Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

No moron, Trump WITHHELD AID, an actual action which was ruled ILLEGAL by GAO and publicly admitted by his OMB director Mulvaney.

This is why talking to this Todd degenerate is pointless, I'm just doing it for the benefit of someone else who may read his shameless bullshit and not know better.

A quid pro quo is illegal? All of them? Or just this one?
When all else fails setup bullshit anology that has nothing to do with anything.

Good job dummy.

It's an exact analogy. You said Trump deserved to be impeached because of what other people thought, or as a consistent liar, are you going to deny that now.
You are an idiot if you are looking for an explicit extortion like that on a widely listened to call, while refusing to aknowledge the facts and context around the call including Trump's OMB director publicly admitting that Trump ordered millitary aid to be held up to pressure Ukraine.

You are "still waiting" because you are too much of a fucking partisan tool to have even a semi-objective ability to consider the facts of the matter. You simply ignore whatever is inconvinient and setup stupid standards of proof (like above) to not have to admit anything your little politico heart doesn't feel like.
Standard MO for TrumpTards.
Words mean least to logical Republicans. Your and the other commies claim is Trump threatened to withhold aid. Well show me where Trump ever threatened to do that. You can't because it never happened. Your puppet masters tell you what to say but not why you should be saying it. There is only one person that ever threatened to hold up aid and that is Dementia Biden. He not only admitted doing so on video, but laughed about it.

No they don't Ray. Words are just things to be manipulated into lies against Democrats. Like you calling Democrats "commies", it's meaningless.

"Puppet masters" "commies" "Dementia Biden". Reality is beyond your ken.
Words mean least to logical Republicans. Your and the other commies claim is Trump threatened to withhold aid. Well show me where Trump ever threatened to do that. You can't because it never happened. Your puppet masters tell you what to say but not why you should be saying it. There is only one person that ever threatened to hold up aid and that is Dementia Biden. He not only admitted doing so on video, but laughed about it.
I showed you. Ignoring it only exposes your head is buried too far up Trump's ass to want to see it.
I already posted this link. Here it is again...

Feb. 15, 2019
Trump signs into law another 2019 spending bill that includes $141 million in State Department funding for Ukraine’s military needs.
Feb. 28, 2019
Defense Department Undersecretary for Policy John C. Rood tells Congress the Pentagon will start disbursing the first half of its aid to Ukraine.

Money in spending bills is spent the day it's passed?
That's right. The Dossier was given to John McCain and the Republican Party - not the DNC. It was the Republicans who leaked it to the press. The Republican Party did not want Trump to be elected any more than Democrats did.

The Dossier was given to John McCain and the Republican Party

After the election. The FBI had it before the election.
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If Biden is actually spending Covid dollars to relocate Illegals throughout the country, yeah, that's impeachable for both Biden and Harris
Words mean least to logical Republicans. Your and the other commies claim is Trump threatened to withhold aid. Well show me where Trump ever threatened to do that.

Sonderland EXPLICTLY told to Ukrainians that they are not getting the aid without announcement of investigation.

There has never been any other explaination for the illegal hold up by anyone in the admin.

To anyone who is not a braindead Trumptard, that is damn good proof. But you've obviously checked your brain in to carry water for that degenerate.
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He didn't "contribute" to the campaign. He was hired by the campaign to provide a service. Is there a law against hiring foreigners to do a job for the campaign?

So you admit that the government has no control over the price of gas or meat, and that the inflation is being caused by speculators. Then kindly explain to us how are these price increases and inflation are all Joe Biden's fault?

How do supply chain shortages tell you how to invest Ray? I love how you pretend to have said something here about markets and investing, while actually saying absolutely nothing, and even worse, contradicting your previous posts.

Yeah you are blaming the workers, Ray. You're saying they're lazy and sitting home and that simply isn't the case at all. The workers aren't sitting at home Ray. The unemployment rate is almost back to what it was BEFORE the pandemic. They're all getting those shit jobs in retail and the food industry, and getting better paying jobs you said they needed to get qualified for.

But thanks for once again telling us how lazy you think the American workers really are. Sitting on their asses at home getting government money to pay off the debts they've accumulated while surviving on earned income credits and food stamps. Maybe some of these people took advantage of online courses, and upgraded their skills and experience.

I notice you don't once mention that 8 million Americans fell into poverty during the pandemic or that billionaires increased their wealth by 54% during the pandemic. No, your only concern is for the workers who are now getting government money while not working.

Republican lies Ray. It's all Republican lies.

You leftists are liars to such a degree you're beginning to lie about what we said. Show me where I blamed the workers for taking advantage of commies using our tax dollars to buy votes. I said it was perfectly normal for anybody to stay home if they are getting paid the same or more to do that than work.

The government doesn't control the market, but their decisions on policy greatly influence it. If I am making a decision on investing, of course I look at the supply chain. It would be stupid not to. If the supplies can't get to their destination, then it will create a shortage and prices zoom to the top. I'm buying long contracts to take advantage of that.

You decide to get into the market to bet on oil. Now, for every contract you own, when oil changes by one dollar a barrel, you either make or lose $1,000. If you bought it at $55.00 a barrel and it drops to $50.00 a barrel, you lost $5,000.

Now comes time to make your decision, and the country elects an anti-energy President. He campaigned on ridding our country of fossil fuels. He refused to answer questions on whether he'd stop fracking nor not. His VP pick said she would if elected President. As soon as he gets in he stops the Keystone pipeline. He announces he's stopping all new drilling and exploration on public lands. He took no action when our largest gasoline pipeline was hacked by the Russians and said it's not governments business to get involved. Now tell me, what oil contract will you buy, a long contract (meaning you make money when the price increases) or a short contract (meaning you make money when the price decreases)? Remember, $1,000 every time a barrel moves by one dollar.
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?

Not ... No need to after 2022 elections.

Now if Senators Cruz and Graham have a cage match over who can get in front of the camera first ...
That might be something worth watching ... :thup:


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