Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School has Parents Upset


Silver Member
Oct 26, 2012
So now we have elementary schools encouraging kids to dress up as the opposite sex. Or as they called it, "gender-bender day."

[ame=]Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School Crosses Parents - YouTube[/ame]

Cross-Dressing Day at Elementary School Crosses Parents | National Review Online

A themed dress day at a Milwaukee elementary school has some parents hot under the collar. Last week’s “Gender Bender Day” at Tippecanoe School for the Arts and Humanities asked students to dress as a member of the opposite sex.

“I think it’s just teaching them the wrong lesson about gender,” one parent told local Fox affiliate WITI. “If you’re a boy, stay a boy. You shouldn’t have something like that at school.”

Another parent said she was “speechless” about the school’s decision day. She, like some other parents, ended up keeping her son home from school that day.
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My kids would have a day off.
Then I'd make a big scene so they knew how I felt about it. Why should my child miss a day of school because they want the kids to do something that is against our morals? I'd make sure my kid was absent the day the do the head count for funding also.

Actually, this would be about the time I'd consider homeschooling!
Quick! Somebody get NovaSteve!!!
Maybe those parents shouldn't send their children to a school with a liberal arts bent that allows students to choose the events for school spirit week.
Okay, in all seriousness, I agree. This is not appropriate for elementary aged school kids. I would probably not send my son that day either, but it's unlikely I'd send him to a school like that in the first place.
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Wait 'til the libtrolls push PEDOPHILE DAY at your local school. It's coming. Just as sure and dead set against homos that people were, look, now they're TEACHING your kids to be a HOMO. So there are no boundaries for liberals. It is the CONSTANT slippery slope with them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They will NOT be happy until ANYTHING GOES sexually... ANYTHING... hey... IF YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT... ya... that's their deal.

HEY EVERYBODY... it's FUCK YOUR DOG DAY at the grade school... YAAAY.
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Here comes the drama llama. :rolleyes:

Again, these parents sent their children to a liberal arts elementary school that allows student council to choose spirit week events. And the events are voluntary.
Wait 'til the libtrolls push PEDOPHILE DAY at your local school. It's coming. Just as sure and dead set against homos that people were, look, now they're TEACHING your kids to be a HOMO. So there are no boundaries for liberals. It is the CONSTANT slippery slope with them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They will NOT be happy until ANYTHING GOES sexually... ANYTHING... hey... IF YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT... ya... that's their deal.

HEY EVERYBODY... it's FUCK YOUR DOG DAY at the grade school... YAAAY.
It is always fascinating to watch where your mind goes.
Seems like "Glee" has too much influence on educational institutions today. In the past it was hiding under desks in case of a nuclear attack, race relation issues and/or the drug culture.

I long for the good old days when corporal punishment was the norm and broken knuckles were given for the slightest infraction or "just because".....not!
Wait 'til the libtrolls push PEDOPHILE DAY at your local school. It's coming. Just as sure and dead set against homos that people were, look, now they're TEACHING your kids to be a HOMO. So there are no boundaries for liberals. It is the CONSTANT slippery slope with them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They will NOT be happy until ANYTHING GOES sexually... ANYTHING... hey... IF YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT... ya... that's their deal.

HEY EVERYBODY... it's FUCK YOUR DOG DAY at the grade school... YAAAY.


Someone has to try's crazy!
Wait 'til the libtrolls push PEDOPHILE DAY at your local school. It's coming. Just as sure and dead set against homos that people were, look, now they're TEACHING your kids to be a HOMO. So there are no boundaries for liberals. It is the CONSTANT slippery slope with them. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They will NOT be happy until ANYTHING GOES sexually... ANYTHING... hey... IF YOU'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT... ya... that's their deal.

HEY EVERYBODY... it's FUCK YOUR DOG DAY at the grade school... YAAAY.
It is always fascinating to watch where your mind goes.

And it's also fascinating to see where your mind ISN'T, and that's in reality.

Everything I said is true and you know it. That's why you spew some lame ass insult as to DEBATE it.

What ever happened to the LIBTARD argument about "BETWEEN CONSENTING ADULTS?" Why this need to push this GARBAGE on CHILDREN?

Explain that one homo lover....
I was listening to a group of Liberals Pols complaining that we won't have enough adults grounded in the hard sciences in 10 years to compete with China and India.

Not one person had the nerve to tell them that it was their fault. Instead of teaching hard sciences, the schools have to waste time with "National Hispanic" "National Black" "National Women" "Why the Founders were Evil White Men" etc. months.

When the schools spend more time teaching why certain races or genders are special, more time being concerned about feelings, more time on how great Islam or homosexuals are, the less time they are spending on teaching the hard sciences.

Does anyone actually think China, India, Russia, even Japan is spending so much time in their schools on such subjects?
Unless I missed it one thing that has been overlooked so far is that your local elected School Board sets the school curriculum and has the power to stop things like this.

I know. Let's pressure for a very special day for our educators. Something wild and crazy that hasn't been tried in years.

Let's pretend I'm a teacher day and not a social engineer kids
I just came from a thread about integration/segregation

Which is worse??????
Here comes the drama llama. :rolleyes:

Again, these parents sent their children to a liberal arts elementary school that allows student council to choose spirit week events. And the events are voluntary.

Are you suggesting nobody holds veto power over the student council's choice?

That sounds pretty unlikely to me.

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