Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Trump didn't threaten to withhold. HE ACTUALLY WITHHELD, with zero consult with Congress.

It was illegal and yes, dumabass, illegal is bad.

Love how you simply cut out everything else out of my post you have zero refute for.

Trump didn't threaten to withhold. HE ACTUALLY WITHHELD,

Ukraine didn't get the aid?

It was illegal and yes, dumabass, illegal is bad.

So Biden shouldn't have threatened to withhold congressionally approved aid?
I understand.
We both agree it's legal to hire a US firm.
We agree, that as long as you hired a US firm, they can do all sorts of illegal stuff on your behalf.
Of course they can't do anything illegal. Sadly, you have demonstrated you're just not bright enough to keep up.
Trump didn't threaten to withhold. HE ACTUALLY WITHHELD,

Ukraine didn't get the aid?

It was illegal and yes, dumabass, illegal is bad.

So Biden shouldn't have threatened to withhold congressionally approved aid?
The lies and the spin just never end with this Toddtard fella. Tell me Todd, does someone pay you to shamelessly shill like that or does never ending dishonesty come natural for you?

Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

Biden NEVER withheld any aid from Ukraine, not for a day, not for an hour, he only threatened it. And if he was to go through with the threat there were perfectly legitimate foreign policy goals and reasons administration could have filed to justify the action.

Trump administration NEVER filed any official reason for holding up millitary aid to Ukraine.
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You fucktards did it with Trump, and it WASN'T justified in either case, asshole.
I would say the second one was justified, since Trump was trying to extort a foreign leader to get them to interfere in the election by fabricating evidence.

The president of Ukraine publically stated that Hunt Biden had never been under investigation, and that he was asked to false claim that he had.
There are different forms of communism like there are different forms of democracy, capitalism, socialism and so on. It doesn't change what they are. The last administration before Trump penalized people who couldn't afford a healthcare plan. This administration will get you fired for not getting the shot and will go as far as to have your unemployment claim denied so you and your family starve.

This is not a Republic, so what is it? You have a congress here that's spending taxpayer dollars to defeat a political foe a year after he left office because they are so scared to death of the man. You have a President that got our FBI to get search warrants for homes they suspect had his daughters stolen diary in like he was King because it likely describes his creepy actions. I mean really, using a federal government agency for your own personal concerns? They even got a phony search warrant to spy on this same man while he was running and it was all based on lies.

25 years ago when you called a Democrat a Socialist, they were highly offended and defended their position that they were not. Today they don't even blink twice. In fact they ran an admitted Socialist as their presidential nominee not long ago.

The same will happen with Communism. By the time they alert the people what they changed this country to, we will have already been there for a number of years.

First, governments requiring citizens to take actions for matters of public safety is nothing new.

Secondly, burglary is illegal. Burglary with the intent of undermining the President is a national security concern. Have you ever heard of the Watergate break in?

Third, years ago, Conservatives had successfully brainwashed the American people into believing that 'Socialism' was equal to 'Communist Dictatorship'. Nowadays, people are better educated as to the meaning of the word 'Socialism' - and they know that 'Democratic Socialism' has worked very well in many countries without violating people's rights. As a matter of fact, working people in most 'Democratic Socialist' countries have substantially more rights and a higher standard of living than working people in America.

Finally, there is no indication the Democratic Socialist countries magically morph into communist dictatorships. That's a right wing delusion and nothing more.
First, governments requiring citizens to take actions for matters of public safety is nothing new.

Secondly, burglary is illegal. Burglary with the intent of undermining the President is a national security concern. Have you ever heard of the Watergate break in?

Third, years ago, Conservatives had successfully brainwashed the American people into believing that 'Socialism' was equal to 'Communist Dictatorship'. Nowadays, people are better educated as to the meaning of the word 'Socialism' - and they know that 'Democratic Socialism' has worked very well in many countries without violating people's rights. As a matter of fact, working people in most 'Democratic Socialist' countries have substantially more rights and a higher standard of living than working people in America.

Finally, there is no indication the Democratic Socialist countries magically morph into communist dictatorships. That's a right wing delusion and nothing more.
We value our freedom more than you do, fucking Frostback!
I would say the second one was justified, since Trump was trying to extort a foreign leader to get them to interfere in the election by fabricating evidence.

The president of Ukraine publically stated that Hunt Biden had never been under investigation, and that he was asked to false claim that he had.
That was the first impeachment.

Second one was for refusing to do anything to stop the Trumpster attack on Congress.
Trump didn't threaten to withhold. HE ACTUALLY WITHHELD,

Ukraine didn't get the aid?

It was illegal and yes, dumabass, illegal is bad.

So Biden shouldn't have threatened to withhold congressionally approved aid?
Yes, they got the aid 9 months later after Zelensky agreed to investigate Biden AND after Zelensky planned to go on CNN to announce he's opening an investigation into Biden AND after a whistle-blower filed a complaint AND after Congress announced an investigation into the whistle-blower's complaint.

Sept. 1, 2019

Sondland tells a top Zelensky aide, Andriy Yermak, that U.S. assistance is unlikely to flow until Ukraine provided the desired public statement, according to Sondland. Yermak disputes hearing this, however.

Early September 2019

Zelensky makes an appointment to appear on CNN, where he plans to make the desired statement.
So you can't get Ukraine to do what you want by threatening to withhold congressionally approved aid? Illegally pressuring is bad!!!

You can't get the Ukraine to illegally slander and smear your political opponent in the election, by withholding military aid. Just because Trump got away with it by having the Russians smear Hillary Clinton, he thought he could get away with it a second time, by having the Ukrainians do it. That's very illegal.

But when the Administration you're working for, establishes certain conditions to the aid - like getting rid of corrupt Russian officials attempting to undermine the Ukrainian government, and NATO, and the IMF all ask you to get rid of these corrupt Russians within the Ukrainian government as a condition to giving aid to the Ukrainians, that's an entirely different set of circumstances.

Once again Republicans take a grain of truth - Joe Biden very publicly went to the Ukraine, and told the government to fire the Russian prosecutor who refused to prosecute corruption in the Ukraine. Burisma was one of the companies this corrupt prosecutor had refused to prosecute. Trump changed the story completely, and had Biden going to the Ukraine to stop the prosecution of Burisma. There is a germ of truth to it.

Trump's reworking of this story, is similar to Peter Sweitzer's reworking of the Uranium One story. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed off on the Uranium One deal. But Clinton had no part in the approval of the deal, attended no hearings, twisted no arms, and simply signed off on behalf of the State Department because her technical staff who did attend the meetings, told her to do so. State wasn't even the lead agency on the deal, the Energy Department was the lead agency.

But Sweitzer had Clinton taking a bribe to sell uranium to Russia, and telling you SHE pushed the deal through because of a bribe paid to her two years after the deal was concluded. Who pays a bribe AFTER you've already received what you want? Bribes are paid in order to get what you want, not after you have it. But you still believe Hillary pushed the Uranium One deal through because she was bribed.

Just like you believe Barrack Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya. And Donald Trump won the election. And the economy does better when a Republican is in the White House. Because the Republican Party said so.

You're still that stupid and gullible, after everything that's happened.
The lies and the spin just never end with this Toddtard fella. Tell me Todd, does someone pay you to shamelessly shill like that or does never ending dishonesty come natural for you?

Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

Biden NEVER withheld any aid from Ukraine, not for a day, not for an hour, he only threatened it. And if he was to go through with the threat there were perfectly legitimate foreign policy goals and reasons administration could have filed to justify the action.

Trump administration NEVER filed any official reason for holding up millitary aid to Ukraine.
Even worse for these rightards, Biden didn't threaten to withhold aid to benefit himself; whereas Trump not only threatened to withhold aid, but did, to benefit his own campaign for re-election.

I have no doubt this contributed to his loss in the 2020 election.
We value our freedom more than you do, fucking Frostback!

If you truly valued your freedom, you wouldn't be voting for Donald Trump or any Republican. Canadians have far more freedom than you do. We live in the best country in the world to live in, and your country doesn't even make the top 10. Americans have been steadily falling in the Freedom Index since Reagan was elected.

Freedom is living wages for all workers. Government funded health care for all. And a quality public education for all. Last, but certainly not least. Freedom is one person, one vote. Americans currently have NONE of these things.

You have the highest rate of incarceration in the first world. You have more people in jail that China and Russia combined.

Canada scored 98 on the World Freedom Index. The USA scored 83. You're on a par with Poland (which is an authoritarian dictatorship, Panama, South Africa, South Korea and Samoa on the Freedom Index:

Home of the brave, land of the free, my ass. Home of the racist, zenophobic, selfish white supremacist. Land of those who hate their fellow citizens.
Biden destroyed the equipment left behind so that no one could use it you old fool.

You're regurgitating FOX News lies and bullshit. "Dementia Joe" is sharper on his worst day than Donald Trump has ever been on his best day. But here you are repeating the same propaganda and bullshit being promoted by the billionaires who are getting rich off the chaos and outrage they've promoted.

You nation in on a knife edge from this pandemic. Democracy is endangered. Millions of people are leaving their dead end jobs and all of society is upended. This isn't happening ANYWHERE else in the world. People are snapping and becoming violent on airplanes in other countries. People aren't refusing vaccinations in other first world countries, nor are they quitting their jobs in large numbers. We're not facing any of the economic upheaval that you're going through, or the crime and violence.

The pandemic has exposed just how dysfunctional your economy had become. With one of the highest rates of poverty in the First World, and a tax structure whereby Middle Class taxpayers and small corporations are being fleeced into subsidizing tax breaks for billionaires and social benefits to their underpaid workers.

80% of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top 10% and that is not sustainable in any model. This is an end to it. Whether the USA returns to an economy in which EVERYONE truly does have opportunity, or you devolve into a fascist, white ruled authoritarian dictatorship wherein the oligarchs keep workers in poverty through forced work for little to no money.
This equipment?


Or this equipment?


Maybe it was this equipment


Which equipment did potato head Joe and his merry band of fucktards "destroy"?
First, governments requiring citizens to take actions for matters of public safety is nothing new.

Secondly, burglary is illegal. Burglary with the intent of undermining the President is a national security concern. Have you ever heard of the Watergate break in?

Third, years ago, Conservatives had successfully brainwashed the American people into believing that 'Socialism' was equal to 'Communist Dictatorship'. Nowadays, people are better educated as to the meaning of the word 'Socialism' - and they know that 'Democratic Socialism' has worked very well in many countries without violating people's rights. As a matter of fact, working people in most 'Democratic Socialist' countries have substantially more rights and a higher standard of living than working people in America.

Finally, there is no indication the Democratic Socialist countries magically morph into communist dictatorships. That's a right wing delusion and nothing more.

There is no public safety issue here. You can get covid from a vaxed or unvaxed person. How a person decides to protect themselves is not up to the federal government, it's up to the individual. You getting a shot does not protect anybody else but you, so this is about government control, not a public safety issue.

Next is that a local theft is not a federal matter. It's for local police to handle. Using our federal agencies for personal matter is abuse of power and without a doubt impeachable. It has nothing to do with national security. If creepy Joe was doing something inappropriate with his daughter, then it has nothing to do with security, it has to do with protecting him from embarrassment.

Socialism is the final step to communism. Under the Communists, they have abused our freedoms on several occasions which I clearly pointed out, and to not remove them from power will only make it worse. You leftists are like that frog happily swimming around in that pot of cold water on top of the stove.

You people can move out of this country and try living in a country you want to create here. If you find out Socialism/ Communism isn't what it's cracked up to be, you can always move back to the United States, if your new country will allow you to leave. But once you ruin this country and find out Socialism/ Communism was a bad deal, there won't be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America, and we on the right will do what we can to protect it to the best of our ability. Why change this country when there are so many already setup the way you like it? It makes no sense. And that's why for the longest time, I've been trying to persuade people to support dividing our country into two countries instead. I'd rather save half of it from people like you than lose the entire nation.
The lies and the spin just never end with this Toddtard fella. Tell me Todd, does someone pay you to shamelessly shill like that or does never ending dishonesty come natural for you?

Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

Biden NEVER withheld any aid from Ukraine, not for a day, not for an hour, he only threatened it. And if he was to go through with the threat there were perfectly legitimate foreign policy goals and reasons administration could have filed to justify the action.

Trump administration NEVER filed any official reason for holding up millitary aid to Ukraine.

Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

So Trump threatened to withhold aid on the day they were supposed to get it,
and they got it a month later? Who did he tell to withhold it?

Biden NEVER withheld any aid from Ukraine, not for a day, not for an hour, he only threatened it.

So threatening is okay, as long as you still get it?

And if he was to go through with the threat there were perfectly legitimate foreign policy goals and reasons administration could have filed to justify the action.

If the son of the opposing candidate is being paid by a foreign company, and the big guy is getting 10%, that's not a legitimate reason?

Trump administration NEVER filed any official reason for holding up millitary aid to Ukraine.

Or withheld it, apparently.
Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

So Trump threatened to withhold aid on the day they were supposed to get it,
and they got it a month later? Who did he tell to withhold it?

Biden NEVER withheld any aid from Ukraine, not for a day, not for an hour, he only threatened it.

So threatening is okay, as long as you still get it?

And if he was to go through with the threat there were perfectly legitimate foreign policy goals and reasons administration could have filed to justify the action.

If the son of the opposing candidate is being paid by a foreign company, and the bigguy is getting 10%, that's not a legitimate reason?

Trump administration NEVER filed any official reason for holding up millitary aid to Ukraine.

Or withheld it, apparently.
Uh, no. Trump approved the aid in February but then didn't release it until September.

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