
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!

Trump may be paying him to stay in.

Trump is not so stupid as to pay anyone to do something that they will do anyway.

Rubio will stay in just because he has a bigger ego than Trump does.

Sarcasm meter busted again?

Your dumbass brain is the only thing broken here, slut.

Slut? Do you often run around calling men sluts? Weird.

Lol, I have had several friends, almost entirely Dems, BTW, who insist that all men are sluts. So I figgered that it probably applies to you.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Cruz has no support from one sitting or former Republican Senator. Everybody hates that son of bitch.

Even Fox News is calling him a liar.

Another moron

Cruz is a special kind of moron and so are his supporters.

Rubio really wants to stay in and win Florida. Then...well, he may want to consider his true course. For the party if he backs up Cruz with a very probable Cruz - Rubio GOP run the numbers should be there to beat Trump. That's guessing Kasich voters , and undecideds also go along. Then to see Hillary fall.

There is no way Rubio is going to play second fiddle to Cruz.
Rubio drop out before Florida?
Wanna bet? He doesn't want to fade into obscurity altogether. His tiny head won't let him. If anyone has a Napoleon complex...

What an embarrassment it would be if Rubio looses Florida

It would be even worse if he loses Florida.
Trump or Cruz...I'd support either one. No establishment candidate. I'm so sick of those cockbites I could puke.

I truly believe Trump has the momentum and the enthusiasm on his the crossover appeal from the Reagan Democrats. Cruz cannot expand the electoral map. I read the other day the liberals are concerned that Trump could take NY. You know he would do well in MI, PA, WI, NJ, and NH...that expansion of the map into blue territory is what we need to win the election.

Cruz does not create that expansion. Cruz wouldn't win the election if the Aristocratic Oligarchy had any intention of giving a shot at it.

Cruz cannot get 1200+ delegates at this point. Either Trump gets 1200+ or no one does.

After the first ballot, the Establishment will work to put in THEIR candidate...not Cruz.

Watch and's either Trump, or we don't get a say, and the Aristocracy gets their candidate...again. And we lose the election...again.

If Cruz starts winning any of the 'winner take all' states starting on March 15, he has a shot.

Ran it thru the RCP interactive primary calculator.

If Trump takes 39 states (the states he has already won included) that gives him 1309, at the current 35-40% that he is receiving now.

Cruz isn't going to win CA, NJ, WA, WI, OR, MI, RI, CT, NY, MD, DC, or PA.

The outright nomination is absolutely beyond his grasp.

P.S. - This is EXACTLY how the more moderate establishment candidate triumphs over the more Conservative the McCains and the Romneys consistantly receive the nomination.

That is the number one reason I support Trump...if we're doomed to forever get a moderate, at least it can be OUR moderate.

Political momentum is a funny thing.

Reagan carried all those states at one time or another in the general election, not just party primaries.

It is plausible, how ever unlikely, that Cruz could win these states.

Hell, if Romney could win Texas in 2012, Cruz could win New York.

Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is telling that libtards think simple historical election facts are funny.

I can't stand hiLIARy. But the reality is very few people are voting for Trump in the "primary" without the intention of voting for him in the general.

A Hillary vs Trump general election will once again - as so many before - boil down to the perceived lesser-of-two-evils.

In this case there is none.
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...Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years...
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.
Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.
It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something that right wing radio doesn't agree with...

So you don't listen to RW radio and you don't watch much of Drumph either but you are somehow certain that he is "saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years."

That is precisely the kind of "thinking" that leads most rational people to conclude that Leftards are idiots.

My guess is you won't get it.
...Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years...
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.
Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.
It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something that right wing radio doesn't agree with...

So you don't listen to RW radio and you don't watch much of Drumph either but you are somehow certain that he is "saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years."

That is precisely the kind of "thinking" that leads most rational people to conclude that Leftards are idiots.

My guess is you won't get it.
Everyone is talking past each other using generalities and low quality psychological analysis over a keyboard.

That really isnt quality conversation people.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where as a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket
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In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

The historical record is that the more conservative a Republican candidate is, the more likely he will win.

List of GOP winners since 1972; Nixon, Reagan, George W Bush, George H W Bush before he broke his no new taxes pledge.

List of GOP losers since 1972; Ford, George H W Bush after breaking his tax pledge, Dole, McCain, Romney.

Every time the supposedly more moderate candidate (that was supposed to be the more winnable candidate) LOST.

Now why do you think that is?

Because the electorate is MOSTLY conservative.

Conservatives are 45% Moderates 35% and liberals about 20% of the voters.

The GOP moderates have been 'running to the middle' during the general and it costs them support in their conservative base, if it wasnt severely damaged already. It does no good to campaign to gain 1% in the middle of the ideological spectrum if it costs you 3% of your base for each 1% you gain in the middle.

That is what the losers have all done, fought for that middle percentage and inspired the conservative base to stay home and watch TV on election day.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

perhaps which means a guy like trump would do well in the general election

where a guy like cruz will get a good portion of his own party and that is it

which one is the winning ticket

The historical record is that the more conservative a Republican candidate is, the more likely he will win.

List of GOP winners since 1972; Nixon, Reagan, George W Bush, George H W Bush before he broke his no new taxes pledge.

List of GOP losers since 1972; Ford, George H W Bush after breaking his tax pledge, Dole, McCain, Romney.

Every time the supposedly more moderate candidate (that was supposed to be the more winnable candidate) LOST.

Now why do you think that is?

Because the electorate is MOSTLY conservative.

Conservatives are 45% Moderates 35% and liberals about 20% of the voters.

The GOP moderates have been 'running to the middle' during the general and it costs them support in their conservative base, if it wasnt severely damaged already. It does no good to campaign to gain 1% in the middle of the ideological spectrum if it costs you 3% of your base for each 1% you gain in the middle.

That is what the losers have all done, fought for that middle percentage and inspired the conservative base to stay home and watch TV on election day.

cruz is not likable in the least
Go Ted! I really want to see what it looks like when a hardcore religious weirdo gets the GOP nomination.

I am also fond of the way he rocks back and forth heel to toe while speaking. It's really captivating. Not to mention the habit he has of poking the air with his finger when he's not at a podium.

Seriously, though. The guy could be an awesom timeshare salesman.
cruz is not likable in the least
When he does his speeches his over dramatizing style is repulsive. It is not coming through as a natural speech. His oratorical skills need to be honed that he would sound natural and not like some bad acting.
As much as Hillary is hated around the country and the world, I still say Cruz can take her even if Trump goes third party.

Honestly, most conservatives I know hate Trump, as where many disillusioned Obama supporters are livid about rising health care costs. They have never seen rates rise this quick and many I talk to are voting Trump, not Cankles.

I've heard a lot about angry Democrats, but I only hear it from republicans. Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years. I would think the right would love him.
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.

Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.

It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something,that right wing radio doesn't agree with. If you don't know any differences either, just say so.
All you have to do is watch ONE one hour interview as Trump, like every other candidate, reiterates his positions.
If you can't invest one hour on a presidential candidate that's YOUR problem.
I watch Hillary and hold back the vomit.
...Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years...
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.
Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.
It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something that right wing radio doesn't agree with...

So you don't listen to RW radio and you don't watch much of Drumph either but you are somehow certain that he is "saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years."

That is precisely the kind of "thinking" that leads most rational people to conclude that Leftards are idiots.

My guess is you won't get it.

And yet, you can't name what he is saying different from talk radio. One person did mention his stance on ethanol, but I doubt that is enough difference to cause so much hate for him from the GOP.
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.
Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.
It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something that right wing radio doesn't agree with...

So you don't listen to RW radio and you don't watch much of Drumph either but you are somehow certain that he is "saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years."

That is precisely the kind of "thinking" that leads most rational people to conclude that Leftards are idiots.

My guess is you won't get it.
Everyone is talking past each other using generalities and low quality psychological analysis over a keyboard.

That really isnt quality conversation people.

I'm not talking past anyone. I asked a simple question, and get mostly double talk and dodges in return. If you don't know the answer, just say so, or don't even bother answering.
I've heard a lot about angry Democrats, but I only hear it from republicans. Trump is saying exactly what right wing radio has been saying for years. I would think the right would love him.
Obviously you don't listen to Right Wing radio.

Probably not as much as you, but which of Trump's main ideas are different?
If you don't know you haven't been watching his one hour interviews and my explanation won't make a difference in your mind anyway.

It was just a question. I'm not saying I will agree, but I'm not going to watch hours of Trump to find out if he says something,that right wing radio doesn't agree with. If you don't know any differences either, just say so.
All you have to do is watch ONE one hour interview as Trump, like every other candidate, reiterates his positions.
If you can't invest one hour on a presidential candidate that's YOUR problem.
I watch Hillary and hold back the vomit.

So you can't answer the question?

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