CRT.....Putting A Star Of David Badge On White Males Just Like Nazi Germany


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
The most racist POTUS in history said this was the transformation of America he wanted to see, proving what every Cracker in the South used to say would happen when you put Blacks in a position of power.

If you have a Facebook can access this video:

This is the really sad thing about Barack Obama. He could have ended systemic racism in America forever.....but instead he led the way for systemic racism against anyone who doesn't go along with Democrats. Particularly white males who believe in the constitution and what it stands for.
Why white males? Because they are what has held this country together for over 200yrs. Sure....there have been others that helped.....but white males are the easiest target. Next will come white women or anyone who takes sides with conservatives as well as average Americans who grew up loving the country they were born in.

Critical Race Theory is no different than what Nazi Germany did to their people. They went after Jews so they could have something to hate.....and that targeted group kept the rest of from doing anything to stop what Hitler was doing to the rest of the country. Jews were just made an example. An example that if you even attempt to buck the system....the same thing could happen to you.
That's really what this is all about. White Males are the target for now. What's next? Well....whoever gets in their way afterwards.

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I do not believe that reverse racism is pervasive in USA 2021. African Americans still suffer very many disadvantages.

In Soviet Russia 1921 former nobles did face discrimination, but there was no genocide.
It looks like the Dirty Democrat Party has devolved into just being about their hate, racism and love for violence.
If it was actually true that the eeeeviiiilll white people are holding down African Americans and Latinos then wouldn't African countries and Latino countries be great places, and people would want to immigrate to them?
There are major flaws in left wing knuttjob theories.
The truth is that people want to immigrate to America because we have a better system.
Unfortunately the Democrat corruption and regressive culture will destroy our country if they can keep getting away with their election rigging crimes.
I do not believe that reverse racism is pervasive in USA 2021. African Americans still suffer very many disadvantages.

In Soviet Russia 1921 former nobles did face discrimination, but there was no genocide.
Care to point out these disadvantages?
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...
No....those were Democrats.
Don't confuse the two.
Thanks for letting me know that George Washington was a Democrat, derpa...
George Washington also was born before the Combine was invented.
I'm sure it he wasn't...he would have preferred to buy one rather than own slaves.
I'm also sure that would be the case for just about every farmer in US history.
They needed laborers to work the fields and in the early days of the New World....whites were in something called indentured servitude. Europeans sold folks into slavery and sent them to the Americas all the time. White sharecroppers or migrant workers were common. Coal miners where in debt to the company store. The rich have always benefited off of the sweat of the poor.

Slavery ended before the 1900s.....but the left acts like it's still going on in America. is going on today in South Africa....thanks to Islam.
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White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...
No....those were Democrats.
Don't confuse the two.
Thanks for letting me know that George Washington was a Democrat, derpa...
George Washington also was born before the Combine was invented.
I'm sure it he wasn't...he would have preferred to buy one rather than own slaves.
I'm also sure that would be the case for just about every farmer in US history.
They needed laborers to work the fields and in the early days of New World....whites were in something called indentures servitude. Coal miners where in debt to the company store. The rich have always benefited off of the sweat of the poor.

Slavery ended before the 1900s.....but the left acts like it's still going on in America. is going on today in South Africa....thanks to Islam.
Chattel slavery did end before the 1900's in the US but that did not stop economic enslavement.. But none, the less, the history of the US is one where whites have manipulated the system to keep people out, if not by slavery then by anti-citizen acts against Asians...There are many aspects to a certain group of people who control power and people's lives. What is bothering you is the minorities are catching up and will overtake the white master of the US and it bothers you to the point you feel the victim like the victims of a "REAL" event of genocide in the past.....There is a time when the children will pay for the sins of their father...Ain't being a human great!?
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...

Gee, It sounds like the U.S. is about the worst place on earth to live. It's got to be by your estimation. So do you find that to be the case?
Americans on the left hate America more than anyone else.
Especially because most of them have never been to a 3rd world country.
The irony of this is so massive it's difficult to put into words.
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...
No....those were Democrats.
Don't confuse the two.
Thanks for letting me know that George Washington was a Democrat, derpa...
George Washington also was born before the Combine was invented.
I'm sure it he wasn't...he would have preferred to buy one rather than own slaves.
I'm also sure that would be the case for just about every farmer in US history.
They needed laborers to work the fields and in the early days of New World....whites were in something called indentures servitude. Coal miners where in debt to the company store. The rich have always benefited off of the sweat of the poor.

Slavery ended before the 1900s.....but the left acts like it's still going on in America. is going on today in South Africa....thanks to Islam.
Chattel slavery did end before the 1900's in the US but that did not stop economic enslavement.. But none, the less, the history of the US is one where whites have manipulated the system to keep people out, if not by slavery then by anti-citizen acts against Asians...There are many aspects to a certain group of people who control power and people's lives. What is bothering you is the minorities are catching up and will overtake the white master of the US and it bothers you to the point you feel the victim like the victims of a "REAL" event of genocide in the past.....There is a time when the children will pay for the sins of their father...Ain't being a human great!?
That's an easy out for you....but hardly the truth.
I'm simply pointing out the left's current tactics and you resort to cliche' and misinformation.

BTW, the only genocide taking place in America in the last 100 years is abortion.
26 million Black Babies have been aborted since the creation of Planned Parenthood.
Michelle Obama didn't know what they were gonna do once they left the WH. (prison built by slaves) But what she was really concerned with is she was worried that Trump was gonna stop them from transforming the country.

White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...

Well.... actually NO. One of the great reasons America is a great place to be is that until the last two years where Democrat politicians have been prodding along social uprising... this has pretty much been a place where rule of law has allowed the nation to prosper and attract people from other places to come here. You can ask most immigrants about their own legal systems... and they will prefer ours over the one they left. THAT is fucking amazing since you believe all us whites revel in slavery and genocide. Why in the hell would anyone want to come here?
I guess I have to tell you why because you dont know. Until the last couple years now at least,
its been a place where they know their kids could prosper. Lets just see though how bad Harris and Biden fuck it up.

As an independent nation, we are relatively new. No we haven't treated everyone perfect and sometimes terrible in instances, but due to our system of government we have gotten it right a hell of a lot sooner than the rest of the world did. Less than 300 years. Places like England and Spain have had centuries worth of mass executions and atrocities, And you can go down the list of countries and find the same thing. Now leftists and marxists within our country want to blow the whole thing up because we havnt had a perfect history. Fuck them all.
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...
No....those were Democrats.
Don't confuse the two.
Thanks for letting me know that George Washington was a Democrat, derpa...
George Washington also was born before the Combine was invented.
I'm sure it he wasn't...he would have preferred to buy one rather than own slaves.
I'm also sure that would be the case for just about every farmer in US history.
They needed laborers to work the fields and in the early days of New World....whites were in something called indentures servitude. Coal miners where in debt to the company store. The rich have always benefited off of the sweat of the poor.

Slavery ended before the 1900s.....but the left acts like it's still going on in America. is going on today in South Africa....thanks to Islam.
Chattel slavery did end before the 1900's in the US but that did not stop economic enslavement.. But none, the less, the history of the US is one where whites have manipulated the system to keep people out, if not by slavery then by anti-citizen acts against Asians...There are many aspects to a certain group of people who control power and people's lives. What is bothering you is the minorities are catching up and will overtake the white master of the US and it bothers you to the point you feel the victim like the victims of a "REAL" event of genocide in the past.....There is a time when the children will pay for the sins of their father...Ain't being a human great!?

When was the last time we had an anti-citizen act against an asian? What has happened is things were really starting to get good between the races and progress was being made. Democrats have to put a stop to that by using things like C.R.T. to remind people they aren't supposed to like each other.... If your white!.. you better damn well know your a racist whether you realize it or not. You are the problem.. you've had a good life? .. you feel happy? thats your white priveledge... having a stable white family is white priveledge... to even things out we need to make sure we have less kids..

With the critical race theorists... its not about helping black or hispanic kids getting educations and good lives.. its about teaching them.. whites are an enemy, regardless of who they are.. and they are in a never ending competition against each other.
1) Female slaveowners were known for exceptional cruelty.

2) Both genders voted for government which conducted genocides in Korea 1950-53 and Southeast Asia 1965-1973.
White female slave owners could not vote.
1) They did not vote, but they had absolute power over the people they owned.

2) During genocides in Korea 1950-53 and Southeast Asia 1965-1973 both genders voted for government.
White males have held this nation together by enslavement and genocide I am sure God is so proud...

Gee, It sounds like the U.S. is about the worst place on earth to live. It's got to be by your estimation. So do you find that to be the case?
You should talk to the OP about that....there's not a con-spiracy or doom and gloom he isn't fond of.

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