CRUZ IS the establishment

How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?
Typical diversion from someone who can't (or doesn't dare to) handle the facts.

Let's ignore Cruz's years of fighting the establishment and never apologizing for his conservative stands, and concentrate instead on what a few other people (who lost) said - pronouncements that Cruz had nothing to do with.
. I was going to vote for him until just the last few months. 1. because of some of the sleaze that has come from his camp and. 2. I am also beginning to think he is just another Establishment. he's become a big disappointment for me.
It's amazing that Trump's running a sleazy campaign and somehow it's Cruz that gets accused of being sleazy
It's amazing that Trump's running a sleazy campaign and somehow it's Cruz that gets accused of being sleazy
does Trump have to do with anything? I personally feel Cruz has done some sleazy things lately. And I don't see Trump being anymore sleazy than those Democrats or freaking Romney. who does he think he is coming out trying to bully people about Trump. we all know Cruz is your guy and like I said, he was my vote up until recently.
How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?

He has always fought against the gop establishment, so you're way off base with this.

They both worked for George Bush. Heidi longer than Ted. She was top deputy to US Trade Rep Robert Zoellick and then she worked for Condi Rice on the National Security Council as the director for the Western Hemisphere.

We are talking inside the beltway big freaking time here. And then she's all Wall Street all the time working for Goldman Sachs.

This is the establishment couple of the whole campaign.
It's amazing that Trump's running a sleazy campaign and somehow it's Cruz that gets accused of being sleazy
does Trump have to do with anything? I personally feel Cruz has done some sleazy things lately. And I don't see Trump being anymore sleazy than those Democrats or freaking Romney. who does he think he is coming out trying to bully people about Trump. we all know Cruz is your guy and like I said, he was my vote up until recently.

Bingo! He and his wife are establishment all the way.
Let's not forget this.

"And this month, Mr. Cruz said his 2012 Senate campaign had failed to properly disclose large loans from Goldman and Citibank, muddying the couple’s tale of having poured their life savings into the race."

And do you have any idea how many millionaires back Cruz? They're going to want influence in decision making as always.

But one in particular, a hedge fund manager Robert Mercer seems to be the biggie. He's a billionaire.

Not politics as usual? Kiss my ass.
President Obama just bitch slapped Cruz. He said he just came from a country that Ted's father escaped from. A country that targets minorities and polices neighborhoods. You know, do what Rafael wants to do to the Muslim minority.
Trump is NOT a career politician like Cruz is.

That makes him less corrupt and less establishment? He's been funding the corruption in Washington for decades. And for what? His own personal wealth.

Give me a guy who has spent his life fighting corruption and for the constitutional Priniples our nation was founded on over a guy who has spent his life profiting by corrupting our government
Let's ignore Cruz's years of fighting the establishment and never apologizing for his conservative stands, and concentrate instead on what a few other people (who lost) said - pronouncements that Cruz had nothing to do with.
Cruz may be "fighting" the establishment, but somehow he always lets them WIN in the end. He let Obamacare get funded, he let Planned Parenthood get funded, he let the debt ceiling get raised and he let the Federal budget get funded, always fighting enough to put on a show, but never enough to win!!!!
Yep. And Trump is a con-man. What are you gonna do?
When faced with a choice between a con-man and a bullshit artist, vote write-in!

Or third party. Some of us have been trying to tell you all for years: the Republocrats aren't the only option.
3rd Party does not exist in a Primary. All you can do in a Primary to let the politicians know there IS a protest vote out there is to write-in.

I always vote 3rd Party or write-in in the general election though.
How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?
Very simple the other choice is Trump the endorsments don't make Cruz establishment it just means the establishment dislikes him a little less than Trump.

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