
What in the world makes you think copying a bunch of right wing partisan attack points serves any purpose of an intelligent argument?! If I posted a website showing over 10k lies that trump told would that have any impact on you?

I never lie......unlike you.
Let's leave it up to readers.....I bet they come to the right conclusion about you and your sort.

Democrat voters: Second only to lies, hypocrisy is their most often empoyed method. are an existential threat to America and to Western Civilization.

There are no “readers”. You don’t have this grand audience that you think you have on this site. You live in a fantasyland. It’s you and I talking. You can drop the act. You know I didn’t say racist. You lied and said I did. If you trace my post back you will see me specifically refer to “systemic discrimination” as part of why such a large percentage of minorities are low income. That’s what I was really talking about. But you had to lie about it. Shame shame.

Lack of education, lack of family wealth and business connections, Generations of systemic discrimination by the laws of our country, generations of culture shaped by impoverished lifestyle and bitter conflict with their fellow countrymen who held all the power... yes it’s pretty obvious what happened. Now for you to try and say the issue is a race thing like it’s all their fault is pretty damn ignorant
If the choice was Biden or Trump then absolutely I’d vote isr Biden again. If the choice was Biden vs most other people in the world. My vote would likely be for the other person
I'm gonna let you two duke it out and if you're amenable we'll come back to this later. Don't want you to feel ganged up on or divide your resources and train of thought.

FWIW... I mostly agree with PC that the housing crisis was predominantly caused by Democrats policies...and that those policies, while well intentioned, likely caused much more harm than doing nothing at all.

This is due IMO to ignorance of the reality of economics among the majority of Democrats. Whether that ignorance among elected democrats is endemic or willful I cannot say.

BUT ... I also agree with you that there is a share of blame that Republican elected officials bare by kicking the grenade down the road and hoping it exploded on the next guys watch.
There are no “readers”. You don’t have this grand audience that you think you have on this site. You live in a fantasyland. It’s you and I talking. You can drop the act. You know I didn’t say racist. You lied and said I did. If you trace my post back you will see me specifically refer to “systemic discrimination” as part of why such a large percentage of minorities are low income. That’s what I was really talking about. But you had to lie about it. Shame shame.

Five to ten times more read a thread than post in it.

I'm fine with those readers judging us both for honesty....

....seems you're not.

No wonder why, lying scum.
I'm gonna let you two duke it out and if you're amenable we'll come back to this later. Don't want you to feel ganged up on or divide your resources and train of thought.

FWIW... I mostly agree with PC that the housing crisis was predominantly caused by Democrats policies...and that those policies, while well intentioned, likely caused much more harm than doing nothing at all.

This is due IMO to ignorance of the reality of economics among the majority of Democrats. Whether that ignorance among elected democrats is endemic or willful I cannot say.

BUT ... I also agree with you that there is a share of blame that Republican elected officials bare by kicking the grenade down the road and hoping it exploded on the next guys watch.
I’ll say that I’d much rather debate/discuss issues with a sane minded individual as yourself over somebody like PC who lives in a crazed fantasyland of copy&paste.

I don’t disagree with you. Democratic policies did incentivize the mortgage industry to push loans. But combo that with the deregulation of the banking industry that Regan and other republicans pushed, now you have a dangerous situation where lines were crossed. Risk wasn’t properly assessed, corruption set in, profits took precedent, and a bubble burst.

I’m not a big gov supporter but massive industries like this is left unregulated can cause a tremendous amount of damage when abuse occurs. And when the my act irresponsibly they need to be called on it. It’s not always just the fault of the big bad government
Five to ten times more read a thread than post in it.

I'm fine with those readers judging us both for honesty....

....seems you're not.

No wonder why, lying scum.
I just don’t live in a fantasyland. If you want to imagine some fan club reading all of your rants you go right ahead. Back here in reality all you’ve shown is that you lied about me saying redlining was racist and then proved you lied when you posted my actual quote that didn’t contain the word racist in it.
Once again, your proof showed that I never called it racist. You’re delusional

Highlight where I said redlining was racist in my quote.

Right here, lying scum:

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."
Right here, lying scum:

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."
The word racist isn’t in my quote. Swing and a miss. You adding that I meant racist is a lie. The quote you showed proves that I’m correct and you are wrong
The word racist isn’t in my quote. Swing and a miss. You adding that I meant racist is a lie. The quote you showed proves that I’m correct and you are wrong
Pretty weak attempt to hide.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

Right here, lying scum:

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."
Pretty weak attempt to hide.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

Right here, lying scum:

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."
I’m not hiding from a thing. You said I called something racist. Bold the word racist in my quote. You can’t. It’s not there. You lied.
I’m not hiding from a thing. You said I called something racist. Bold the word racist in my quote. You can’t. It’s not there. You lied.

Right here, lying scum:

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."

Did you write that about redlining?
Right here, lying scum:

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."

Did you write that about redlining?
Yup, and nowhere did I say racist. You’re a liar
Yup, and nowhere did I say racist. You’re a liar

Did you say this?

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."

Jim Crow​

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\ ˈjim-ˈkrō \

Definition of Jim Crow

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: racial segregation and discrimination enforced by laws, customs, and practices in especially the southern states of the U.S. from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 until the mid-20th centuryThe percentage of blacks living in the South fell from 89 percent in 1910 to 53 percent in 1970 as millions migrated to the Northeast and Midwest to escape Jim Crow and acquire a better standard of life.— Manning Marable

Nailed you again, you scummy low-life liar.

And I'l do it every pleasure.
Did you say this?

"...Jim Crow through segregation through redlining through voter suppression through the criminal justice system. Etc etc etc."

Jim Crow​

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\ ˈjim-ˈkrō \

Definition of Jim Crow

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: racial segregation and discrimination enforced by laws, customs, and practices in especially the southern states of the U.S. from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 until the mid-20th centuryThe percentage of blacks living in the South fell from 89 percent in 1910 to 53 percent in 1970 as millions migrated to the Northeast and Midwest to escape Jim Crow and acquire a better standard of life.— Manning Marable

Nailed you again, you scummy low-life liar.

And I'l do it every pleasure.
Haha, your stupidity and desperation for a win is comical. Yes, that is my quote and yes Jim Crow was racist. But you said I called redlining racist which I did not. If you back up one post to see what I was referring to during that conversation you’d find me saying, and I quote “systemic discrimination”.

See PC, words matter. You don’t get to just make shit up.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Cruz is such a mealy-mouthed creep. Can't Texas do better?

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