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Feb 8, 2015
Yo, Sen. Ted Cruz attacks Obama during New Hampshire visit

BARRINGTON, N.H. Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:55pm EDT

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Senator Ted Cruz, (R-Texas) greets supporter Earl Spruce at the Strafford County Republican Committee Chili and Chat in Barrington, New Hampshire, March 15, 2015.


(Reuters) - Senator Ted Cruz, the conservative Texas Republican considering a run for the presidency, lashed out at President Barack Obama during a visit to New Hampshire on Sunday, saying his administration had repeatedly trampled on the Constitution.

Cruz, who is exploring a run for the White House in 2016, struck a defiantly aggressive tone during a speech in the first state to hold a presidential primary election, slamming Obama on his handling of immigration, negotiations with Iran and his signature health care reforms.The freshman senator from Texas was one of four Republican presidential hopefuls who paid weekend visits to New Hampshire, which has tended to favor moderates in recent years. The flurry of activity marks the opening salvo in a primary race that still lacks a clear front-runner.

“We’ve got to get back to defending our Constitutional liberties," Cruz said in a luncheon speech in Barrington, about 30 miles northeast of Manchester. "We’ve never seen a federal government come after the Bill of Rights like this administration."

Cruz coyly resisted calls from an audience eager for him to announce his candidacy, including the pleas of one supporter who opened his wallet and offered a blank check to the freshman Senator from Texas.
Sen. Ted Cruz attacks Obama during New Hampshire visit Reuters


“We’ve got to get back to defending our Constitutional liberties," Cruz said.

While at the same time taking Constitutional liberties away from those conservatives don't like – gay Americans, women, minorities, and immigrants.
I won't listen to a single thing from Teddy Cruz before I see some bulletproof copies of his LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!

What else is he lying about??? :mad:

Yo, where were you with Obama? You voted for him twice without asking about his!!!

I won't listen to a single thing from Teddy Cruz before I see some bulletproof copies of his LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!

What else is he lying about??? :mad:

Yo, where were you with Obama? You voted for him twice without asking about his!!!

The Democrats followed the Messiah like he was the Pied Piper. Then after he got elected in 2008 they built him into a God. Then when he started screwing up and started wrecking America, they realized they were following the wrong star. But the realization came too late to backtrack and so now all they can do is blame everything on Conservatives , Republicans, Bush, Rush and Bill O'Reilly. Little Barry is still as pure as Jesus and can do no wrong. At least, that's what they tell themselves. Pitiful and pathetic.
I won't listen to a single thing from Teddy Cruz before I see some bulletproof copies of his LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!

What else is he lying about??? :mad:

Yo, where were you with Obama? You voted for him twice without asking about his!!!

Oh Obaaaammmmmaaaaaaaa waaaaah!!! :crybaby:

Ted Cruz is the son of a communist adviser to Fidel Castro who wasn't allowed in America so he had to settle in Canada. And now his foreign spawn wants to stroll into the oval office! :mad:

Outrageous!!! :mad:
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