CRT Is A Violation of Federal Law

Being half Jewish half catholic...would it be a tremendous bother, a slight inconvenience to stop alleging and actually prove someone is whatever you allege they are? Is that TOO much to ask for confirmation and facts? I know, its inconvenient.
Being half Jewish half catholic...would it be a tremendous bother, a slight inconvenience to stop alleging and actually prove someone is whatever you allege they are? Is that TOO much to ask for confirmation and facts? I know, its inconvenient.
Read Stormfront
I got little old white ladies beaten to death by black thugs, then the whipsawed by illegal aliens given preferential treatment by cheap exploitive business pretending to be "WOKE". Well to quote Stealers Wheel:
CRT Is A Violation of Federal Law

‘Republicans’ hissy fit over critical race theory is nothing more than an attempt to rally the party’s overwhelmingly White base by denying documented history and uncomfortable truth.

This manufactured controversy has nothing to do with actual critical race theory, which, frankly, is the dry and arcane stuff of graduate school seminars. It is all about alarming White voters into believing that they are somehow threatened if our educational system makes any meaningful attempt to teach the facts of the nation’s long struggle with race.

The Republican state legislators falling over themselves to decide how history can and cannot be taught in schools — and blowhards such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who warn that children are being taught “every White person is a racist” — know exactly what they’re doing. They seek to create a crisis where none exists in hopes of driving up GOP turnout in next year’s midterm elections.’

Being half Jewish half catholic...would it be a tremendous bother, a slight inconvenience to stop alleging and actually prove someone is whatever you allege they are? Is that TOO much to ask for confirmation and facts? I know, its inconvenient.
The only discrimination hiring and admissions is that of favoring Blacks and Hispanics (whatever a Hispanic is?) over everyone else.
CRT Is A Violation of Federal Law

‘Republicans’ hissy fit over critical race theory is nothing more than an attempt to rally the party’s overwhelmingly White base by denying documented history and uncomfortable truth.

This manufactured controversy has nothing to do with actual critical race theory, which, frankly, is the dry and arcane stuff of graduate school seminars. It is all about alarming White voters into believing that they are somehow threatened if our educational system makes any meaningful attempt to teach the facts of the nation’s long struggle with race.

The Republican state legislators falling over themselves to decide how history can and cannot be taught in schools — and blowhards such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who warn that children are being taught “every White person is a racist” — know exactly what they’re doing. They seek to create a crisis where none exists in hopes of driving up GOP turnout in next year’s midterm elections.’

Wrong, Rufo destroys your lies.
We all know what a major threat to society white racism is. Hint hint.
Your damn white racists also discriminate against Jews and Catholics like the KKK did and White Nationalists do.
Everybody and all immigrant groups were discriminated against in the USA by whoever was more established. Of course that is going to happen in a Country, that is the 3rd most populated on Earth, where there was wave after wave after from all over the place. Ironically the people that experienced very little discrimination were the non Europeans that started coming post 1965. India, an ancient country and culture still has a CASTE system and slavery so fuck off idiot. The USA is the THE least racist country on Earth.
Being half Jewish

If it's any comfort. You can't be half Jewish. It's a binary state. You either are, or are not Jewish.
It is how she identifies, likely with 1 parent being Catholic and 1 Jewish.

Having a Jewish mother makes you Jewish ... regardless of the faith of the other. You don't have to practice Judaism or have a Jewish education to be Jewish. Religious observance doesn't affect your Jewish identity.

However, to participate in The Jewish Community, you will need to have a knowledge Halakha and Minhag.
Being half Jewish

If it's any comfort. You can't be half Jewish. It's a binary state. You either are, or are not Jewish.
It is how she identifies, likely with 1 parent being Catholic and 1 Jewish.

Having a Jewish mother makes you Jewish ... regardless of the faith of the other. You don't have to practice Judaism or have a Jewish education to be Jewish. Religious observance doesn't affect your Jewish identity.

Being half Jewish

If it's any comfort. You can't be half Jewish. It's a binary state. You either are, or are not Jewish.
It is how she identifies, likely with 1 parent being Catholic and 1 Jewish.

Having a Jewish mother makes you Jewish ... regardless of the faith of the other. You don't have to practice Judaism or have a Jewish education to be Jewish. Religious observance doesn't affect your Jewish identity.

However, to participate in The Jewish Community, you will need to have a knowledge Halakha and Minhag.
Only if Mary wants that. It isn't as though some global Jewish authority can mandate that on behalf of Mary.
It isn't as though some global Jewish authority can mandate that on behalf of Mary.

There actually is. Jewish Law, Halakha, is the ultimate arbitration on who is, or isn't Jewish. It's not up to any other authority.
It isn't as though some global Jewish authority can mandate that on behalf of Mary.

There actually is. Jewish Law, Halakha, is the ultimate arbitration on who is, or isn't Jewish. It's not up to any other authority.
Can they stop her from being a Christian, of course not. They can't force her to be Jewish. The Halakha stuff might determine if she gets a green light to become an Israeli citizen or something similar.
CRT Is A Violation of Federal Law

‘Republicans’ hissy fit over critical race theory is nothing more than an attempt to rally the party’s overwhelmingly White base by denying documented history and uncomfortable truth.

This manufactured controversy has nothing to do with actual critical race theory, which, frankly, is the dry and arcane stuff of graduate school seminars. It is all about alarming White voters into believing that they are somehow threatened if our educational system makes any meaningful attempt to teach the facts of the nation’s long struggle with race.

The Republican state legislators falling over themselves to decide how history can and cannot be taught in schools — and blowhards such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who warn that children are being taught “every White person is a racist” — know exactly what they’re doing. They seek to create a crisis where none exists in hopes of driving up GOP turnout in next year’s midterm elections.’

Wrong, Rufo destroys your lies.

CRT is racial discrimination. It classifies and monitors people on the basis of race. That is a violation. Discrimination is punished by civil judgements and prison terms.The existence of civil rights laws proves there is NO systemic racism. How stupid can you be?
It isn't as though some global Jewish authority can mandate that on behalf of Mary.

There actually is. Jewish Law, Halakha, is the ultimate arbitration on who is, or isn't Jewish. It's not up to any other authority.
Can they stop her from being a Christian, of course not. They can't force her to be Jewish. The Halakha stuff might determine if she gets a green light to become an Israeli citizen or something similar.
WRONG. If her Mother is Jewish, she is a Jew and cannot be anything else. That is Jewish law.
The Civil Rights Law of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.
" What is Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Title VI is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin by recipients of Federal financial assistance. Police departments, sheriffs' departments, and other law enforcement agencies receiving assistance from the Department of Justice (DOJ) are subject to the civil rights requirements of this and other civil rights laws.
Simply stated, all persons must be treated equally without regard to their race, color, or national origin. People may not be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or discriminated against in the programs, services, or activities of an agency receiving DOJ assistance. In addition, a law enforcement agency must make sure that its policies and practices do not have the effect of discriminating against people because of their race, color, or national origin."

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