Cruz finally apologizes for Biden joke.................

I don't know why Cruz is so important. He's just another taco bender and lord knows, there's no shortage of them around here. lol
I guess Cruz never lived in Canada long enough to pick up any kind of manners.

Not only did he do a bad joke at a time when Biden was grieving, when he was finally called out on it, it took him several days to decide to apologize.

Interestingly, if you read the article, you'd see that when Cruz was asked about the joke, he just simply turned and walked away without saying anything.
Yo...................SassyIrishLass...................Biden may be a boob, but don't you think he should be allowed to grieve the loss of his son without being hassled for a little while?
because 'biden' is a bonehead , why not make a joke of him ?? Anyway , I hear that TED CRUZ apologized on his own right after he made the joke . I don't understand what the young socialists death has to do with Ted making fun of the old Pwick joe !!
Yo..............IrisLass...................if a GOP politician's child dies, does that mean it's okay for a Democrat to crack jokes about them just a couple of days after their loss?
I don't care WHEN he apologized. Cruz should have had some class and not told the joke at all.

But.............what else do you expect from Cruz?
Ted Cruz made a bad joke about Biden in one of his speeches the other day, and this coming just after Joe Biden lost his son Beau, to brain cancer.

Ted Cruz Apologizes for Making Joe Biden Joke After Son Beau s Death - NBC News

My question is..............Biden's not even in the race for 2016, so why is Cruz snapping jokes on him, especially right now while he's grieving?

Excellent question. Answer: Because Cruz is an impotent coward disguising himself as a super-hero.
people die everyday ehh BikerS , world doesn't come to an end except for the newly dead person .
Ted Cruz made a bad joke about Biden in one of his speeches the other day, and this coming just after Joe Biden lost his son Beau, to brain cancer.

Ted Cruz Apologizes for Making Joe Biden Joke After Son Beau s Death - NBC News

My question is..............Biden's not even in the race for 2016, so why is Cruz snapping jokes on him, especially right now while he's grieving?

All about nothing. It's not like he made fun of his dead son.
Since he's such a delicate flower maybe he should get out of politics for at least six'd be the proper thing to do considering the death of his son.
Yo...................SassyIrishLass...................Biden may be a boob, but don't you think he should be allowed to grieve the loss of his son without being hassled for a little while?

I could care less and you may notice Cruz apologized right after he said it. Epic fail thread

From your own link, nitwit: """Cruz apologized in a Facebook post after the event, saying “It was a mistake to use an old joke about Joe Biden during his time of grief, and I sincerely apologize.”

You should be asking yourself why he made the joke in the first place rather than defending him. But that's what you do best, defend assholes.
You're right Pismoe...................people DO die every day.

However..................we don't make stupid jokes about the survivors just a couple of days after they lose a relative.

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