cruz officially sweeps Wyoming

One thing about Joe.............he doesn't sugar coat the left's true intentions..............immigrate until they control the WH forever........................

Use the courts for circumventing the Constitution by appointing political hacks instead of unbiased judges.........

The end justifies their means............They love Tyranny............and will get their way forced on all no matter how they have to do so

Guy, you gave up any right to talk about "qualifications' on the Supreme Court when you nominated Clarence Uncle Thomas.

And, yes, it we have to crush you stupids who are too dumb to vote your own economic interests, I'm totally good with that.
One thing about Joe.............he doesn't sugar coat the left's true intentions..............immigrate until they control the WH forever........................

Use the courts for circumventing the Constitution by appointing political hacks instead of unbiased judges.........

The end justifies their means............They love Tyranny............and will get their way forced on all no matter how they have to do so

Guy, you gave up any right to talk about "qualifications' on the Supreme Court when you nominated Clarence Uncle Thomas.

And, yes, it we have to crush you stupids who are too dumb to vote your own economic interests, I'm totally good with that.
You gave up any worth on this talking point to the Constitution and our laws in regards to immigration and ignoring the law for your own political purposes.............VOTERS..............and yeah if you mass immigrate they will reward your side with their votes.........

And you have just implied that you will use Judicial Activism to get what ever you want..........

I've got a song in response to that.

Wyoming has a half million people in it

New York and California have 50 million

Trump will take both states
Sorry bout that,

1. Does anyone really want another dishonest Ted Lyin' TED for a President?
2. Or the king maker establishment GOP as a decider?
3. You can't be held responsible enough to cast a vote in America, the GOP wants to do it for you..


Yes. They voted at the caucus. How are there people so ignorant here? It's 2016, there is no reason for anyone to be this stupid. We've been a literate society for hundreds of years.
The stupid is all yours if you think they were going to abandon the establishment pick just because Trump showed up and gave a speech. But good to know if a corrupt system works in your favor it's the will of the people. LOL.
You gave up any worth on this talking point to the Constitution and our laws in regards to immigration and ignoring the law for your own political purposes.............VOTERS..............and yeah if you mass immigrate they will reward your side with their votes.........

The constitution doesn't say anything about immigration at all. in fact, for most of our history if you got here on a boat, you were in, which is how most of our ancestors got here. It wasn't until the 1920's they started restricting immigration when all those English people got upset that these Irish and Germans and Italians started showing up.

You see, the funny thing is, 100 years ago, people like you said the same thing about people who were probably your ancestors. When my grandparents came here from Germany in 1925, there were still people who talked about "The Hun" like that was a real thing.

And you have just implied that you will use Judicial Activism to get what ever you want..........

I've got a song in response to that.

I didn't imply ANYTHING, guy. I am stating it straight up. I will happily go to the courts to get the things I want, so long as they get done. I am THRILLED that you wingnuts got bitchslapped down hard on gay marriage. I'm just sorry the issue allowed Bush to get a second term where he really proceeded to fuck things up.

Scalia is taking a dirt nap and either Hillary or Obama will appoint his replacement. Hopefully, Kennedy will be joining him soon, and we'll have a 6-3 majority that will run through the whole progressive agenda.

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