Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Worse than merely not being an American, Dragonlady is from Canaduh. Donald H also. The nation that was founded by cowering and groveling before the same tyrant against which America's forefathers violently rebelled in order to found the U.S. They are artifacts of that shameful, cowardly original of their nation, and forever committed to the desire to see the U.S. dragged down to their level.

They are both entirely unworthy of entertaining any argument with them with regard to how our nation is to be governed. They are unworthy of any more response to their attempts to argue with us on this subject than telling them that they have no say and no standing, and that they can fuck off and worry about their own shithole nation.
You sound like a dumb chimp.
Oh, so now polls matter.....
From the second paragraph (my bold - RATFLMAO!!!)

A Fabrizio, Lee & Associates poll conducted for the former president's Make America Great Again Committee

Lmao...make american great committee...what a joke. These people just make up their own polls and their own data to make themselves feel better about losing in 2020.
Dude, nobody has given a flying fuck about Hillary Clinton since 2016. Change the fucking record, good fucking lord.

Its fucking 2022 for god sakes, she hasn't been a politician in 6 years. Get a life.
The right can't get over her. She took losing the election like a normal human, and didn't incite violence on DC on Jan. 6th like some orange clown did. RIP to the officers and others killed by those domestic terrorists.
Ray, you really need to stop making a fool of yourself by writing about the economy. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Much of the inflation is being caused by price gouging by the people who owned the company selling the goods, including the gas and oil companies.

Everyone has money and everyone has pent up demand. Meat packers are recording their highest profits on record. As our gas companies.

Sitting home doing nothing saving money, consumers have been unable to shop for things they want or need and are now flooding the stores to spend. Seeing an opportunity, stores are raising prices.

Supply and demand. Supply is low demand is high prices go up. I thought you were in favour of the free market economy.

Like the good brainwashed little Republican you are, you’re prepared to blame the workers. The little guys. It’s all their fault they shouldn’t ask for so much.

One would think you were wealthy the way you talk instead of a workingman. Shame on you
OMG, the stupid is so strong in you!
If they do just remember you set the bar for it.


The high bar was that Trump abused his office to illegally hold up military aid to Ukraine and used it to try to extort personal political favors

Bar after that was Trump's clear culpability in instigating and refusing to call off an attack on the Congress.

Republicans have nothing on Biden that clears those bars.

It's against the law to impeach Biden? Link?
No no, Republicans should by all means go ahead with completely frivolous impeachments. It will be a big political winner for them, just ask any Democrat. :auiqs.jpg:

The high bar was that Trump abused his office to illegally hold up military aid to Ukraine and used it to try to extort personal political favors

Bar after that was Trump's clear culpability in instigating and refusing to call off an attack on the Congress.

Republicans have nothing on Biden that clears those bars.

Please point out in the transcript of the call where Trump threatened military aid you liar.

Trump had no control to call off any attack, furthermore he never instigated anything. He held a rally like the Communists have done so many times. Would you like to see some of them, especially the Shoemaker rally that led to the riot at the Supreme Court? When are you commies going to hold him responsible for that?

Why do you leftists have to lie all the time? Is it part of your nature or what?
The right can't get over her. She took losing the election like a normal human, and didn't incite violence on DC on Jan. 6th like some orange clown did. RIP to the officers and others killed by those domestic terrorists.

No police officer died in the attack. The only two deaths were the unarmed female military vet that was shot by police and somebody that got trampled on during entry. Another leftist liar.
Dude, nobody has given a flying fuck about Hillary Clinton since 2016. Change the fucking record, good fucking lord.

Its fucking 2022 for god sakes, she hasn't been a politician in 6 years. Get a life.

Maybe people will quit bringing her up when she shuts her mouth and retires already. As long as she does keep shooting off her mouth, she's fair game like anybody else.
I think what would be great for the US is if both parties got middle of the road candidates. Trump is hated. Biden is hated. Harris is hated. Pence was/is a nobody. Surely out of 330 million + Americans, you guys can do better than those four??

People would welcome back President Trump with open arms today. Can you tell me where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and communism? That's like trying to find middle ground between the Palestinians and Israel.

The only solution to our political problems is to divide the country in half. They get one side and we get the other, and we run our countries our own way. Nothing would make me happier.
Trump paid a record settlent to the DOJ for racism. Biden was VP for the black president trump asked for a birth certificate and proof of college attendance from.

The mf is a racist. But then again, so are you.

But you'll never admit Biden is a lifelong racist democrat
Dude, nobody has given a flying fuck about Hillary Clinton since 2016. Change the fucking record, good fucking lord.

Its fucking 2022 for god sakes, she hasn't been a politician in 6 years. Get a life.

The first Trump impeachment was entirely over Hillary's Steele Dossier.

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