Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

The lies and the spin just never end with this Toddtard fella. Tell me Todd, does someone pay you to shamelessly shill like that or does never ending dishonesty come natural for you?

Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

Biden NEVER withheld any aid from Ukraine, not for a day, not for an hour, he only threatened it. And if he was to go through with the threat there were perfectly legitimate foreign policy goals and reasons administration could have filed to justify the action.

Trump administration NEVER filed any official reason for holding up millitary aid to Ukraine.

Total bullshit.

If the Communists thought Trump was going to withhold aid, why didn't they wait until he actually did it? The aid was given to Ukraine before it's deadline that was set by Congress.
Total bullshit.

If the Communists thought Trump was going to withhold aid, why didn't they wait until he actually did it? The aid was given to Ukraine before it's deadline that was set by Congress.
The aid was approved in February and then held up until September.
Impeaching Donald Trump was defending the Constitution. If you don't consider bribery, extortion, and attempting to force a phony investigation, an impeachable offense, there is no talking to you.

Trump's Presidency was a 4 year crime spree of "pay for play", graft and corruption, witness intimidation, and attempting to use the DOJ to punish his "enemies". From his "super secret Chinese bank account", to his doubling of initiation fees at his East Coast Golf clubs, Trump sought to profit from the Presidency in every way possible.

Trump hasn't even accounted for the $100 million in the Inauguration Fund. The smallest Presidential Inauguration in generations and yet the money spent was more than double what was spent on the largest, spashiest Inauguration in history - President Obama.

Then there's the missing BILLIONS from Payroll Protection Plan, which Trump has refused to account for. There's the tens of millions of dollars that Trump has billed the people for weekends at Mar-a-lago and Bedminster. Rooms and meals for his Secret Service detail and staffers.

The military flights diverted to Scotland so the flight crews could stay at Trump's properties there. All rooms billed to the American people, not at discounted corporate rates which the government was entitled to receive, but at full "rack rate" - the highest price billable for that room.

Those are just the facts about Trump's financial crimes. There are also his attempts to prosecute members of the FBI and the Obama Administration for investigating him. All of those illegal attempts to investigate and prosecute Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe, have all ended with law suits being settled in favour of all of the people he tried to prosecute. What did those illegal prosecutions cost the American people?

We can do another longer post on his crimes against the Constitution. This was a 4 year crime spree. Billions of dollars are missing from the Treasury. 800,000 Americans have died. The economy is collapsed, and the nation is on the brink of civil war whereby fascists within the Republican Party are hell bent on disenfranchising racial minorities out of fear of another black President.

You're certainly terrified of another black President. So much so that you're prepared to jettison the Constitution in favour of white rule.

I'm not responding to your bullshit list you got from your commie Canadian media. You commies always pull this shit: you give a long list of bullshit that you either created or got from some leftist lying site because you know we can't research each bullshit claim.

So pick one at a time and let's talk about it, or don't you have the guts to actually do that?
And he didn't just "ask", he ILLEGALY pressured Ukraine into doing that by holding up congressionally approved millitary aid.
And yet not once did you post the actual words in the phone call where Trump threatened anything. The transcript is all over the internet. I want to see the words "If you don't help me I'm cutting off your military aid." Go!!!!
No idiot, Trump's refusal to put out a statement to condemn the attack and tell his impressionable tools to stop the lawless madness is what makes him liable.

Great. When are you going to demand Shoemaker be held liable for the attack on our Supreme Court for what he said? Hypocrite.
And yet not once did you post the actual words in the phone call where Trump threatened anything. The transcript is all over the internet. I want to see the words "If you don't help me I'm cutting off your military aid." Go!!!!
You retard, that one phone call wasn't the only communication between Zelensky and the Trump administration. WTF is wrong with you?
Just about every person pleading guilty for the attack explains their actions as doing what they belived Trump wanted them to do.

Yet here you are, two bit partisan hack on the internetz, telling us with certitude that they weren't there because of Trump and Trump's words meant nothing to them.

Hmmm whom to belive. :rolleyes-41:

Republicans like McCarthy, Don Jr, Ivanka and FOX news hosts were pleading with Trump to condemn the attack and defuse the cituation. Clearly they thought your premise to be bullshit.

The stupidest thing I've read this month so far.

You and I are at a bar and you tell me you really need money to pay your medical bills. So I go out and rob a bank to give you the money you need. When the cops catch me, do they arrest you because "I thought" that's what you wanted?

I know you yearn the days for Thought Police, but our country is not there yet. You can't hold people responsible for what other people think. Show me one conviction where that ever happened outside of President Trump.

Damn communists are ruining our free country.
Did you read it? Go read it.

Trump takes the time to talk about how generous USA has been to Ukraine and how it is not being recieprocated, later talks about US providing Javelins and dives directly into asking Zelensky to investigate Bidens.

The call was just a tip of the ice burg and the context for call was HOLD UP OF MILLITARY AID, that Ukrainians were starting to get real concerned about.

Trump's pointman on Ukraine plainly laid out the pressure campaign in his testimony to Congress and OMB director Mulvaney who held up millitary aid at Trump's behest publicly admited it was done to pressure them for political investigations.

GAO determined the hold to be balatantly illegal.

You don't have very good comprehension abilities, do you. So one more time: Show me where Trump told Zelensky that he would not provide military aid unless he did X. Still waiting.

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