Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Translation: After two BS impeachments of Trump, with the House looking like it’s going to turn over into republican hands, Democrats are now beginning to see the fruits of their insanity.
Maybe people will quit bringing her up when she shuts her mouth and retires already. As long as she does keep shooting off her mouth, she's fair game like anybody else.

Seems you have Hillary confused with Trump.
People would welcome back President Trump with open arms today. Can you tell me where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and communism? That's like trying to find middle ground between the Palestinians and Israel.

The only solution to our political problems is to divide the country in half. They get one side and we get the other, and we run our countries our own way. Nothing would make me happier.
Ok, you rightards can have Epstein's Island and Democrats get the U.S..
When the company gets hired by another entity, then the company is an employee.
That is true regardless of degree, because in general money talks.
No, ya lyin' tard, that makes the company a contractor. Which means they're self-employed.

A contractor – also called a contract worker, independent contractor or freelancer – is a self-employed worker who operates independently on a contract basis. A contractor is not an employee; instead, they run their own entity (such as a sole proprietorship, limited liability company or limited liability partnership) and are contracted out by organizations to work on particular projects or assignments.
The first Trump impeachment was entirely over Hillary's Steele Dossier.
No it wasn't. What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you ever tell the truth?

That impeachment was over Trump violating a law which prohibits candidates from soliciting campaign contributions from foreign nationals. Where in the hell do you see the dossier in there??
You must think I'm as gullible as a Republican to try that bullshit on me, Tree.

Paul Manafort plead guilty to handing over the Republican data base of voters to a Russian agent. He was working for PUTIN in the Ukraine, not Obama. He owed millions to Russian oligarchs, and he lied about his income to the IRS. Why would Paul Manafort, who was in desperate financial shape, agree to work for Donald Trump for free, Tree?

Why did Trump have so many Russian agents working for him, Tree? Carter Page, General Flynn, Paul Manafort - all of them were being paid by the Russian government either directly or indirectly?

Why are all your anti-Democratic posts based on proven Russian propaganda and lies, Tree?
What ever you say Chi-Com. Manafort was charged with things he did working for The Obama Administration through The Podesta Group. That is a Fact.

Your Russian Collusion Lie is just that A Lie paid for by Obama Clinton and Biden who were colluding with Russia to try to rig and sway the 2016 election in Hillary Rotten McCankles favor.

Now don't you have some Moslems to imprison or Christians to torture over in Chi-Com Red Dragon Land? Run along little Commie Scum.
You need proof that Hillary's campaign hired Fusion GPS?
No, I need proof Hillary hired them to hire a foreign national. That was your claim. Show your proof.

Not that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, that's known.

Not that Fusion hired a foreign national, that's also known.

Prove Hillary hired them to hire Steele...
Not that Fusion hired a foreign national, that's also known.

Prove Hillary hired them to hire Steele...

If a company you hired hires a foreign national to provide illegal foreign help,
you're in the clear, as long as you didn't tell them to hire the foreigner?
Please point out in the transcript of the call where Trump threatened military aid you liar.
Did you read it? Go read it.

Trump takes the time to talk about how generous USA has been to Ukraine and how it is not being recieprocated, later talks about US providing Javelins and dives directly into asking Zelensky to investigate Bidens.

The call was just a tip of the ice burg and the context for call was HOLD UP OF MILLITARY AID, that Ukrainians were starting to get real concerned about.

Trump's pointman on Ukraine plainly laid out the pressure campaign in his testimony to Congress and OMB director Mulvaney who held up millitary aid at Trump's behest publicly admited it was done to pressure them for political investigations.

GAO determined the hold to be balatantly illegal.
If a company you hired hires a foreign national to provide illegal foreign help,
you're in the clear, as long as you didn't tell them to hire the foreigner?
I asked for proof that Hillary did what you suggested she did.

Do you have any such proof or did you make that up?
Did you read it? Go read it.

Trump takes the time to talk about how generous USA has been to Ukraine and how it is not being recieprocated, then talks about US providing Javelins and directly switches into requesting Zelensky to investigate Bidens.

The call was just a tip of the ice burg and the context for call was HOLD UP OF MILLITARY AID, that Ukrainians were starting to get real concerned about.

Trump's pointman on Ukraine plainly laid out the pressure campaign and OMB director Mulvaney who held up millitary aid at Trump's behest publicly admited it was done to pressure them for political investigations.

GAO determined the hold to be illegal.

That's outrageous!!!
Biden's corruption must never be investigated.
Biden's corruption must remain hidden.
That's outrageous!!!
Biden's corruption must never be investigated.
Biden's corruption must remain hidden.
Do you ever stop lying?

It's not that Biden shouldn't be investigated -- it's that if he's going to be, it must be done legally.
I asked for proof that Hillary did what you suggested she did.

Do you have any such proof or did you make that up?

I get it.
If a company you hired hires a foreign national to provide illegal foreign help,
you're in the clear, as long as you didn't tell them to hire the foreigner.
Thanks for clarifying the number of cutouts needed to make illegal acts okay.
Trump had no control to call off any attack, furthermore he never instigated anything.
Just about every person pleading guilty for the attack explains their actions as doing what they belived Trump wanted them to do.

Yet here you are, two bit partisan hack on the internetz, telling us with certitude that they weren't there because of Trump and Trump's words meant nothing to them.

Hmmm whom to belive. :rolleyes-41:

Republicans like McCarthy, Don Jr, Ivanka and FOX news hosts were pleading with Trump to condemn the attack and defuse the cituation. Clearly they thought your premise to be bullshit.
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