Crowds outside of Fulton County jail as Trump is indicted

Killing cops is what happened in Seattle and Portland. The J6 riot was instigated by the Feds.
I realize that’s part of your goal: to discourage Republicans from voting. We are now more determined than ever to prevent another steal.
So you're gonna help keep Trump's people away from ballot boxes and certification of votes?
So you're gonna help keep Trump's people away from ballot boxes and certification of votes?
We are going to make sure ballots are not always cured in favor of Biden, that Republican observers aren’t sent home in the middle of the night so cheaters can dump buckets of ballots that go 99% for Biden, that there aren’t six swing states simultaneously shutting down the count when Trump is ahead, that signatures must match, that multiple ballots aren’t mailed out to the same address, and that ballot counting doesn’t extend a week past Election Day until the Dems can come up with enough of them to erase Trump’s lead.
Trump has made the call. There are going to be too many people surrounding the court house and too much tear gas in the air for Trump to get through. The feds have infiltrated into Trump's faithful and have learned of the plan.

The feds will throw the book at them this time.
Wtf is your retarded Canuck ass talking about? :wtf:
Ignoring all previous laws and precedents.
There was a reason that mail-in ballots were limited for the past hundred years - because they’re prone to fraud. EVERYONE except the following groups can show up at the polls, or else lose their chance to vote.

1. Elderly over 75
2. Disabled
3. Out-of-town college students
4. Military

That’s it.
Well. today's the day it happens. There's pretty big crowds leading up the road to the jail today.

I don't think anyone's going to get violent or be arrested at all, it looks like a pretty peaceful bunch.

Do notice redbone grandma out there.

I wouldn't put it past Willis to have a bunch of Trump supporters arrested
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump is being punished by the Ruling Leftest that have weaponized the Federal government for opposing their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole. They were piss that Trump beat that Crooked Hillary bitch and then preceded to undo the damage done by the Worthless Negro. He was the best President of modern times and that showed up the incompetency and destruction of the Democrat assholes.

Meanwhile they are not held accountable for the attempted coup against Trump or the massive amount of corruption of Joe Potatohead who got rich being a traitor to his country.

We are a Banana Republic.

You Leftest turds are happy as hell with the destruction of this country because you believe in any means necessary to achieve your Leftest revolution.

Shame on you!!!! You have managed to do what a foreign country cannot do, destroy our country from within.

You Leftest turds are the assholes of this country.

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