, in a letter to his close friend Joseph Hooker, Darwin later expressed his regret that he had given in to public opinion, emphasizing that all he meant to say was that the origin-of-life subject is "some wholly unknown process." (Darwin 1863).'
(Fry, op cit)
This thread will develop a critique of intelligent design, otherwise known as religious creationism. We choose the Broocks-Hedin assemblage because they will be speaking on 25 Oct 2023 in the very town that called them on their supposed "evidence."
4 Mar 2021 A Creationist Writes In
Evolution is true. But for an example, in your mind, start backwards from humans to a bacteria form of life. We call this bacteria, cyanobacteria. Evolve forwards from a nothing to a form of bacteria and then travel forward from bacteria to humans. Can you do that?
Bogus or not the brightest teachers have yet to 'educate' faith out of our heads. :bowdown:
Another way to say Evolution is microscopic change. But it does not explain how matter was created nor a whom was clever enough to make a nothing into a something. GOD works well for that.
Another way to say Evolution is microscopic change. But it does not explain how matter was created nor a whom was clever enough to make a nothing into a something. GOD works well for that.
Let’s just insert god for everything we don’t know How it works. Let’s start with cell phones. 🥱
You obviously are oblivious to facts. No one uses IQ test scores for any relevant purpose. ( Except to scam people.)
Now tell us how smart you are.
People use their intelligence to enrich their own lives (and sometimes the lives of others). People who lack intelligence often destroy their lives and that of others.
Ha ha, you’re babbling. So a genius in history who can recall every date, can’t do trigonometry for a lick. So much for problem solving. There are so many holes in your posts it’s hilarious. So, who is better at problem solving, Mozart or Tom Brady ?
I got A's in History and Trig. ;) I didn't do well in courses that I didn't like however (English Literature).
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