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This is no actual “server”

It was a cloud based system

that would mean like 1400 servers
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.

Crowdstrike had nothing to do with the Clinton's email server. I believe that was a stand alone box and not a virtual server.
i stand corrected.
Mueller: Four acts of obstruction of justice by Trump.

Then why didn't he recommend filing charges???

Unlike Ken Starr he was working for the DOJ not Congress. He had to send his report to "Deep Six" AG Barr.
He said why. What a pity you lack even the minimal intellect required to understand what he said.
Ken Starr had no problem recommending charges 9 of them as a matter of fact
One was for obstruction.

Ken Starr was working for Congress and had the charge to do so under the Special Prosecutor law which has since been let expire.

Soon the evidence Mueller gathered will be turned over to the Committees that subpoenaed it.
So did Mueller
Dumbfuck, no, Mueller was not working for Congress. He was working for the DoJ. And again, unlike Starr, Mueller had the OLC opinion, that a sitting president can't be indicted, to deal with.
Well if any of that were true why in the fuck did the house call Mueller to answer why he failed them poor little beta male still licking his ass.

You do seem obsessed with 'male...licking his ass'.

Maybe you are in the wrong thread?
This is no actual “server”

It was a cloud based system

that would mean like 1400 servers
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.
You seem confused.
This is not about Hillary or her server dumbass

get back to us when you have a clue
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Comey testified that the FBI requested, but did not receive, physical access to the DNC servers.[60][61] According to Comey, the FBI did obtain copies of the servers and all the information on them, as well as access to forensics from CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity company that reviewed the DNC servers.[61] Comey said that access through Crowdstrike was an "appropriate substitute" and called the firm a "highly respected private company."[61][60]

so what was comey going after then? physical virtualization?

please offer up a link on how the DNC server farm was configured. you seem to know all this. and i'm pretty willing to bet it wasn't 1400 servers, virtual or physical.
What I would like to hear from the beta human beings called Trumpettes is why the hell do they believe that somehow Crowdstrike is hiding a server in Ukraine?
Poor, PussyBitch. Too rightarded to understand Mueller...

First, a traditional prosecution or declination decision entails a binary determination to initiate or decline a prosecution, but we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment. The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has issued an opinion finding that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions" in violation of "the constitutional separation of powers." 1 Given the role of the Special Counsel as an attorney in the Department of Justice and the framework of the Special Counsel regulations , see 28 U.S.C. § 515; 28 C.F .R. § 600.7(a), this Office accepted OLC's legal conclusion for the purpose of exercising prosecutorial jurisdiction. And apart from OLC's constitutional view, we recognized that a federal criminal accusation against a sitting President would place burdens on the President's capacity to govern and potentially preempt constitutional processes for addressing presidential misconduct. 2 Second, while the OLC opinion concludes that a sitting President may not be prosecuted, it recognizes that a criminal investigation during the President's term is permissible .3 The OLC opinion also recognizes that a President does not have immunity after he leaves office. 4 And if individuals other than the President committed an obstruction offense, they may be prosecuted at this time. Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in

1 A Sitting President 's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution, 24 Op. O.L.C. 222, 222, 260 (2000) (OLC Op.).

2 See U .S. CONST. Art. I § 2, cl. 5; § 3, cl. 6; cf OLC Op. at 257-258 (discussing relationship between impeachment and criminal prosecution of a sitting President).

3 OLC Op. at 257 n.36 ("A grand jury could continue to gather evidence throughout the period of immunity").

4 OLC Op. at 255 ("Recognizing an immunity from prosecution for a sitting President would not preclude suc h prosecution once the President's term is over or he is otherwise removed from office by resignation or impeachment").
Dear beta male Mueller said no Trump Russian collusion or obstruction nor did anyone in the Trump campaign work with the Russians to influence the 2016 election

Poor, demented PussyBitch. Even when I quote Mueller's report, he still can't understand it.
Poor beta male lost his mind when Mueller couldn't deliver.
actually, brainwashed functional moron, Mueller said there was collusion and obstruction but it was not his duty and besides a president cannot be indicted according to these GOP dopes. He basically said it was up to Congress to decide what to do. And we're doing it. Everybody knows this except for the dupes....
OK brainwashed beta male
Sorry you miss 90% of the news on your ridiculous garbage propaganda machine, super duper. And everything that proves the GOP is the swamp, especially under the orange lying mobbed-up Manhattan realtor narcissist scumbag. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, the corrupt World depression, the worst propaganda in the history of our country and the worst voters in the modern world.... No journalists or law enforcement in the world gives a damn what your stupid propaganda machine says anymore. they only investigate your crap to prove that you are a brainwashed functional moron. Of course you don't hear that stuff LOL
No, but if crowdstrike can be raided the way Trump's lawyer was. You're screwed!
Crowd strike is not being investigated in the Ukraine by the DOJ, Barr or Durham.... that's all Giuliani, the three Ukrainian/Russian thugs, and Trump's debunked a thousand times over, conspiracy theory....

Barr said he had no part in it....
They need to raid them and their lawyers office's. Muller set new ways into investigating. You said nothing.
Duh.... Michael Cohen was a criminal.... his and any lawyer's communications are not insulated by attorney client privileges when involved in a crime.... THAT is nothing new.
Crowdstrike has the hacked dnc emails. The thing that started Russia collusion. Raid them today. We know you approve of this tatic.
Everybody has the hacked DNC emails duh. And ourm ridiculous punditocracy starting with fox and your demagoguesspent 60% of political coverage talking about the stupid goddamn emails and your ridiculous conspiracies.
Lol, you're clueless. Just like Pelosi likes you.
THAT is the one word that set the democrats hair on fire..."CROWDSTRIKE".

It was in the TRANSCRIPT!

When the democrat server was "hacked"...by the "russians"...the FBI never saw that server...debbie wasserman schultz wouldn't allow the FBI anywhere near the server.

So how did the FBI know that the "russians" "Hacked" the server?

CROWDSTRIKE told them so.

This is the very origin of the russia-collusion coup attempt & MANY democrats know this will get them the death penalty!

How would you act if you knew you were going to be executed for your crimes? A little bit CRAZY perhaps?

Would you start doing desperate & illogical things?

Would you try to take out the president before he takes you out and exposes your crimes?

Would your eyeballs start bugging out of your head?

Hey democrats...CROWDSTRIKE!!! :50:

It's all over but the :206:
Let’s not forget about the international pedophile rings these people are part of, and Jeff Epstein. Listen I like trump and I’m optimistic he’s really truly changing things but if these pedos don’t go down then I don’t care about anything else. Children are out there suffering at the hands of these people and I want justice

'these pedos'

I am pretty sure we can all agree we are all against pedophiles.

If you have any evidence of international pedophiles please share it with the FBI immediately.
We all want actual pedophiles who are abusing children to be brought to justice.

But somehow I suspect you also believe that a pizza parlor was the center of a such a ring.......
Plenty of circumstantial evidence. And I believe there is some real evidence in there of that I wish somebody would talk about LOL.
Except you spelled it coupe duh.
and here is an article about the collusion and obstruction that Mueller found but refused to make any kind of conclusion about because these GOP guys believe he cannot be indicted. But he basically asked Congress to look into it. Boring I know but certainly not exculpatory.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://time.com/5610317/mueller-report-myths-breakdown/?amp=true&ved=2ahUKEwiH9rHblsXlAhUDj1kKHaT1BvkQFjADegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw3U-0XwtMiv1B53-kBBUpOB&ampcf=1
from link...
Trump campaign members welcomed foreign influence into our election and then compromised themselves with the Russian government by covering it up.

Mueller found other contacts with Russia, such as the sharing of polling data about Midwestern states where Trump later won upset victories, conversations with the Russian ambassador to influence Russia’s response to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to election interference, and communications with Wikileaks after it had received emails stolen by Russia. While none of these acts amounted to the crime of conspiracy, all could be described as “collusion.”

If Obama or the FBI had wanted to derail the Trump election they could have done it with a single press conference two weeks before the election.
The FBI did try to derail the Trump campaign just like they tried to derail his legitimate election

Why would I repeat idiotic Trump lies like you do?

If Obama or the FBI had wanted to derail the Trump election they could have done it with a single press conference two weeks before the election
From the National Review

Jonah Goldberg (of all people)
There’s a conspiracy theory, popular in the Oval Office and the swampier corners of the Internet, that the hacking of the DNC’s email servers wasn’t orchestrated by Russia but by Ukraine — to benefit Hillary Clinton!

This makes no sense for countless reasons we don’t have space for. But it’s worth noting that in the most popular version of this story, the DNC hack was an inside job, conducted by a low-level staffer named Seth Rich, who was then murdered to keep him from exposing the plot to frame the Russians.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to analyze the server — which was actually more than 140 different servers. Rather than take possession of the server(s), CrowdStrike made digital copies of the whole shebang. This was allegedly a cover-up. As Trump tweeted in 2018, “Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

It gets loopier. As Trump suggested in his call with Zelensky, the theory is that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian-owned or Ukrainian-connected company. It’s not. It’s based in California, and the alleged Ukrainian co-founder of the company was born in Russia. The suggestion that “the server” is being hidden in some Ukrainian warehouse, like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie, is straight-up bonkers.

In the words of Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, this “conspiracy theory” has “no validity” and “has been completely debunked.”
one fallacy no one is saying Ukraine hack the DNC computers to help Hillary
Another thing the founder of Crowd Strike hated Putin

And that is what you got from this.....lol

From the National Review

Jonah Goldberg (of all people)
There’s a conspiracy theory, popular in the Oval Office and the swampier corners of the Internet, that the hacking of the DNC’s email servers wasn’t orchestrated by Russia but by Ukraine — to benefit Hillary Clinton!

This makes no sense for countless reasons we don’t have space for. But it’s worth noting that in the most popular version of this story, the DNC hack was an inside job, conducted by a low-level staffer named Seth Rich, who was then murdered to keep him from exposing the plot to frame the Russians.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to analyze the server — which was actually more than 140 different servers. Rather than take possession of the server(s), CrowdStrike made digital copies of the whole shebang. This was allegedly a cover-up. As Trump tweeted in 2018, “Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

It gets loopier. As Trump suggested in his call with Zelensky, the theory is that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian-owned or Ukrainian-connected company. It’s not. It’s based in California, and the alleged Ukrainian co-founder of the company was born in Russia. The suggestion that “the server” is being hidden in some Ukrainian warehouse, like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie, is straight-up bonkers.

In the words of Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, this “conspiracy theory” has “no validity” and “has been completely debunked.”
National Review?? Damn Commies. ;)
Fake news is fake news

True- and the biggest source of Fake News is your Orange Messiah.
From the National Review

Jonah Goldberg (of all people)
There’s a conspiracy theory, popular in the Oval Office and the swampier corners of the Internet, that the hacking of the DNC’s email servers wasn’t orchestrated by Russia but by Ukraine — to benefit Hillary Clinton!

This makes no sense for countless reasons we don’t have space for. But it’s worth noting that in the most popular version of this story, the DNC hack was an inside job, conducted by a low-level staffer named Seth Rich, who was then murdered to keep him from exposing the plot to frame the Russians.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to analyze the server — which was actually more than 140 different servers. Rather than take possession of the server(s), CrowdStrike made digital copies of the whole shebang. This was allegedly a cover-up. As Trump tweeted in 2018, “Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

It gets loopier. As Trump suggested in his call with Zelensky, the theory is that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian-owned or Ukrainian-connected company. It’s not. It’s based in California, and the alleged Ukrainian co-founder of the company was born in Russia. The suggestion that “the server” is being hidden in some Ukrainian warehouse, like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie, is straight-up bonkers.

In the words of Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, this “conspiracy theory” has “no validity” and “has been completely debunked.”
one fallacy no one is saying Ukraine hack the DNC computers to help Hillary
Another thing the founder of Crowd Strike hated Putin

And that is what you got from this.....lol

From the National Review

Jonah Goldberg (of all people)
There’s a conspiracy theory, popular in the Oval Office and the swampier corners of the Internet, that the hacking of the DNC’s email servers wasn’t orchestrated by Russia but by Ukraine — to benefit Hillary Clinton!

This makes no sense for countless reasons we don’t have space for. But it’s worth noting that in the most popular version of this story, the DNC hack was an inside job, conducted by a low-level staffer named Seth Rich, who was then murdered to keep him from exposing the plot to frame the Russians.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to analyze the server — which was actually more than 140 different servers. Rather than take possession of the server(s), CrowdStrike made digital copies of the whole shebang. This was allegedly a cover-up. As Trump tweeted in 2018, “Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

It gets loopier. As Trump suggested in his call with Zelensky, the theory is that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian-owned or Ukrainian-connected company. It’s not. It’s based in California, and the alleged Ukrainian co-founder of the company was born in Russia. The suggestion that “the server” is being hidden in some Ukrainian warehouse, like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie, is straight-up bonkers.

In the words of Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, this “conspiracy theory” has “no validity” and “has been completely debunked.”
National Review?? Damn Commies. ;)
Fake news is fake news

True- and the biggest source of Fake News is your Orange Messiah.
well, he's not really orange. and he's certainly not a messiah.

so - who's doing fake news again?
Crowd strike is not being investigated in the Ukraine by the DOJ, Barr or Durham.... that's all Giuliani, the three Ukrainian/Russian thugs, and Trump's debunked a thousand times over, conspiracy theory....

Barr said he had no part in it....
They need to raid them and their lawyers office's. Muller set new ways into investigating. You said nothing.
Duh.... Michael Cohen was a criminal.... his and any lawyer's communications are not insulated by attorney client privileges when involved in a crime.... THAT is nothing new.
Crowdstrike has the hacked dnc emails. The thing that started Russia collusion. Raid them today. We know you approve of this tatic.
Everybody has the hacked DNC emails duh. And ourm ridiculous punditocracy starting with fox and your demagoguesspent 60% of political coverage talking about the stupid goddamn emails and your ridiculous conspiracies.
Lol, you're clueless. Just like Pelosi likes you.
When any of your ridiculous phony scandals reaches the courtroom or real journalistic outlet, give us a call Super duper.
This is no actual “server”

It was a cloud based system

that would mean like 1400 servers
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.
You seem confused.
This is not about Hillary or her server dumbass

get back to us when you have a clue
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Comey testified that the FBI requested, but did not receive, physical access to the DNC servers.[60][61] According to Comey, the FBI did obtain copies of the servers and all the information on them, as well as access to forensics from CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity company that reviewed the DNC servers.[61] Comey said that access through Crowdstrike was an "appropriate substitute" and called the firm a "highly respected private company."[61][60]

so what was comey going after then? physical virtualization?

please offer up a link on how the DNC server farm was configured. you seem to know all this. and i'm pretty willing to bet it wasn't 1400 servers, virtual or physical.

Why should we bother?

You will just ignore it like you have ignored the posts that cited FBI official policy.

At a certain point it just comes to saying- go do your own research- since you ignore everyone elses.
one fallacy no one is saying Ukraine hack the DNC computers to help Hillary
Another thing the founder of Crowd Strike hated Putin

And that is what you got from this.....lol

From the National Review

Jonah Goldberg (of all people)
There’s a conspiracy theory, popular in the Oval Office and the swampier corners of the Internet, that the hacking of the DNC’s email servers wasn’t orchestrated by Russia but by Ukraine — to benefit Hillary Clinton!

This makes no sense for countless reasons we don’t have space for. But it’s worth noting that in the most popular version of this story, the DNC hack was an inside job, conducted by a low-level staffer named Seth Rich, who was then murdered to keep him from exposing the plot to frame the Russians.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to analyze the server — which was actually more than 140 different servers. Rather than take possession of the server(s), CrowdStrike made digital copies of the whole shebang. This was allegedly a cover-up. As Trump tweeted in 2018, “Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

It gets loopier. As Trump suggested in his call with Zelensky, the theory is that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian-owned or Ukrainian-connected company. It’s not. It’s based in California, and the alleged Ukrainian co-founder of the company was born in Russia. The suggestion that “the server” is being hidden in some Ukrainian warehouse, like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie, is straight-up bonkers.

In the words of Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, this “conspiracy theory” has “no validity” and “has been completely debunked.”
National Review?? Damn Commies. ;)
Fake news is fake news

True- and the biggest source of Fake News is your Orange Messiah.
well, he's not really orange. and he's certainly not a messiah.

so - who's doing fake news again?

The biggest source of Fake News is your Orange Messiah- Donald Trump.

He is a virtual Fake News factory- churning out daily Fake News in his tweet stream.

Which you trumpettes eagerly parrot.
This is no actual “server”

It was a cloud based system

that would mean like 1400 servers
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.
You seem confused.
This is not about Hillary or her server dumbass

get back to us when you have a clue
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Comey testified that the FBI requested, but did not receive, physical access to the DNC servers.[60][61] According to Comey, the FBI did obtain copies of the servers and all the information on them, as well as access to forensics from CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity company that reviewed the DNC servers.[61] Comey said that access through Crowdstrike was an "appropriate substitute" and called the firm a "highly respected private company."[61][60]

so what was comey going after then? physical virtualization?

please offer up a link on how the DNC server farm was configured. you seem to know all this. and i'm pretty willing to bet it wasn't 1400 servers, virtual or physical.

Why should we bother?

You will just ignore it like you have ignored the posts that cited FBI official policy.

At a certain point it just comes to saying- go do your own research- since you ignore everyone elses.
i did my research - this is what i found so i'm asking you for the counter info to show they had 1400 virtual servers running around.

lesh and now you seem to be buying into this paradox. i'm simply asking how you know what their server farm looked like. i can't find it anywhere and this is as close as i could find.

you see - i'm trying to address the topic, you're just dropping bombs and running away.
And that is what you got from this.....lol

From the National Review

Jonah Goldberg (of all people)
There’s a conspiracy theory, popular in the Oval Office and the swampier corners of the Internet, that the hacking of the DNC’s email servers wasn’t orchestrated by Russia but by Ukraine — to benefit Hillary Clinton!

This makes no sense for countless reasons we don’t have space for. But it’s worth noting that in the most popular version of this story, the DNC hack was an inside job, conducted by a low-level staffer named Seth Rich, who was then murdered to keep him from exposing the plot to frame the Russians.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to analyze the server — which was actually more than 140 different servers. Rather than take possession of the server(s), CrowdStrike made digital copies of the whole shebang. This was allegedly a cover-up. As Trump tweeted in 2018, “Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

It gets loopier. As Trump suggested in his call with Zelensky, the theory is that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian-owned or Ukrainian-connected company. It’s not. It’s based in California, and the alleged Ukrainian co-founder of the company was born in Russia. The suggestion that “the server” is being hidden in some Ukrainian warehouse, like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie, is straight-up bonkers.

In the words of Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, this “conspiracy theory” has “no validity” and “has been completely debunked.”
National Review?? Damn Commies. ;)
Fake news is fake news

True- and the biggest source of Fake News is your Orange Messiah.
well, he's not really orange. and he's certainly not a messiah.

so - who's doing fake news again?

The biggest source of Fake News is your Orange Messiah- Donald Trump.

He is a virtual Fake News factory- churning out daily Fake News in his tweet stream.

Which you trumpettes eagerly parrot.
again -
he's not orange
he's not a messiah
i'm not a trumpette
and i don't parrot things.

who's doing the fake news again?
You fucking rightard. Cheating on your wife is NOT "shower room talk." And you're no "alpha male." You're a PussyBitch twink.
You're another beta male drunken retard.
Spits the twink who said misogynist adulterers are "alpha males."

little beta male, I was talking about bill clinton

Poor PussyBitch. Clinton didn't talk any "shower room talk." :cuckoo:
NO? He just rapped them. But you're a beta male and never have had locker room talk.
You are such an internet tough guy. We're all very impressed.
This is no actual “server”

It was a cloud based system

that would mean like 1400 servers
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.
You seem confused.
This is not about Hillary or her server dumbass

get back to us when you have a clue
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Comey testified that the FBI requested, but did not receive, physical access to the DNC servers.[60][61] According to Comey, the FBI did obtain copies of the servers and all the information on them, as well as access to forensics from CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity company that reviewed the DNC servers.[61] Comey said that access through Crowdstrike was an "appropriate substitute" and called the firm a "highly respected private company."[61][60]

so what was comey going after then? physical virtualization?

please offer up a link on how the DNC server farm was configured. you seem to know all this. and i'm pretty willing to bet it wasn't 1400 servers, virtual or physical.

Why should we bother?

You will just ignore it like you have ignored the posts that cited FBI official policy.

At a certain point it just comes to saying- go do your own research- since you ignore everyone elses.
i did my research - this is what i found so i'm asking you for the counter info to show they had 1400 virtual servers running around.

lesh and now you seem to be buying into this paradox. i'm simply asking how you know what their server farm looked like. i can't find it anywhere and this is as close as i could find.

you see - i'm trying to address the topic, you're just dropping bombs and running away.

Posted about three times previously

Trump, DNC Server & Ukraine -- Missing-Server Conspiracy Theories Are a Convenient Smokescreen | National Review

Weren't you the idiot who thought this was about Hillary's server?

So much for your "research".
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.
You seem confused.
This is not about Hillary or her server dumbass

get back to us when you have a clue
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Comey testified that the FBI requested, but did not receive, physical access to the DNC servers.[60][61] According to Comey, the FBI did obtain copies of the servers and all the information on them, as well as access to forensics from CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity company that reviewed the DNC servers.[61] Comey said that access through Crowdstrike was an "appropriate substitute" and called the firm a "highly respected private company."[61][60]

so what was comey going after then? physical virtualization?

please offer up a link on how the DNC server farm was configured. you seem to know all this. and i'm pretty willing to bet it wasn't 1400 servers, virtual or physical.

Why should we bother?

You will just ignore it like you have ignored the posts that cited FBI official policy.

At a certain point it just comes to saying- go do your own research- since you ignore everyone elses.
i did my research - this is what i found so i'm asking you for the counter info to show they had 1400 virtual servers running around.

lesh and now you seem to be buying into this paradox. i'm simply asking how you know what their server farm looked like. i can't find it anywhere and this is as close as i could find.

you see - i'm trying to address the topic, you're just dropping bombs and running away.

Posted about three times previously
great. then it shouldn't be hard to post it one more time.
Mueller: Four acts of obstruction of justice by Trump.

Then why didn't he recommend filing charges???
He said why. What a pity you lack even the minimal intellect required to understand what he said.
Ken Starr had no problem recommending charges 9 of them as a matter of fact
One was for obstruction.
Now there was a real witch Hunt- 6 years and 92 million dollars to get a gentleman lying about a b******* that was consensual, and it was Monica who was doing the seducing. And after he was impeached Clinton had 72% approval. You live on an imaginary planet of scumbag hypocrites and propagandists, brainwashed functional moron.
This is no actual “server”

It was a cloud based system

that would mean like 1400 servers
then what did she bleachbit?

high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus) cloud servers?

lord you are a neo-maxie-zoondweetie-tool.
You seem confused.
This is not about Hillary or her server dumbass

get back to us when you have a clue
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Comey testified that the FBI requested, but did not receive, physical access to the DNC servers.[60][61] According to Comey, the FBI did obtain copies of the servers and all the information on them, as well as access to forensics from CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity company that reviewed the DNC servers.[61] Comey said that access through Crowdstrike was an "appropriate substitute" and called the firm a "highly respected private company."[61][60]

so what was comey going after then? physical virtualization?

please offer up a link on how the DNC server farm was configured. you seem to know all this. and i'm pretty willing to bet it wasn't 1400 servers, virtual or physical.

Why should we bother?

You will just ignore it like you have ignored the posts that cited FBI official policy.

At a certain point it just comes to saying- go do your own research- since you ignore everyone elses.
i did my research - this is what i found so i'm asking you for the counter info to show they had 1400 virtual servers running around.

lesh and now you seem to be buying into this paradox. i'm simply asking how you know what their server farm looked like. i can't find it anywhere and this is as close as i could find.

you see - i'm trying to address the topic, you're just dropping bombs and running away.
that might be because everyone living in the real world doesn't give a s*** about your ridiculous conspiracy theories about emails. All investigated she did nothing that condoleezza and general Powell didn't do, except for having personal server that wasn't hacked, unlike all the others.

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