
Rubio really wants to stay in and win Florida. Then...well, he may want to consider his true course. For the party if he backs up Cruz with a very probable Cruz - Rubio GOP run the numbers should be there to beat Trump. That's guessing Kasich voters , and undecideds also go along. Then to see Hillary fall.
Rubio really wants to stay in and win Florida. Then...well, he may want to consider his true course. For the party if he backs up Cruz with a very probable Cruz - Rubio GOP run the numbers should be there to beat Trump. That's guessing Kasich voters , and undecideds also go along. Then to see Hillary fall.

There is no way Rubio is going to play second fiddle to Cruz.
Rubio needs to step aside now. He can't wait til Florida. Cruz is already beating him there and if they work together they can't lose

He won't. His ego won't let him. I know men like that. In reality they are wusses. (of course not meant for anyone here ;) )
I don't see him having any appeal beyond a small group of doctrinaire conservatives. He'd lose the general by a large margin. Trump is drawing a lot of blue collar democrats to the party.

I don't see it that way. Trump is being propped up by democrooks who have no intention of supporting him in the general, just like McLame and Romney.

Cruz can easily beat that criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag in the general merely by contrasting with her. Her voice is shrill, she is bitter, divisive and snobbish. She has no real ideas. She represents everything wrong with DC.

Cruz fights DC. He will make such an utter fool of Hitlery on a debate stage that she will feign a stroke.

People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!
Yeah, I am really impressed with his 8% showing in Maine and his 16% in Kentucky

I don't see him having any appeal beyond a small group of doctrinaire conservatives. He'd lose the general by a large margin. Trump is drawing a lot of blue collar democrats to the party.

I don't see it that way. Trump is being propped up by democrooks who have no intention of supporting him in the general, just like McLame and Romney.

Cruz can easily beat that criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag in the general merely by contrasting with her. Her voice is shrill, she is bitter, divisive and snobbish. She has no real ideas. She represents everything wrong with DC.

Cruz fights DC. He will make such an utter fool of Hitlery on a debate stage that she will feign a stroke.

I can't stand hiLIARy. But the reality is very few people are voting for Trump in the "primary" without the intention of voting for him in the general.
I can't stand hiLIARy. But the reality is very few people are voting for Trump in the "primary" without the intention of voting for him in the general.

I sort of hope you're right, but the more I see of the Trump campaign and what I see as a cult of personality, the more I am convinced we are entering an idiocracy. If Trump wins, Kanye will be elected after him.

Cruz is Mr. Free Market...The Neo-Cons will love him.
Ted Cruz is for genuine free trade, not the phony Free-for-all trade we have going now.

I think it is accurate to say he is more of a fair trader than a free trader but he does embrace the term 'free trade', that is true.

I detest Free-For-All Trade as it has destroyed the Middle Class and we need to seriously revise or dismantle it..
Trump or Cruz...I'd support either one. No establishment candidate. I'm so sick of those cockbites I could puke.

I truly believe Trump has the momentum and the enthusiasm on his the crossover appeal from the Reagan Democrats. Cruz cannot expand the electoral map. I read the other day the liberals are concerned that Trump could take NY. You know he would do well in MI, PA, WI, NJ, and NH...that expansion of the map into blue territory is what we need to win the election.

Cruz does not create that expansion. Cruz wouldn't win the election if the Aristocratic Oligarchy had any intention of giving a shot at it.

Cruz cannot get 1200+ delegates at this point. Either Trump gets 1200+ or no one does.

After the first ballot, the Establishment will work to put in THEIR candidate...not Cruz.

Watch and's either Trump, or we don't get a say, and the Aristocracy gets their candidate...again. And we lose the election...again.
Rubio really wants to stay in and win Florida. Then...well, he may want to consider his true course. For the party if he backs up Cruz with a very probable Cruz - Rubio GOP run the numbers should be there to beat Trump. That's guessing Kasich voters , and undecideds also go along. Then to see Hillary fall.

There is no way Rubio is going to play second fiddle to Cruz.
Rubio drop out before Florida?
Wanna bet? He doesn't want to fade into obscurity altogether. His tiny head won't let him. If anyone has a Napoleon complex...
Trump or Cruz...I'd support either one. No establishment candidate. I'm so sick of those cockbites I could puke.

I truly believe Trump has the momentum and the enthusiasm on his the crossover appeal from the Reagan Democrats. Cruz cannot expand the electoral map. I read the other day the liberals are concerned that Trump could take NY. You know he would do well in MI, PA, WI, NJ, and NH...that expansion of the map into blue territory is what we need to win the election.

Cruz does not create that expansion. Cruz wouldn't win the election if the Aristocratic Oligarchy had any intention of giving a shot at it.

Cruz cannot get 1200+ delegates at this point. Either Trump gets 1200+ or no one does.

After the first ballot, the Establishment will work to put in THEIR candidate...not Cruz.

Watch and's either Trump, or we don't get a say, and the Aristocracy gets their candidate...again. And we lose the election...again.

If Cruz starts winning any of the 'winner take all' states starting on March 15, he has a shot.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Frankly, I think Rubio should just pack it in now. And I don't even know what the hell Kasich is still hanging around for.

Also, Allen West dropped out. I didn't even know he was running.
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!
I got a fucking robo call today on Rubio's behalf. I don't pick the phone up when the number is unfamiliar or the ID is blocked. But they left a fucking message.

I've been captioning robo-calls for a couple of weeks now. I can tell you which candidates' calls get hung up on right away, and which don't.

I don't know who produced those calls for Ben Carson, but that person should be smacked.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:
You do realize that doesn't bode well in a General election right though? Trump is winning votes from Democrats and Independents...Cruz is merely getting Republicans....

Trump is getting votes from those people who are Trump-gasming over him, enough to vote in the Republican primary. There are still lots of people who don't vote in primaries, but do in elections, and also people who live in states with closed primaries.

The problem is as it always has been: Trump is really, REALLY unpopular with people who aren't already rabid for him.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:
You do realize that doesn't bode well in a General election right though? Trump is winning votes from Democrats and Independents...Cruz is merely getting Republicans....

Bull... Trumps negatives are way to high. He'll be a easier target for Hillary
People keep saying Rubio is toast...Rubio is done...etc...Yet here he still is in the race. I wish he'd get over himself and drop already!

He's the donor class' last hope. They don't want the crony capitalist fascist system to be compromised.

He is officially finished now.

My uncle is a Republican insider who voted for Rubio and he has told me the party will now support Cruz.

Way to show up too late to the party. God, those people are tone-deaf.
Trump or Cruz...I'd support either one. No establishment candidate. I'm so sick of those cockbites I could puke.

I truly believe Trump has the momentum and the enthusiasm on his the crossover appeal from the Reagan Democrats. Cruz cannot expand the electoral map. I read the other day the liberals are concerned that Trump could take NY. You know he would do well in MI, PA, WI, NJ, and NH...that expansion of the map into blue territory is what we need to win the election.

Cruz does not create that expansion. Cruz wouldn't win the election if the Aristocratic Oligarchy had any intention of giving a shot at it.

Cruz cannot get 1200+ delegates at this point. Either Trump gets 1200+ or no one does.

After the first ballot, the Establishment will work to put in THEIR candidate...not Cruz.

Watch and's either Trump, or we don't get a say, and the Aristocracy gets their candidate...again. And we lose the election...again.

If Cruz starts winning any of the 'winner take all' states starting on March 15, he has a shot.

Ran it thru the RCP interactive primary calculator.

If Trump takes 39 states (the states he has already won included) that gives him 1309, at the current 35-40% that he is receiving now.

Cruz isn't going to win CA, NJ, WA, WI, OR, MI, RI, CT, NY, MD, DC, or PA.

The outright nomination is absolutely beyond his grasp.

P.S. - This is EXACTLY how the more moderate establishment candidate triumphs over the more Conservative the McCains and the Romneys consistantly receive the nomination.

That is the number one reason I support Trump...if we're doomed to forever get a moderate, at least it can be OUR moderate.
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