Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

The stupidest thing I've read this month so far.

You and I are at a bar and you tell me you really need money to pay your medical bills. So I go out and rob a bank to give you the money you need. When the cops catch me, do they arrest you because "I thought" that's what you wanted?

I know you yearn the days for Thought Police, but our country is not there yet. You can't hold people responsible for what other people think. Show me one conviction where that ever happened outside of President Trump.

Damn communists are ruining our free country.

The stupidist thing I've read this month is your post defending Donald Trump and calling the Democrats "communists". You're not the President of the United States, Ray. What you claim carries no weight with anyone so your analogy is bullshit.

But YOU admit to believing Donald Trump won the election. YOU claim Joe Biden isn't really the President. Every bullshit thing that Donald Trump tells you, you believe without questions, so you're just as stupid as the people who stormed the Capital. You're making claims about Donald Trump and the election that simply are not true.

You're no different that the people who stormed the Capital based on the Big Lie, because you're still willing to support and vote for Donald Trump, and you still believe Trump won. This is an ongoing insurrection, and it's the Constitution versus the Cult.
You don't have very good comprehension abilities, do you. So one more time: Show me where Trump told Zelensky that he would not provide military aid unless he did X. Still waiting.
Sept. 1, 2019

Sondland tells a top Zelensky aide, Andriy Yermak, that U.S. assistance is unlikely to flow until Ukraine provided the desired public statement, according to Sondland. Yermak disputes hearing this, however.
That is one way of doing it.
However, the first part of your post is excessive hyperbole, which is half the problem. Like the left in the US is even close to Communism. And a lot more on the left believe in the Constitution than the right from what I've seen in the past few years.

They would welcome back Trump because he is the only choice. And what a terrible one he would be. Why do you think the country is in the state it is at the moment with all the hatred? Hint, some orange fuckwit tweeting divisive ramblings 24/7. As I have stated many, many times before - I thought Trump was a low life piece of scum long before he became president. His becoming president only reinforced it.

Yet our country was in great shape when he was running it. Look at us now!

People like you are the problem. You can't debate Trump's great success as President, so you hate the guy because of meanie Tweets, and that's what's wrong in this country; too many people voting on personality instead of accomplishments. When you use the same criteria to pick representatives that you used picking American Idol contestants, of course you're going to end up with the problems we have today.

You and I own widget factories. You choose your employees based on how nice they are even though terrible workers. I choose my employees based on their ability to make my company successful. Which one of our widget factories will close down first?
Ukrainian aid was illegally held untill the day Congress opened a formal investigation into the hold, based on the whistleblower complaint that took a month for them to finally get.

So Trump threatened to withhold aid on the day they were supposed to get it,
No moron, Trump WITHHELD AID, an actual action which was ruled ILLEGAL by GAO and publicly admitted by his OMB director Mulvaney.

This is why talking to this Todd degenerate is pointless, I'm just doing it for the benefit of someone else who may read his shameless bullshit and not know better.
There is no public safety issue here. You can get covid from a vaxed or unvaxed person. How a person decides to protect themselves is not up to the federal government, it's up to the individual. You getting a shot does not protect anybody else but you, so this is about government control, not a public safety issue.

Next is that a local theft is not a federal matter. It's for local police to handle. Using our federal agencies for personal matter is abuse of power and without a doubt impeachable. It has nothing to do with national security. If creepy Joe was doing something inappropriate with his daughter, then it has nothing to do with security, it has to do with protecting him from embarrassment.

Socialism is the final step to communism. Under the Communists, they have abused our freedoms on several occasions which I clearly pointed out, and to not remove them from power will only make it worse. You leftists are like that frog happily swimming around in that pot of cold water on top of the stove.

You people can move out of this country and try living in a country you want to create here. If you find out Socialism/ Communism isn't what it's cracked up to be, you can always move back to the United States, if your new country will allow you to leave. But once you ruin this country and find out Socialism/ Communism was a bad deal, there won't be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America, and we on the right will do what we can to protect it to the best of our ability. Why change this country when there are so many already setup the way you like it? It makes no sense. And that's why for the longest time, I've been trying to persuade people to support dividing our country into two countries instead. I'd rather save half of it from people like you than lose the entire nation.

Saying that a pandemic is not a public safety issue is just plain idiotic.

Threatening the close relative of any federal official is a federal issue.

No, socialism is not a stepping stone to communism. However, supporting Trump's BIG LIE is a stepping stone to a dictatorship.

This is my country, and I'll hold whatever political views that I'd like. I know how much you fascists would like to have a one party system, but that is not going to happen in America. You may move to whatever fascist/capitalist shithole you want, but America will remain a democracy!
No idiot, Trump's refusal to put out a statement to condemn the attack and tell his impressionable tools to stop the lawless madness is what makes him liable.
That's not the way our justice system works. You are not liable if you don't stop someone who claims they're working on your behalf. You are liable if you order them to do it.
You don't have very good comprehension abilities, do you. So one more time: Show me where Trump told Zelensky that he would not provide military aid unless he did X. Still waiting.
You are an idiot if you are looking for an explicit extortion like that on a widely listened to call, while refusing to aknowledge the facts and context around the call including Trump's OMB director publicly admitting that Trump ordered millitary aid to be held up to pressure Ukraine.

You are "still waiting" because you are too much of a fucking partisan tool to have even a semi-objective ability to consider the facts of the matter. You simply ignore whatever is inconvinient and setup stupid standards of proof (like above) to not have to admit anything your little politico heart doesn't feel like.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier and he never gave it to them?
I asked you when he gave any candidate, which of course includes Hillary, the dossier?

So why are you asking me questions but not answering mine?
Your ignorance is surpassed by nobody. Gasoline and meats are all commodities. They are not controlled by the producers, they are controlled by the speculators. Trust me, I spent a couple of years in the commodities market. That's how it works.

Yes, supply and demand is how they make their decisions on which way they are to invest. If workers are sitting home, there will be a huge shortage of products. It's pretty simple on how to invest at that point.

I never blamed any workers. The workers were offered a gig of a lifetime; getting paid to sit home. Nobody can blame any worker for taking advantage of that. I blame the Communists for paying them to sit home and not work.

So you admit that the government has no control over the price of gas or meat, and that the inflation is being caused by speculators. Then kindly explain to us how are these price increases and inflation are all Joe Biden's fault?

How do supply chain shortages tell you how to invest Ray? I love how you pretend to have said something here about markets and investing, while actually saying absolutely nothing, and even worse, contradicting your previous posts.

Yeah you are blaming the workers, Ray. You're saying they're lazy and sitting home and that simply isn't the case at all. The workers aren't sitting at home Ray. The unemployment rate is almost back to what it was BEFORE the pandemic. They're all getting those shit jobs in retail and the food industry, and getting better paying jobs you said they needed to get qualified for.

But thanks for once again telling us how lazy you think the American workers really are. Sitting on their asses at home getting government money to pay off the debts they've accumulated while surviving on earned income credits and food stamps. Maybe some of these people took advantage of online courses, and upgraded their skills and experience.

I notice you don't once mention that 8 million Americans fell into poverty during the pandemic or that billionaires increased their wealth by 54% during the pandemic. No, your only concern is for the workers who are now getting government money while not working.

Republican lies Ray. It's all Republican lies.
He told them to fabricate evidence?

That's awful!!!

Can you post the transcript of the call?
Giuliani met with them on Trumps orders and made it clear (this is according to Ukrainian officials) that the funding authorized by Congress would only be given to them if they released evidence evidence that backed Trumps claims that Hunter Biden was charged with a bunch of felonies and that Joe Bidenbribed Ukrainian officials to fire the prosecutor, Victor Shokin, who was leading the investigation.

According to the Ukrainian government, Hunter Biden had never been under investigation, but the company he worked for had, but that investigation had nothing to do with the Bidens. The company, along with various others were under investigation since 2012 (before Hunter Biden was hired) for bribery. Shokin, who was the prosector, was caught taking bribes to rig these investigations, and was fired and arrested.
He was alleged rigged an investigation against a group of pro Russian soldiers who had committed treason by helping Russia invade Crimea. He is pro Russian and helped get them off.
Trump withheld it starting in February? Link?
I already posted this link. Here it is again...

Feb. 15, 2019

Trump signs into law another 2019 spending bill that includes $141 million in State Department funding for Ukraine’s military needs.

Feb. 28, 2019

Defense Department Undersecretary for Policy John C. Rood tells Congress the Pentagon will start disbursing the first half of its aid to Ukraine.
The stupidest thing I've read this month so far.

You and I are at a bar and you tell me you really need money to pay your medical bills. So I go out and rob a bank to give you the money you need. When the cops catch me, do they arrest you because "I thought" that's what you wanted?

I know you yearn the days for Thought Police, but our country is not there yet. You can't hold people responsible for what other people think. Show me one conviction where that ever happened outside of President Trump.

Damn communists are ruining our free country.
When all else fails setup bullshit anology that has nothing to do with anything.

It's was Trump's idea to "STOP THE STEAL" and it was Trump's idea to refuse to help stop the attack on the Congress by his Trumpsters, who did it to "stop the steal" by halting the certification of the election.

Trump is held responsibile for Trump's own rhetoric and behaviour.
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You are an idiot if you are looking for an explicit extortion like that on a widely listened to call, while refusing to aknowledge the facts and context around the call including Trump's OMB director publicly admitting that Trump ordered millitary aid to be held up to pressure Ukraine.

You are "still waiting" because you are too much of a fucking partisan tool to have even a semi-objective ability to consider the facts of the matter. You simply ignore whatever is inconvinient and setup stupid standards of proof (like above) to not have to admit anything your little politico heart doesn't feel like.

Words mean least to logical Republicans. Your and the other commies claim is Trump threatened to withhold aid. Well show me where Trump ever threatened to do that. You can't because it never happened. Your puppet masters tell you what to say but not why you should be saying it. There is only one person that ever threatened to hold up aid and that is Dementia Biden. He not only admitted doing so on video, but laughed about it.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier and he never gave it to them?

That's right. The Dossier was given to John McCain and the Republican Party - not the DNC. It was the Republicans who leaked it to the press. The Republican Party did not want Trump to be elected any more than Democrats did.

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