Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Once again, you claim it's not about the rule of law, or your oath to the Constitution, it's all about winning.

You've completely lost perspective about what the country was purportedly built on - the founding principles of the rule of law, and no man being above the law.

First off, you ignore the fact that the Republican Party, offered to the American People, as their President, a criminal conman with a history of bribery, corruption, and fiscal malfeasance, and they did so, without the support of their Party. Trump only received 44% of Republicans votes.

A political party does have a responsibility to vet candidates, and a man who has presided over 7 bankrupticies involving billions of dollars of losses to the American people; numerous charges of fraud and misuse of funds such that American bankers are still refusing to lend to him; that is legally barred from sitting on the board of directors of any charity; a man who is being sued for defrauding close family members of their inheritance; whose social circle included a best friend who was a criminal pedophile and sex trafficker; a man who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 2 dozen women.

Tell us again why you want such a creature to run your country, when the last time you did, he presided over a pandemic which ran out of control - worse than any other nation on earth.
Wow, you are not even from the United States of America, so your opinion is based on what you get from CNN and leftist sites.

First off the Republican Party can run whomever they want and Trump won the primary and because he did not fit your idea what America should have as a President, well who give a flying fuck!

Trump won the Electoral College and won it because of Jill Stein being the stooge for Russia by stealing votes from Clinton in key States, but you have no clue about this because you are ignorant as can be!

Now the fucking discussion is about the abuse of the articles of impeachment that you and Faun love to abuse so much when Democrats have the power to use it against the opposition but forget your side didn’t have the votes to convict or remove, so why waste the American public time except for political reasons?

Now the two of you believe it shouldn’t be used in that manner if the GOP take the House back, and I would have agreed had Pelosi went another route than using the Impeachment process she knew would fail…

Now when it is done to Biden you will object and cry it ain’t fair, so learn your damn lesson, wait those like you never do and prefer to make the mistake and then whine when it come back to bite you!

You are as dumb as a Trump loving voter while thinking you are better than them!
Once again, you claim it's not about the rule of law, or your oath to the Constitution, it's all about winning.

You've completely lost perspective about what the country was purportedly built on - the founding principles of the rule of law, and no man being above the law.

First off, you ignore the fact that the Republican Party, offered to the American People, as their President, a criminal conman with a history of bribery, corruption, and fiscal malfeasance, and they did so, without the support of their Party. Trump only received 44% of Republicans votes.

A political party does have a responsibility to vet candidates, and a man who has presided over 7 bankrupticies involving billions of dollars of losses to the American people; numerous charges of fraud and misuse of funds such that American bankers are still refusing to lend to him; that is legally barred from sitting on the board of directors of any charity; a man who is being sued for defrauding close family members of their inheritance; whose social circle included a best friend who was a criminal pedophile and sex trafficker; a man who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 2 dozen women.

Tell us again why you want such a creature to run your country, when the last time you did, he presided over a pandemic which ran out of control - worse than any other nation on earth.
Oh, how is Biden doing with the Pandemic?

I guess we don’t have it any longer, oh wait new records are being set, no test kits available and no end to the shortages that has been plaguing the U.S., but I am sure you will not blame Biden…

Maybe Trump should have been like China that got busted lying about it numbers and where the virus came from in the first place?
WTF?? Are you saying the House shouldn't impeach a president who appears to have violated the law if the Senate won't vote to convict?
If you know you can’t remove him why waste the time?

So, then if the GOP believe Biden has violated the law, well you will not object then because hey even though they will lack the votes in the Senate they should go ahead and you will never claim it is a waste of time…

There were other options that McConnell would have most likely allowed and worked with but Impeachment was not one of them and let be clear the first one was to make sure he lost the General Election and get the Senate and the second one was with hope he would be removed from running again, but boy you guys fucked yourselves!
Right now, the entire line of succession is filled with filth that would be no improvement over Biden.

We need to wait until after the 2022 elections, after the new Congress is seated, and an actual human being is in the position of Speaker of the House. Then we impeach Biden and The Whore, and that new Speaker then becomes President.
Oh? And how are you gonna convince enough Senators to convict?
If you know you can’t remove him why waste the time?

So, then if the GOP believe Biden has violated the law, well you will not object then because hey even though they will lack the votes in the Senate they should go ahead and you will never claim it is a waste of time…

There were other options that McConnell would have most likely allowed and worked with but Impeachment was not one of them and let be clear the first one was to make sure he lost the General Election and get the Senate and the second one was with hope he would be removed from running again, but boy you guys fucked yourselves!
So you are saying that.

There are different forms of communism like there are different forms of democracy, capitalism, socialism and so on. It doesn't change what they are. The last administration before Trump penalized people who couldn't afford a healthcare plan. This administration will get you fired for not getting the shot and will go as far as to have your unemployment claim denied so you and your family starve.

This is not a Republic, so what is it? You have a congress here that's spending taxpayer dollars to defeat a political foe a year after he left office because they are so scared to death of the man. You have a President that got our FBI to get search warrants for homes they suspect had his daughters stolen diary in like he was King because it likely describes his creepy actions. I mean really, using a federal government agency for your own personal concerns? They even got a phony search warrant to spy on this same man while he was running and it was all based on lies.

25 years ago when you called a Democrat a Socialist, they were highly offended and defended their position that they were not. Today they don't even blink twice. In fact they ran an admitted Socialist as their presidential nominee not long ago.

The same will happen with Communism. By the time they alert the people what they changed this country to, we will have already been there for a number of years.

Look at you. Regurgitating every Republican piece of propaganda you can dig up, while completely ignoring Trump's fascist and authoritarian behaviour towards the press, racial minorities, and all citizens. And his corruption, greed, and dishonesty as a developer.

Trump spent his entire 4 years in office seeking revenge on Hillary Clinton - 5 investigations against Hillary Clinton, and not one charge out of any of them.

He pursued Andrew McCabe, ending his career so he wouldn't have a pension - like the petty bully he is, and McCabe was never charged either, despite multiple attempts by Bill Barr to get the Grand Jury to indict McCabe. The government has settled the McCabe law suits, and McCabe got a LOT more money in the lawsuits that he would have received if he had simply retired with his pension. Oh yeah - his pension was reinstated too.

Smearing people by accusing them of things he's been doing is a hallmark for Donald Trump. Hence his accusations against Joe Biden in the Ukraine, and in China. Donald Trump cannot imagine a poor man having access to all of that money, and not being corrupted by it. Neither can you Ray.

You don't seem to have a problem with the government fining people who don't have car insurance. I'm a good driver. I've never had an accident. Why should I have to pay for car insurance? The government will fine me if I don't have car insurance. Why aren't you calling that "tyranny", Ray.

Our people are fine. Worry about your own people. Statistics show that the Communists are going to get totally wiped out next election, and perhaps with the safeguards of a Republican Congress, we can stop at least some of the damage bestowed on us by Dementia and the commies.

If your people are "fine", why are you here every day, posting about how the nation is on the brink of destruction because of Democratic policies, but not the economic crash or covid. Statistics show that the American people will turn out in record numbers to prevent Donald Trump from returning to office - ever.

Yesterday Peter Navarro admitted to being part of a plot to overturn the election, declare martial law, and keep Trump by having Congress determine the outcome. He said the entire Republican House and Senate was prepared to do this. That's a coup.

The public hearings are about to start and the Republican Party will have its name dragged through the mud. Just the text messages between Sean Hannity and Mark Meadows have Hannity running scared. The hearings will be broadcast in prime time.

You can't say how terrible everything is in the USA to justify dumping the Democrats, and then say "Our people are fine" in the next breathl.
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That is a lie that the equipment was destroyed. Multiple reports of completely intact equipment left behind, and your friends The Taliban shared US Military Technology with China.

Why do you bother coming here every day with one lie after another? Perhaps you are a delusional religious fanatic brainwashed to serve the puppet EmperorShitzHizPantz

Truth is hard to swallow. I am warning you about your sins. And Paul Manfort plead guilty to crimes he committed on behalf of The Obama Bin Lying Regime when he worked for The Podestas who oddly enough received immunity from The SS FBI, making it impossible for Manafort to request any exonerating evidence from The Podestas or to ask them to serve as witnesses in his Kangaroo Trial.

So again, you are exposed as a liar. Sure you want to throw away your soul like that?

You must think I'm as gullible as a Republican to try that bullshit on me, Tree.

Paul Manafort plead guilty to handing over the Republican data base of voters to a Russian agent. He was working for PUTIN in the Ukraine, not Obama. He owed millions to Russian oligarchs, and he lied about his income to the IRS. Why would Paul Manafort, who was in desperate financial shape, agree to work for Donald Trump for free, Tree?

Why did Trump have so many Russian agents working for him, Tree? Carter Page, General Flynn, Paul Manafort - all of them were being paid by the Russian government either directly or indirectly?

Why are all your anti-Democratic posts based on proven Russian propaganda and lies, Tree?
Then how about Newsweek which is one of a dozen reporting?

Yet it wasn't undermining our constitutional republic when the commies conducted an impeachment with no impeachable offenses, and no time to allow the defendant to hire an attorney. No hearing, no debate, just a head count of who voted to impeach him.
There were all kinds of hearings and trump was impeached based on evidence that he violated the constitution.
They will be lucky to keep 40 seats and that's only if they cheat again. The polls reveal the country is sick of Democrat shit and want major change.
The polls don't show shit. That's why republicans are trying to control voting.
And you suppose backing off and letting the Communists get away with their shit will change anything?

The only way to teach a bully a lesson is to punch back harder.
You are part of the communists Ray.
The Republicans take the majority. Republican Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker. Impeach Biden for violations of Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution. Remove Kumquat for dereliction of duty.

Republican president.
None of what you say happened.
You claim Trump tried to be a dictator for life and call me a fool? Tell us how Trump tried to do that liar.

Impeachment is for a representative that commits a misdemeanor or high crimes. Asking a leader of another country for a favor or having a rally is neither. Impeachment is covered in that document you leftists hate so much called the US Constitution. Try reading it sometime.
Dragonlady is right. The 1-6 Committee is showing what was done. Extortion is a high crime, so is inciting an insurrection. These are 2 things trump did. You have chosen to lie about this. So you go read the real constitution.

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