
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:
That many conservatives would support a hateful bigot such as Cruz comes as no surprise; he represents everything that's wrong with the GOP and social right.

That you hate him is the best new reason I've heard to vote for him.
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!
I got a fucking robo call today on Rubio's behalf. I don't pick the phone up when the number is unfamiliar or the ID is blocked. But they left a fucking message.

I've been captioning robo-calls for a couple of weeks now. I can tell you which candidates' calls get hung up on right away, and which don't.

I don't know who produced those calls for Ben Carson, but that person should be smacked.
Why do you regard them as being so bad?

Because it has a recording of Carson himself, and he speaks too quickly and lets his voice drop into inaudibility a lot, so that I can really only pick out a few clear words here and there. Not good marketing to regular people, and disastrous to people with hearing impairments like our customers. His robocalls tend to get hung up on really quickly.

They'd have been better off going with someone who does that job professionally. Old people often don't mind listening to robocalls from whomever, because they're bored, and old people are a HUGELY important voting bloc. But they will not spend that time if you make it hard on them.
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!

Trump may be paying him to stay in.

Trump is not so stupid as to pay anyone to do something that they will do anyway.

Rubio will stay in just because he has a bigger ego than Trump does.

Sarcasm meter busted again?

Your dumbass brain is the only thing broken here, slut.

Slut? Do you often run around calling men sluts? Weird.

Why not? It's frequently accurate.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where as a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

Except that large numbers of people actually HATE Trump. And because he started out so high-visibility, he has very little chance to change minds.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

The historical record is that the more conservative a Republican candidate is, the more likely he will win.

List of GOP winners since 1972; Nixon, Reagan, George W Bush, George H W Bush before he broke his no new taxes pledge.

List of GOP losers since 1972; Ford, George H W Bush after breaking his tax pledge, Dole, McCain, Romney.

Every time the supposedly more moderate candidate (that was supposed to be the more winnable candidate) LOST.

Now why do you think that is?

Because the electorate is MOSTLY conservative.

Conservatives are 45% Moderates 35% and liberals about 20% of the voters.

The GOP moderates have been 'running to the middle' during the general and it costs them support in their conservative base, if it wasnt severely damaged already. It does no good to campaign to gain 1% in the middle of the ideological spectrum if it costs you 3% of your base for each 1% you gain in the middle.

That is what the losers have all done, fought for that middle percentage and inspired the conservative base to stay home and watch TV on election day.

Conservatism is not difficult to sell to the electorate, provided the person doing the selling really believes in it, rather than apologizing for it.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

The historical record is that the more conservative a Republican candidate is, the more likely he will win.

List of GOP winners since 1972; Nixon, Reagan, George W Bush, George H W Bush before he broke his no new taxes pledge.

List of GOP losers since 1972; Ford, George H W Bush after breaking his tax pledge, Dole, McCain, Romney.

Every time the supposedly more moderate candidate (that was supposed to be the more winnable candidate) LOST.

Now why do you think that is?

Because the electorate is MOSTLY conservative.

Conservatives are 45% Moderates 35% and liberals about 20% of the voters.

The GOP moderates have been 'running to the middle' during the general and it costs them support in their conservative base, if it wasnt severely damaged already. It does no good to campaign to gain 1% in the middle of the ideological spectrum if it costs you 3% of your base for each 1% you gain in the middle.

That is what the losers have all done, fought for that middle percentage and inspired the conservative base to stay home and watch TV on election day.

cruz is not likable in the least

I disagree wholeheartedly. I love watching him speak, and I think he seems like a very nice man. I could absolutely get with the idea of having a beer with the guy, although that may be in part because "intellectual and nerdy" are actually positive qualities in my book. I simply cannot abide stupid people. They're boring.
cruz is not likable in the least
When he does his speeches his over dramatizing style is repulsive. It is not coming through as a natural speech. His oratorical skills need to be honed that he would sound natural and not like some bad acting.

His oratorical skills need to be honed? You know the man is an international debating champion, and has argued cases before the Supreme Court of the United States more times than virtually any other lawyer in the country, right?

No, he doesn't deliver speeches as though he just thought them up that moment, on the fly. He delivers them as though he put a lot of thought and preparation into them, and I for one appreciate that. I loathe listening to someone "um" and "uh" their way through public speaking, sounding like they're thrashing their way to a coherent point right there on the spot. It's painful.
As much as Hillary is hated around the country and the world, I still say Cruz can take her even if Trump goes third party.

Honestly, most conservatives I know hate Trump, as where many disillusioned Obama supporters are livid about rising health care costs. They have never seen rates rise this quick and many I talk to are voting Trump, not Cankles.

I've heard a lot about angry Democrats, but I only hear it from republicans. Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years. I would think the right would love him.
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.

Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.

It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something,that right wing radio doesn't agree with. If you don't know any differences either, just say so.

My single issue...Ricardian Free Trade and Business Visa abuse...No one else has brought it up as far back as Regan.
I've heard a lot about angry Democrats, but I only hear it from republicans. Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years. I would think the right would love him.
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.

Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.

It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something,that right wing radio doesn't agree with. If you don't know any differences either, just say so.

My single issue...Ricardian Free Trade and Business Visa abuse...No one else has brought it up as far back as Regan.

That may be an issue worth discussing, but it is not an answer to my question. I am wondering what trump is for or against that is so different from what right wing radio has been advocating for years. So far, I have heard ethanol subsidies. I don't think that is enough to make the GOP hate him so much.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

You know who else wanted to start a race war...

If Cruz is the nominee you are giving the election to the Dems... No doubt about it. He is an isolationist that only appeals to hardline conservatives, that only makes up for a small section of the electorate. He isn't even winning the evangelicals over Trump which is quite sad. There is just no appeal to the general public and he has NO CHANCE of winning. People who support him and actually think he can win truly puzzle me.
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.

Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.

It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something,that right wing radio doesn't agree with. If you don't know any differences either, just say so.

My single issue...Ricardian Free Trade and Business Visa abuse...No one else has brought it up as far back as Regan.

That may be an issue worth discussing, but it is not an answer to my question. I am wondering what trump is for or against that is so different from what right wing radio has been advocating for years. So far, I have heard ethanol subsidies. I don't think that is enough to make the GOP hate him so much.

The Right Wing lives off of Cheap Labor both Domestic and Foreign. IS that simple.
I don't think Cruz will ever get enough delegates to win the nomination. Ain't gonna happen.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Kaisch and Rubio should both drop out now so Cruz can have a chance in FL and Ohio. At this point Cruz had the largest single margin of victory of any candidate in Nebraska, 24.9 points. Trump just barely be beat him in KY and LA, 3-4 points.
The Right Wing lives off of Cheap Labor both Domestic and Foreign. IS that simple.
It is not necessarily true. I am quite sure that left wingers also own some (agricultural, manufacturing and retail) businesses.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where as a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

Except that large numbers of people actually HATE Trump. And because he started out so high-visibility, he has very little chance to change minds.

maybe he has a solid 49 percent these days

there are folks like my brother in Minnesota

big democrat wants to vote for Bernie

he refuses to vote for Clinton

and says he will vote for trump

there are many out there like that i think

Cruz is going to have a hard time getting crossovers

he may even have a hard time getting moderates

at first i supported Cruz but his actions and such turned me away
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

The historical record is that the more conservative a Republican candidate is, the more likely he will win.

List of GOP winners since 1972; Nixon, Reagan, George W Bush, George H W Bush before he broke his no new taxes pledge.

List of GOP losers since 1972; Ford, George H W Bush after breaking his tax pledge, Dole, McCain, Romney.

Every time the supposedly more moderate candidate (that was supposed to be the more winnable candidate) LOST.

Now why do you think that is?

Because the electorate is MOSTLY conservative.

Conservatives are 45% Moderates 35% and liberals about 20% of the voters.

The GOP moderates have been 'running to the middle' during the general and it costs them support in their conservative base, if it wasnt severely damaged already. It does no good to campaign to gain 1% in the middle of the ideological spectrum if it costs you 3% of your base for each 1% you gain in the middle.

That is what the losers have all done, fought for that middle percentage and inspired the conservative base to stay home and watch TV on election day.

cruz is not likable in the least

I disagree wholeheartedly. I love watching him speak, and I think he seems like a very nice man. I could absolutely get with the idea of having a beer with the guy, although that may be in part because "intellectual and nerdy" are actually positive qualities in my book. I simply cannot abide stupid people. They're boring.

i used to like him

now i see him as a player

the attorney for Mitch McConnell setting up a super pac

which seems wierd

that the puke glenn beck and the back room deals between beck and

cruz at mercury one

Cruz has become just another politician

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