Cruz faces elimination on Tuesday

Why would you think I'm upset. Because I don't give a shit what you hope for?

No, because you can not understand Trump has not won yet!

Those like you want to declare victory but the reality is you can't because Trump is still at 845 in delegates until the results are in later tonight.

Then even if he win all the delegates he still is under the 1000 delegate mark which mean is still not a winner and if he finishes with 1236 he still does not win because the mark is 1237.

Now how will he get 1237?

My bet you have yet to understand that or figure it out!
The primary season doesn't end today, moron.

Ummm, what is the title of the thread, and get back to me you ignorant Trump voter?

Today is Tuesday and the Title is about Cruz being eliminated today, so let see if you are as smart as you think you are!
I could have an IQ of 40 and would still be smarter than you.

No you wouldn't. Math isn't your beat point is it?

"Math isn't your beat point is it?"

Um, is a beat point similar to a best point? :smoke:
Why would you think I'm upset. Because I don't give a shit what you hope for?

No, because you can not understand Trump has not won yet!

Those like you want to declare victory but the reality is you can't because Trump is still at 845 in delegates until the results are in later tonight.

Then even if he win all the delegates he still is under the 1000 delegate mark which mean is still not a winner and if he finishes with 1236 he still does not win because the mark is 1237.

Now how will he get 1237?

My bet you have yet to understand that or figure it out!
The primary season doesn't end today, moron.

Ummm, what is the title of the thread, and get back to me you ignorant Trump voter?

Today is Tuesday and the Title is about Cruz being eliminated today, so let see if you are as smart as you think you are!
I could have an IQ of 40 and would still be smarter than you.


So the title states Cruz will be eliminated tonight which mean Trump win, and the reality is Trump would still be below 1000 delegates even if he wins tonight, so tell me how is Cruz eliminated?

You claim you have such a high IQ so use it and tell me again how this thread is not about the end of the Primary because Cruz is the only candidate close enough to Trump, and Kasich has no chance at all!

The thread premise is simple - after getting destroyed tonight, Lyin' Ted Cruz will be mathematically eliminated from winning 1237 delegates to win the nomination. He needs more than 100% of the remaining delegates. It's simple math.

His only hope is to stop Trump from getting 1237 and pray that he, the anointed one!, prevails in a brokered convention that defies the will of the voters and appoints him the nominee. I wouldn't bet the farm on it.....

Why would you think I'm upset. Because I don't give a shit what you hope for?

No, because you can not understand Trump has not won yet!

Those like you want to declare victory but the reality is you can't because Trump is still at 845 in delegates until the results are in later tonight.

Then even if he win all the delegates he still is under the 1000 delegate mark which mean is still not a winner and if he finishes with 1236 he still does not win because the mark is 1237.

Now how will he get 1237?

My bet you have yet to understand that or figure it out!
The primary season doesn't end today, moron.

Ummm, what is the title of the thread, and get back to me you ignorant Trump voter?

Today is Tuesday and the Title is about Cruz being eliminated today, so let see if you are as smart as you think you are!
I could have an IQ of 40 and would still be smarter than you.

No you wouldn't. Math isn't your best point is it?

OMG I was like your spelling teacher then....excellent correction you did there :thup:
You really using a clown face for Cruz? Seriously? A move right out of the Liberals playbook ....

What do you expect? They are liberals
Zander is no liberal. Stop with the nonsense
Did the math and 118 delegates are up for grabs tomorrow and Trump has 845 delegates so if he won all the delegates Trump still has not clinched the number he need to win the nomination because it would only bring his total to 963 delegates which mean he still need 274 delegates.

So Cruz is not eliminated until Trump get his 1237 required delegates.

If all three stay in up to the convention, as I understand it Trump can win with 1100 votes. And how fair or right if trump comes in 400 ahead of Cruz and 700 ahead of Kasich and doesn't get the nomination because of arcane rules?p

Arcane rules? Requiring a majority is an arcane rule?

Cruz took delegates because he understood the arcane rules. There were no votes. It might happen again at the convention. Some RNC arcane rule might be pulled out of a hat.
You claim you have such a high IQ so use it and tell me again how this thread is not about the end of the Primary because Cruz is the only candidate close enough to Trump, and Kasich has no chance at all!
I didn't claim I had a high IQ, I said you had a low one. You're just too stupid to understand what you read. :lol:
Why would you think I'm upset. Because I don't give a shit what you hope for?

No, because you can not understand Trump has not won yet!

Those like you want to declare victory but the reality is you can't because Trump is still at 845 in delegates until the results are in later tonight.

Then even if he win all the delegates he still is under the 1000 delegate mark which mean is still not a winner and if he finishes with 1236 he still does not win because the mark is 1237.

Now how will he get 1237?

My bet you have yet to understand that or figure it out!
The primary season doesn't end today, moron.

Ummm, what is the title of the thread, and get back to me you ignorant Trump voter?

Today is Tuesday and the Title is about Cruz being eliminated today, so let see if you are as smart as you think you are!
I could have an IQ of 40 and would still be smarter than you.

No you wouldn't. Math isn't your best point is it?
My math is better than your spelling. :lol:
Cruz took delegates because he understood the arcane rules. There were no votes. It might happen again at the convention. Some RNC arcane rule might be pulled out of a hat.

So let me get this straight...your defense of Donald Trump is that he doesn't have the first clue what he's doing.
You really using a clown face for Cruz? Seriously? A move right out of the Liberals playbook ....

What do you expect? They are liberals
Zander is no liberal. Stop with the nonsense

I was called a Liberal earlier, in another thread :eek-52:
Happens to me about once a week. People on this forum hold some astounding ignorance at times.
You really using a clown face for Cruz? Seriously? A move right out of the Liberals playbook ....

What do you expect? They are liberals
Zander is no liberal. Stop with the nonsense

I was called a Liberal earlier, in another thread :eek-52:
Happens to me about once a week. People on this forum hold some astounding ignorance at times.

Personally, I am an a AMERICAN who wants a secure border, more freedom, lower taxes, PEACE, America first trade policies, better jobs for AMERICANS, and a smaller federal government. If that makes me a "liberal" be it!

At this point it's just embarrassing for Cruz to stay in. I think his shenanigans during this primary have spelled the end for his political career.

He's from Texas. He's set for life.
Doubtful. I don't know how Texans could ever forgive him for the mockery he's making of the party and the primary process.
You really using a clown face for Cruz? Seriously? A move right out of the Liberals playbook ....

What do you expect? They are liberals
Zander is no liberal. Stop with the nonsense

I was called a Liberal earlier, in another thread :eek-52:
Happens to me about once a week. People on this forum hold some astounding ignorance at times.

Personally, I am an a AMERICAN who wants a secure border, more freedom, lower taxes, PEACE, America first trade policies, better jobs for AMERICANS, and a smaller federal government. If that makes me a "liberal" be it!


Then your voting for the wrong candidate
At this point it's just embarrassing for Cruz to stay in. I think his shenanigans during this primary have spelled the end for his political career.

He's from Texas. He's set for life.
Doubtful. I don't know how Texans could ever forgive him for the mockery he's making of the party and the primary process.

Because it's Texas. These are the same people who elected Perry four times.
Oh fuck. Maybe you're right.

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