
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yet the ones who received all the trickle down funds got all the benefit of them and it never trickled down.
Another Jew against Trump, this can only mean good news....


Yeah, like with every candidate, they try to buy them out. Trump refuses to be bought out. That same foundation is whining over Trump just recently:

Trump Offends Jews With White Supremacist Analogy, Continues to Top Polls
Trump’s ‘Neutral’ View on Israel Targeted by Rubio and Cruz at GOP Debate

Jews are going crazy, trying to get Trump to tailor to their viewpoints. This is why many of you are supporting him. To confuse those of European heritage.

If Trump wins, he may have a Kosher Kitchen in the white house for his daughter and grand kids :cool:

So why aren't you voting Trump? :lol:

if Cruz is out, I go for Trump:thup:

Bullshit, once Trump is the nominee, you will show your true colors. Just like your brother Ben Shapiro:

Ben Shapiro Explains Why He'll 'Never' Vote for Trump - Breitbart

You people are trying to ride the bandwagon to make sure you still have influence in the right wing of America. Once Trump is in, more Jews will go out. Your influence will decrease. It will become a Jew-independent party that gets orders from the American people and not a supremacist minority.
if Cruz is out, I go for Trump:thup:

I knew it....a sunshine Trumpette! :badgrin:

p.s. although nobody supports me here I know I'm getting in heads with the truth about the Duck and his fake conservatism....I've been in southeast asia....I've seen asymmetrical warfare and got pretty good at it.

If you think Rubio, at this point, has any chance of winning, you're delusional
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Poor dense rightwingers who still don't understand Ronnie was a fraud
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yet the ones who received all the trickle down funds got all the benefit of them and it never trickled down.
People moved up the income ladder under Reagan, and the middle class expanded. Blacks and other minorities did very well under Reagan:cool:
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Poor dense rightwingers who still don't understand Ronnie was a fraud
it's so sad when delusions become reality in the minds of liberals.... Reagan won New York for a reason.:thup:
In 1981, newly elected President Ronald Reagan refocused fiscal policy on the long run. He proposed, and Congress passed, sharp cuts in marginal tax rates. The cuts increased incentives to work and stimulated growth. These were funda-mental policy changes that provided the foundation for the Great Expansion that began in December 1982.

As Exhibit 1 shows, the economic record of the last 17 years is remarkable, particularly when viewed against the backdrop of the 1970s. The United States has experienced two of the longest and strongest expansions in our history back to back. They have been interrupted only by a shallow eight-month downturn in 1990-91.


The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy
Cruz is gross. He eats boogers on national tv. Turns my stomach. Hillary Clinton would crush him.

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That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yet the ones who received all the trickle down funds got all the benefit of them and it never trickled down.
People moved up the income ladder under Reagan, and the middle class expanded. Blacks and other minorities did very well under Reagan:cool:

The middle class didn't expand . All the increase went to the rich under reagan
Cruz will never get a second term as hundreds of thousands of lives will be devastated by cutting Corporate & Civil Subsidies, more off-shoring and Business Visas.
Ted Cruz, after all, endorses non-Ricardian Free Trade.
If Cruz fails to pass enough of his "positions", he will be viewed as ineffective

Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans..Unlike Obama's part time, crony capitalist economy with pathetic growth

That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:
Black Friday destroyed our economy until the short lived COM bubble came along.
You can't be that much younger than me.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but the Reagan boom speaks for itself... dot com bullshit.. Any good economy Clinton got was from the Reagan tax reform, The Reagan peace dividend after the fall of the Soviet empire, and the Republican congress forcing Clinton to rein in his spending plans
There's no way you don't know about Oct 17, 1987 unless you're full of shit or your elders "forgot" to relate to you what a disaster Reagan's Global Democracy & Capitalism Program turned out to be.
Supply Side Economics had to be replaced by Financial Firm scams.
I lived and worked through the DOT COM era, and though Clinton was incidental, it's success had NOTHING to do with Reagan.
Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yet the ones who received all the trickle down funds got all the benefit of them and it never trickled down.
People moved up the income ladder under Reagan, and the middle class expanded. Blacks and other minorities did very well under Reagan:cool:

The middle class didn't expand . All the increase went to the rich under reagan

So from one side of your ignorant mouth you claim there was no economic benefit and from the other you whine - using Pavlina R. Tcherneva calculations - that only the wealthy benefited from Reagan's policies.

I swear if it wasn't for lying and whining loony lefties would have nothing at all.
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans..Unlike Obama's part time, crony capitalist economy with pathetic growth

That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:
Black Friday destroyed our economy until the short lived COM bubble came along.
You can't be that much younger than me.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but the Reagan boom speaks for itself... dot com bullshit.. Any good economy Clinton got was from the Reagan tax reform, The Reagan peace dividend after the fall of the Soviet empire, and the Republican congress forcing Clinton to rein in his spending plans
There's no way you don't know about Oct 17, 1987 unless you're full of shit or your elders "forgot" to relate to you what a disaster Reagan's Global Democracy & Capitalism Program turned out to be.
Supply Side Economics had to be replaced by Financial Firm scams.
I lived and worked through the DOT COM era, and though Clinton was incidental, it's success had NOTHING to do with Reagan.
You're not living in the world of reality and anybody who thinks Trump's tariffs, and protectionism is a great economic plan is delusional.. Trump doesn't even believe it himself, he's just playing to the fools. If he gets in office he'll be a pragmatist. The thing that catapulted trump was is his position on closing the borders. The other cramp is for the easily swayed cultist
Except that Cruz actually DID win Texas, and Rubio ain't winning Florida. As I've stated before, I don't put much stock in polls - which have him behind in his home state - but the bookmakers give him very low odds of winning Florida. And they're dropping steadily.

Don't believe what you're reading....Rubio knows how to win Florida...I've already been over the reasons he will again. Eventually you'll see him and Jeb standing together in a all-is-forgiven scene.

Uh-huh. Well, we won't have to wait long to find out.

Yeah, like with every candidate, they try to buy them out. Trump refuses to be bought out. That same foundation is whining over Trump just recently:

Trump Offends Jews With White Supremacist Analogy, Continues to Top Polls
Trump’s ‘Neutral’ View on Israel Targeted by Rubio and Cruz at GOP Debate

Jews are going crazy, trying to get Trump to tailor to their viewpoints. This is why many of you are supporting him. To confuse those of European heritage.

If Trump wins, he may have a Kosher Kitchen in the white house for his daughter and grand kids :cool:

So why aren't you voting Trump? :lol:

if Cruz is out, I go for Trump:thup:

Bullshit, once Trump is the nominee, you will show your true colors. Just like your brother Ben Shapiro:

Ben Shapiro Explains Why He'll 'Never' Vote for Trump - Breitbart

You people are trying to ride the bandwagon to make sure you still have influence in the right wing of America. Once Trump is in, more Jews will go out. Your influence will decrease. It will become a Jew-independent party that gets orders from the American people and not a supremacist minority.

Hate to break it to you, but no means no. And the increasing number of people who are vowing to say no to Trump, no matter what, are not kidding.
How do we tolerate the idea that American isn't "great". It's not greater than anyplace else.

But it is still a great place to live.

What is Trump's angle.

He pisses me off.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Keep dreaming. "cruz has absolutely no integrity". Anyone who believe what he says is basically a Chump. They still have not learned what the word politician really means.

Americans are sick of all the talk (lies) from politicians.
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No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yet the ones who received all the trickle down funds got all the benefit of them and it never trickled down.
People moved up the income ladder under Reagan, and the middle class expanded. Blacks and other minorities did very well under Reagan:cool:

The middle class didn't expand . All the increase went to the rich under reagan

So from one side of your ignorant mouth you claim there was no economic benefit and from the other you whine - using Pavlina R. Tcherneva calculations - that only the wealthy benefited from Reagan's policies.

I swear if it wasn't for lying and whining loony lefties would have nothing at all.

Not sure whose calculations you're talking about, but the rich got the cash, and it didn't increase jobs or wages.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Keep dreaming. "cruz has absolutely no integrity". Anyone who believe what he says is basically a Chump. They still have not learned what the word politician really means.

Americans are sick of all the talk (lies) from politicians.

Cruz is the most honest candidate in this race
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:
Black Friday destroyed our economy until the short lived COM bubble came along.
You can't be that much younger than me.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but the Reagan boom speaks for itself... dot com bullshit.. Any good economy Clinton got was from the Reagan tax reform, The Reagan peace dividend after the fall of the Soviet empire, and the Republican congress forcing Clinton to rein in his spending plans
There's no way you don't know about Oct 17, 1987 unless you're full of shit or your elders "forgot" to relate to you what a disaster Reagan's Global Democracy & Capitalism Program turned out to be.
Supply Side Economics had to be replaced by Financial Firm scams.
I lived and worked through the DOT COM era, and though Clinton was incidental, it's success had NOTHING to do with Reagan.
You're not living in the world of reality and anybody who thinks Trump's tariffs, and protectionism is a great economic plan is delusional.. Trump doesn't even believe it himself, he's just playing to the fools. If he gets in office he'll be a pragmatist. The thing that catapulted trump was is his position on closing the borders. The other cramp is for the easily swayed cultist
That's a different discussion; at least you have abandoned the fantasy of Reagan's Supply Side Economics.

The US is the consumer of the world; the mere threat of tariffs by someone with guts will have a very positive effect on our employment numbers.

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