Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

If your people are "fine", why are you here every day, posting about how the nation is on the brink of destruction because of Democratic policies, but not the economic crash or covid. Statistics show that the American people will turn out in record numbers to prevent Donald Trump from returning to office - ever.

Yesterday Peter Navarro admitted to being part of a plot to overturn the election, declare martial law, and keep Trump by having Congress determine the outcome. He said the entire Republican House and Senate was prepared to do this. That's a coup.

The public hearings are about to start and the Republican Party will have its name dragged through the mud. Just the text messages between Sean Hannity and Mark Meadows have Hannity running scared. The hearings will be broadcast in prime time.

You can't say how terrible everything is in the USA to justify dumping the Democrats, and then say "Our people are fine" in the next breathl.

The pandemic had nothing to do with it. It was paying people more money to stay home that was the main cause. When labor has the upper hand, they can demand much more money for services and that's exactly what happened. When labor (the largest expenditure of a business) increases, businesses have to charge much more money for their products and services. The more they charge, the more we have to pay thus inflation.

Ray, you really need to stop making a fool of yourself by writing about the economy. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Much of the inflation is being caused by price gouging by the people who owned the company selling the goods, including the gas and oil companies.

Everyone has money and everyone has pent up demand. Meat packers are recording their highest profits on record. As our gas companies.

Sitting home doing nothing saving money, consumers have been unable to shop for things they want or need and are now flooding the stores to spend. Seeing an opportunity, stores are raising prices.

Supply and demand. Supply is low demand is high prices go up. I thought you were in favour of the free market economy.

Like the good brainwashed little Republican you are, you’re prepared to blame the workers. The little guys. It’s all their fault they shouldn’t ask for so much.

One would think you were wealthy the way you talk instead of a workingman. Shame on you
Bullshit. There's a law prohibiting a candidate for office from seeking campaign help from a foreign national and Trump did that when he solicited campaign help from a foreign national to open an investigation into a political rival.
Do you kneel before praying to St. Hillary each night? Or prostrate yourself?
Ray, you really need to stop making a fool of yourself by writing about the economy. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Much of the inflation is being caused by price gouging by the people who owned the company selling the goods, including the gas and oil companies.

Everyone has money and everyone has pent up demand. Meat packers are recording their highest profits on record. As our gas companies.

Sitting home doing nothing saving money, consumers have been unable to shop for things they want or need and are now flooding the stores to spend. Seeing an opportunity, stores are raising prices.

Supply and demand. Supply is low demand is high prices go up. I thought you were in favour of the free market economy.

Like the good brainwashed little Republican you are, you’re prepared to blame the workers. The little guys. It’s all their fault they shouldn’t ask for so much.

One would think you were wealthy the way you talk instead of a workingman. Shame on you

Your ignorance is surpassed by nobody. Gasoline and meats are all commodities. They are not controlled by the producers, they are controlled by the speculators. Trust me, I spent a couple of years in the commodities market. That's how it works.

Yes, supply and demand is how they make their decisions on which way they are to invest. If workers are sitting home, there will be a huge shortage of products. It's pretty simple on how to invest at that point.

I never blamed any workers. The workers were offered a gig of a lifetime; getting paid to sit home. Nobody can blame any worker for taking advantage of that. I blame the Communists for paying them to sit home and not work.
Oh, so now polls matter.....
From the second paragraph (my bold - RATFLMAO!!!)

A Fabrizio, Lee & Associates poll conducted for the former president's Make America Great Again Committee

This poll reflects common sense, something lefties don't have. The state of our country is terrible and of course people want the good ole days of a good economy tied in with a secure border and reasonable prices. Who would not want that?
This poll reflects common sense, something lefties don't have. The state of our country is terrible and of course people want the good ole days of a good economy tied in with a secure border and reasonable prices. Who would not want that?
I think what would be great for the US is if both parties got middle of the road candidates. Trump is hated. Biden is hated. Harris is hated. Pence was/is a nobody. Surely out of 330 million + Americans, you guys can do better than those four??
Wow, you are not even from the United States of America, so your opinion is based on what you get from CNN and leftist sites.

Worse than merely not being an American, Dragonlady is from Canaduh. Donald H also. The nation that was founded by cowering and groveling before the same tyrant against which America's forefathers violently rebelled in order to found the U.S. They are artifacts of that shameful, cowardly original of their nation, and forever committed to the desire to see the U.S. dragged down to their level.

They are both entirely unworthy of entertaining any argument with them with regard to how our nation is to be governed. They are unworthy of any more response to their attempts to argue with us on this subject than telling them that they have no say and no standing, and that they can fuck off and worry about their own shithole nation.

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