CRUZ IS the establishment

Yep. And Trump is a con-man. What are you gonna do?
When faced with a choice between a con-man and a bullshit artist, vote write-in!

Or third party. Some of us have been trying to tell you all for years: the Republocrats aren't the only option.
3rd Party does not exist in a Primary. All you can do in a Primary to let the politicians know there IS a protest vote out there is to write-in.

I always vote 3rd Party or write-in in the general election though.

That would bely all the Dems you prop up on here, tbh.
How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?

pssssssst!!.., hey you.., yaaa you!!! are you stoopid or somethin ? did you forget you are referring to politics and politicians it's been said millions of times, "they would sell their soul/Mother etc.," for...., (fill in the blank) ______________, it's the old cross your fingers behind your back..., ya knoe.., huh.., huh !?!?!
Yep. And Trump is a con-man. What are you gonna do?
When faced with a choice between a con-man and a bullshit artist, vote write-in!

Or third party. Some of us have been trying to tell you all for years: the Republocrats aren't the only option.
3rd Party does not exist in a Primary. All you can do in a Primary to let the politicians know there IS a protest vote out there is to write-in.

I always vote 3rd Party or write-in in the general election though.

That would bely all the Dems you prop up on here, tbh.
Just because I like nailing the lying scum on the Right, does not mean I support the Dems. The Right are just so pompous I can't resist taking them down a peg or two. I prop up almost nothing on this board, I mainly tear down.
="Stephanie, post: 13845019, member: 1668"]...some sleazy things...

sleazy!!! are you fucking serious.., :lmao: have you ever done a search the history of SLEAZY politics, then come back and still say this is SLEAZY.., OK ?????
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How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?

Cruz is not the Establishment.

Cruz is the tool the Establishment will use to block Trump and give the nomination to someone else.

With all due respect Jim I have to say that he is the establishment and he's been playing a very calculated and orchestrated charade to move his career forward at warp speed. Very similar to Obama's ambitions by not even waiting to finish out one term as a freshman Senator.

You have to remember that he ran as a quintessential Tea Party candidate with the blessings of Palin and others meanwhile they hid the mega donations to his 2012 race from Goldman Sachs and Citibank.

Both are joined at the hip with the Bush family. They met and fell in love during the 2000 campaign. Both have worked for GW. Heidi longer than Ted. We're talking an inside the beltway and Wall Street power couple here.

Now I do believe in all probability they will shaft him at the convention, but truly Ted and Heidi are establishment all the way.
Yep. And Trump is a con-man. What are you gonna do?
When faced with a choice between a con-man and a bullshit artist, vote write-in!

Or third party. Some of us have been trying to tell you all for years: the Republocrats aren't the only option.
3rd Party does not exist in a Primary. All you can do in a Primary to let the politicians know there IS a protest vote out there is to write-in.

I always vote 3rd Party or write-in in the general election though.

That would bely all the Dems you prop up on here, tbh.
Just because I like nailing the lying scum on the Right, does not mean I support the Dems. The Right are just so pompous I can't resist taking them down a peg or two. I prop up almost nothing on this board, I mainly tear down.

You realize that the Clintons and Obamas foundations are nothing but lies though, right?
When faced with a choice between a con-man and a bullshit artist, vote write-in!

Or third party. Some of us have been trying to tell you all for years: the Republocrats aren't the only option.
3rd Party does not exist in a Primary. All you can do in a Primary to let the politicians know there IS a protest vote out there is to write-in.

I always vote 3rd Party or write-in in the general election though.

That would bely all the Dems you prop up on here, tbh.
Just because I like nailing the lying scum on the Right, does not mean I support the Dems. The Right are just so pompous I can't resist taking them down a peg or two. I prop up almost nothing on this board, I mainly tear down.

You realize that the Clintons and Obamas foundations are nothing but lies though, right?
But they don't debate on this board.
How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?

Cruz is not the Establishment.

Cruz is the tool the Establishment will use to block Trump and give the nomination to someone else.

With all due respect Jim I have to say that he is the establishment and he's been playing a very calculated and orchestrated charade to move his career forward at warp speed. Very similar to Obama's ambitions by not even waiting to finish out one term as a freshman Senator.

You have to remember that he ran as a quintessential Tea Party candidate with the blessings of Palin and others meanwhile they hid the mega donations to his 2012 race from Goldman Sachs and Citibank.

Both are joined at the hip with the Bush family. They met and fell in love during the 2000 campaign. Both have worked for GW. Heidi longer than Ted. We're talking an inside the beltway and Wall Street power couple here.

Now I do believe in all probability they will shaft him at the convention, but truly Ted and Heidi are establishment all the way.

I think I am using a different definition of 'GOP Establishment' than you are.

I dont mean just powerful people or people hooked into the corporate crony network as I agree Cruz is.

What I mean is that part of the GOP that handles things on a national scale. They set policy for the GOP and what parts of the government they control. They decide to set corporate tax cuts as a priority and maybe work in some anti-abortion legislation somewhere if time permits. They decide who the party nominee favorite will be and will get the lions share of the pary donors pumping cash into the campaign and allied attack PACs.

That is way above Ted Cruzes pay grade.
The self-immolation of the perpetually angry and bitter Trump supporters is hilarious.

Good luck winning the general with 35% of the vote.


Well lets see who is angry and bitter January 2017, jack ass.

And even if Trump does not win, we the People of the United States will just step up our efforts to educate our fellow citizens and take our country back.

In the end, you cannot stop us. Lincoln was right, you cannot fool all the people all the time.
How can you not be when a Romney and Jeb Bush endorse you?
Don't forget Mike Lee, Mark Levin, Carly Fiorina and others across the board from which Cruz has endorsements. Others are waiting in the wings to endorse.

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