
If Cruz is the nominee you are giving the election to the Dems... No doubt about it. He is an isolationist that only appeals to hardline conservatives, that only makes up for a small section of the electorate. He isn't even winning the evangelicals over Trump which is quite sad. There is just no appeal to the general public and he has NO CHANCE of winning. People who support him and actually think he can win truly puzzle me.

Yada yada yada. Every election, there's a bunch of windbags blathering about how conservatism "can't win".
And yet it doesn't win... Strange how that works.

My argument goes beyond conservatism and more to the persona that is Ted Cruz. I wouldn't trust that guy to be 10 feet from my children, I don't care which words come out of his mouth. Dude is a creeper

And yet it does, and you just pretend it never happened. Strange how you work.

Your argument doesn't go "beyond" anything. It begins and ends with "I'm a liberal with the thinking capacity of an 8-year-old".

If you ever have something to say deeper than an Arizona mud puddle, call me. Ta. :fu:
Crony capitalism is not conservative it's anti -conservative. The big government people love it these crony politicians leftist and big government RINOS get rich off of it.

By book definition you are correct, but a REAL Conservative will never get anywhere the White House as TRUE Conservative policies introduced TOO QUICKLY will devastate the economy.

Nothing happens all at once in government..Too quickly wouldn't be an issue.
Cruz will never get a second term as hundreds of thousands of lives will be devastated by cutting Corporate & Civil Subsidies, more off-shoring and Business Visas.
Ted Cruz, after all, endorses non-Ricardian Free Trade.
If Cruz fails to pass enough of his "positions", he will be viewed as ineffective

Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans

So naïve.
So which regulations will we cut?
I have yet to get a clear cut answer from anybody who owns a business.
I have discussed Codes with Contractors and they're hard pressed to come up with a list of Codes that make no sense.

What codes? all these stupid global warming regulations raising the cost of doing business, hurting small business, driving manufacturing out of the country, killing the coal industry and closing down coal fired power plants...So naive please... you must support the crony capitalist state, Trump protectionism and tariffs wont work. We need to make the cost of doing business here cheaper so businesses stay here stay here
Crony capitalism is not conservative it's anti -conservative. The big government people love it these crony politicians leftist and big government RINOS get rich off of it.

By book definition you are correct, but a REAL Conservative will never get anywhere the White House as TRUE Conservative policies introduced TOO QUICKLY will devastate the economy.

Nothing happens all at once in government..Too quickly wouldn't be an issue.
Cruz will never get a second term as hundreds of thousands of lives will be devastated by cutting Corporate & Civil Subsidies, more off-shoring and Business Visas.
Ted Cruz, after all, endorses non-Ricardian Free Trade.
If Cruz fails to pass enough of his "positions", he will be viewed as ineffective

Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans..Unlike Obama's part time, crony capitalist economy with pathetic growth

That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:
If Cruz is the nominee you are giving the election to the Dems... No doubt about it. He is an isolationist that only appeals to hardline conservatives, that only makes up for a small section of the electorate. He isn't even winning the evangelicals over Trump which is quite sad. There is just no appeal to the general public and he has NO CHANCE of winning. People who support him and actually think he can win truly puzzle me.

Yada yada yada. Every election, there's a bunch of windbags blathering about how conservatism "can't win".
And yet it doesn't win... Strange how that works.

My argument goes beyond conservatism and more to the persona that is Ted Cruz. I wouldn't trust that guy to be 10 feet from my children, I don't care which words come out of his mouth. Dude is a creeper

And yet it does, and you just pretend it never happened. Strange how you work.

Your argument doesn't go "beyond" anything. It begins and ends with "I'm a liberal with the thinking capacity of an 8-year-old".

If you ever have something to say deeper than an Arizona mud puddle, call me. Ta. :fu:
I said quite a bit in my post that makes sense, many agree with, and soon you will see as a reality... Just watch.

You're response is calling me an 8 year old. You fit right in with the circus. I'd love to vote republican if they could ever put up a decent candidate but their front runners are too busy talking about Trumps junk rather than real issues. Did you see both recent debates? Night and day. GOP should be very embarrassed. Talk about "thinking capacity of 8 year olds"
If Cruz is the nominee you are giving the election to the Dems... No doubt about it. He is an isolationist that only appeals to hardline conservatives, that only makes up for a small section of the electorate. He isn't even winning the evangelicals over Trump which is quite sad. There is just no appeal to the general public and he has NO CHANCE of winning. People who support him and actually think he can win truly puzzle me.

Yada yada yada. Every election, there's a bunch of windbags blathering about how conservatism "can't win".
And yet it doesn't win... Strange how that works.

My argument goes beyond conservatism and more to the persona that is Ted Cruz. I wouldn't trust that guy to be 10 feet from my children, I don't care which words come out of his mouth. Dude is a creeper

And yet it does, and you just pretend it never happened. Strange how you work.

Your argument doesn't go "beyond" anything. It begins and ends with "I'm a liberal with the thinking capacity of an 8-year-old".

If you ever have something to say deeper than an Arizona mud puddle, call me. Ta. :fu:
I said quite a bit in my post that makes sense, many agree with, and soon you will see as a reality... Just watch.

You're response is calling me an 8 year old. You fit right in with the circus. I'd love to vote republican if they could ever put up a decent candidate but their front runners are too busy talking about Trumps junk rather than real issues. Did you see both recent debates? Night and day. GOP should be very embarrassed. Talk about "thinking capacity of 8 year olds"

Little tip: getting a bunch of other nitwits to admire you is not proof that you make sense.

You implied that Ted Cruz is somehow untrustworthy around children because you don't like the way he looks, and you expected me to respond like you're serious and worthy of respect?

You don't fit in with the circus. You fit in with the sideshow . . . maybe biting the heads off live chickens or something.

Yes, honey, I saw the debates. Amazingly enough, I'm a grown-up, and didn't get sidetracked by the whole, "Ooh, they said naughty stuff!" spectacle, and managed to hear and retain THE REST of the debate.

Run along now. You're really, REALLY taking up time that could be spent on someone who's not an epic life fail. Shoo.
If Cruz is the nominee you are giving the election to the Dems... No doubt about it. He is an isolationist that only appeals to hardline conservatives, that only makes up for a small section of the electorate. He isn't even winning the evangelicals over Trump which is quite sad. There is just no appeal to the general public and he has NO CHANCE of winning. People who support him and actually think he can win truly puzzle me.

Yada yada yada. Every election, there's a bunch of windbags blathering about how conservatism "can't win".
And yet it doesn't win... Strange how that works.

My argument goes beyond conservatism and more to the persona that is Ted Cruz. I wouldn't trust that guy to be 10 feet from my children, I don't care which words come out of his mouth. Dude is a creeper

And yet it does, and you just pretend it never happened. Strange how you work.

Your argument doesn't go "beyond" anything. It begins and ends with "I'm a liberal with the thinking capacity of an 8-year-old".

If you ever have something to say deeper than an Arizona mud puddle, call me. Ta. :fu:
I said quite a bit in my post that makes sense, many agree with, and soon you will see as a reality... Just watch.

You're response is calling me an 8 year old. You fit right in with the circus. I'd love to vote republican if they could ever put up a decent candidate but their front runners are too busy talking about Trumps junk rather than real issues. Did you see both recent debates? Night and day. GOP should be very embarrassed. Talk about "thinking capacity of 8 year olds"

Little tip: getting a bunch of other nitwits to admire you is not proof that you make sense.

You implied that Ted Cruz is somehow untrustworthy around children because you don't like the way he looks, and you expected me to respond like you're serious and worthy of respect?

You don't fit in with the circus. You fit in with the sideshow . . . maybe biting the heads off live chickens or something.

Yes, honey, I saw the debates. Amazingly enough, I'm a grown-up, and didn't get sidetracked by the whole, "Ooh, they said naughty stuff!" spectacle, and managed to hear and retain THE REST of the debate.

Run along now. You're really, REALLY taking up time that could be spent on someone who's not an epic life fail. Shoo.
You're posts scream elitist, if you feel better attacking other people's intelligence and opinions then I guess that's how you sleep at night. Makes you look rather obnoxious though. There is much more about Cruz that screams creeper beyond his appearance. His language is extremely exaggerated with a false sincerity and is very manipulative. If he wasn't In Polotics I have no doubt that he would be chasing ambulances as he is the epitome of a sleezy lawyer. Of course I could be wrong as it's just my impression but I think I'm pretty close.
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.
By book definition you are correct, but a REAL Conservative will never get anywhere the White House as TRUE Conservative policies introduced TOO QUICKLY will devastate the economy.

Nothing happens all at once in government..Too quickly wouldn't be an issue.
Cruz will never get a second term as hundreds of thousands of lives will be devastated by cutting Corporate & Civil Subsidies, more off-shoring and Business Visas.
Ted Cruz, after all, endorses non-Ricardian Free Trade.
If Cruz fails to pass enough of his "positions", he will be viewed as ineffective

Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans..Unlike Obama's part time, crony capitalist economy with pathetic growth

That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:
Black Friday destroyed our economy until the short lived COM bubble came along.
You can't be that much younger than me.
Yada yada yada. Every election, there's a bunch of windbags blathering about how conservatism "can't win".
And yet it doesn't win... Strange how that works.

My argument goes beyond conservatism and more to the persona that is Ted Cruz. I wouldn't trust that guy to be 10 feet from my children, I don't care which words come out of his mouth. Dude is a creeper

And yet it does, and you just pretend it never happened. Strange how you work.

Your argument doesn't go "beyond" anything. It begins and ends with "I'm a liberal with the thinking capacity of an 8-year-old".

If you ever have something to say deeper than an Arizona mud puddle, call me. Ta. :fu:
I said quite a bit in my post that makes sense, many agree with, and soon you will see as a reality... Just watch.

You're response is calling me an 8 year old. You fit right in with the circus. I'd love to vote republican if they could ever put up a decent candidate but their front runners are too busy talking about Trumps junk rather than real issues. Did you see both recent debates? Night and day. GOP should be very embarrassed. Talk about "thinking capacity of 8 year olds"

Little tip: getting a bunch of other nitwits to admire you is not proof that you make sense.

You implied that Ted Cruz is somehow untrustworthy around children because you don't like the way he looks, and you expected me to respond like you're serious and worthy of respect?

You don't fit in with the circus. You fit in with the sideshow . . . maybe biting the heads off live chickens or something.

Yes, honey, I saw the debates. Amazingly enough, I'm a grown-up, and didn't get sidetracked by the whole, "Ooh, they said naughty stuff!" spectacle, and managed to hear and retain THE REST of the debate.

Run along now. You're really, REALLY taking up time that could be spent on someone who's not an epic life fail. Shoo.
You're posts scream elitist, if you feel better attacking other people's intelligence and opinions then I guess that's how you sleep at night. Makes you look rather obnoxious though. There is much more about Cruz that screams creeper beyond his appearance. His language is extremely exaggerated with a false sincerity and is very manipulative. If he wasn't In Polotics I have no doubt that he would be chasing ambulances as he is the epitome of a sleezy lawyer. Of course I could be wrong as it's just my impression but I think I'm pretty close.

Are you still talking?
By book definition you are correct, but a REAL Conservative will never get anywhere the White House as TRUE Conservative policies introduced TOO QUICKLY will devastate the economy.

Nothing happens all at once in government..Too quickly wouldn't be an issue.
Cruz will never get a second term as hundreds of thousands of lives will be devastated by cutting Corporate & Civil Subsidies, more off-shoring and Business Visas.
Ted Cruz, after all, endorses non-Ricardian Free Trade.
If Cruz fails to pass enough of his "positions", he will be viewed as ineffective

Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans..Unlike Obama's part time, crony capitalist economy with pathetic growth

That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:

The reagan boom sucked.for lots of people.
Nothing happens all at once in government..Too quickly wouldn't be an issue.
Cruz will never get a second term as hundreds of thousands of lives will be devastated by cutting Corporate & Civil Subsidies, more off-shoring and Business Visas.
Ted Cruz, after all, endorses non-Ricardian Free Trade.
If Cruz fails to pass enough of his "positions", he will be viewed as ineffective

Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans..Unlike Obama's part time, crony capitalist economy with pathetic growth

That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?
We had 4 ,5, 6 even 7 % growth in this country. people where working good jobs and moving up the income ladder. The Reagan boom lasted through he Clinton administration:cool:

The reagan boom sucked.for lots of people.

Waaah. Do loony leftties ever do anything but lie and whine?

The Reagan boom came hard on the heels of Jimmy Carter's "stagnation" mess ... a mix of ferocious inflation (20% interest) and a stagnant economy.
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!

:lol: When Trump slinks back to his penthouse after his mob ties are aired, it's down to Rubio and Creepshow Cruz.....Marco will be the last cat standing.
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!

:lol: When Trump slinks back to his penthouse after his mob ties are aired, it's down to Rubio and Creepshow Cruz.....Marco will be the last cat standing.

He might want to start winning more than one state and Puerto frigging Rico, then.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

any jew who thinks someone who says no one should be elected president unless they start their day on their knees doesn't understand history and is voting against his own interests.
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Bull... tax reform, cutting corporate taxes, cutting regulations, will mean million and millions of good jobs for Americans...
That's already been tried. Remember trickle down? The corporations pocketed the extra cash, and no jobs were created. Why should that be different this time?

Just so you know, corps don't sock the "extra cash" in a mattress.

When "corporations pocketed the extra cash" - in this case cash they weren't forced to spend by gov't regs - it trickled down to the shareholders (or owners) as dividends or was used to expand their business or pay higher wages. You know ... the very stuff loony leftists are always whining about but never understand?

Once in the hands of the worthy beneficiaries - owners and employees do have the right to those profits - it was spent on goods and services (creating jobs) or saved (increasing the pool loanable funds).

All good stuff.

Most American corps are small and mid-sized operations and much of their time, energy and treasure is WASTED complying with onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs and demands.

No. Those created jobs you mentioned didn't happen, and there was no noticeable difference in pay rate. The money was pocketed and much of it was stashed over seas where they didn't even pay taxes on it. It didn't help the country,as a whole, a bit.

Once more for the terminally dense (and as explained above):
When American corps "pocket" money they are not required by gov't to waste on onerous, often counter-productive gov't regs, they don't literally put it in their pockets.

Reagan coined the perfect description of dogma-spewing loony leftists:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

There's a difference between Ideology and Common Sense and I have yet to find the latter in either Party.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

any jew who thinks someone who says no one should be elected president unless they start their day on their knees doesn't understand history and is voting against his own interests.
Evidently he never had a Jewish education as anyone with basic Jewish knowledge would not use christian imagery, on knees, bowing.. etc.. and also supporting a dominionist
fundamentalist christian who thinks Jews should return to Israel so their man god will return and the Jews who reject him again will all annihilated in some fundy orgasm

Ted Cruz's campaign is fueled by a dominionist vision for America (COMMENTARY) - Religion News Service

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Fea on Ted Cruz’s Dominionism
Last edited:
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

any jew who thinks someone who says no one should be elected president unless they start their day on their knees doesn't understand history and is voting against his own interests.
Evidently he never had a Jewish education as anyone with basic Jewish knowledge would not use christian imagery, on knees . bowing etc

I think he thinks that because cruz shares his religiousity, that somehow means he'll represent the interests of orthodox jews.

I'm pretty sure that torquemada was religious too.

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