Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

The right can't get over her. She took losing the election like a normal human, and didn't incite violence on DC on Jan. 6th like some orange clown did. RIP to the officers and others killed by those domestic terrorists.

Hillary was behind the illegal impeachments.

The high bar was that Trump abused his office to illegally hold up military aid to Ukraine and used it to try to extort personal political favors

Bar after that was Trump's clear culpability in instigating and refusing to call off an attack on the Congress.

Republicans have nothing on Biden that clears those bars.

No no, Republicans should by all means go ahead with completely frivolous impeachments. It will be a big political winner for them, just ask any Democrat. :auiqs.jpg:

Total lie.
Trump NEVER held up any aid to the Ukraine.
Asking for the Ukraine to investigate Burisma Holding is in the interests of the Ukraine as well, and was appropriate.

Biden is easily impeached if one wants to.
He is lying about the mRNA vaccines.
They are fake and only temporarily boost antibody production, which is harmful if not infected.
Ray, you really need to stop making a fool of yourself by writing about the economy. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Much of the inflation is being caused by price gouging by the people who owned the company selling the goods, including the gas and oil companies.

Everyone has money and everyone has pent up demand. Meat packers are recording their highest profits on record. As our gas companies.

Sitting home doing nothing saving money, consumers have been unable to shop for things they want or need and are now flooding the stores to spend. Seeing an opportunity, stores are raising prices.

Supply and demand. Supply is low demand is high prices go up. I thought you were in favour of the free market economy.

Like the good brainwashed little Republican you are, you’re prepared to blame the workers. The little guys. It’s all their fault they shouldn’t ask for so much.

One would think you were wealthy the way you talk instead of a workingman. Shame on you
The working class people with privileged employment are the ones doing well. There are many jobs not so privileged.
People would welcome back President Trump with open arms today. Can you tell me where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and communism? That's like trying to find middle ground between the Palestinians and Israel.

The only solution to our political problems is to divide the country in half. They get one side and we get the other, and we run our countries our own way. Nothing would make me happier.
That is one way of doing it.
However, the first part of your post is excessive hyperbole, which is half the problem. Like the left in the US is even close to Communism. And a lot more on the left believe in the Constitution than the right from what I've seen in the past few years.

They would welcome back Trump because he is the only choice. And what a terrible one he would be. Why do you think the country is in the state it is at the moment with all the hatred? Hint, some orange fuckwit tweeting divisive ramblings 24/7. As I have stated many, many times before - I thought Trump was a low life piece of scum long before he became president. His becoming president only reinforced it.
That is one way of doing it.
However, the first part of your post is excessive hyperbole, which is half the problem. Like the left in the US is even close to Communism. And a lot more on the left believe in the Constitution than the right from what I've seen in the past few years.

They would welcome back Trump because he is the only choice. And what a terrible one he would be. Why do you think the country is in the state it is at the moment with all the hatred? Hint, some orange fuckwit tweeting divisive ramblings 24/7. As I have stated many, many times before - I thought Trump was a low life piece of scum long before he became president. His becoming president only reinforced it.
The left is the closest thing we have to communism in the US.
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?
I think Biden has already provided grounds for impeachment, either for incompetence or outright treason:

1) Fighting to welcome illegals into the country during a pandemic, even though one-third decline the vaccine, and then flying them, unannounced, in the middle of the night, to states throughout the nation.

2) Abandoning $85 billion of advanced military equipment to the Islamic terrorists

Either alone is grounds for impeachment. Should the Republicans win Congress, they can also investigate Hunter’s payoffs from the Communist Party, and how his father may have profited while he was VP.

Of course, this all assumes that Biden retains enough of his brain over the next year. He may just end up being removed, or he resigns, due to the stage of his dementia.
That is one way of doing it.
However, the first part of your post is excessive hyperbole, which is half the problem. Like the left in the US is even close to Communism. And a lot more on the left believe in the Constitution than the right from what I've seen in the past few years.

They would welcome back Trump because he is the only choice. And what a terrible one he would be. Why do you think the country is in the state it is at the moment with all the hatred? Hint, some orange fuckwit tweeting divisive ramblings 24/7. As I have stated many, many times before - I thought Trump was a low life piece of scum long before he became president. His becoming president only reinforced it.
Yes, true….he tweets .But he accomplished a LOT before the communists released their virus and shut down the world:

1) His pro-business policies created such a positive environment that we were at the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, with blacks having the lowest unemployment rate on record.

2) For the same reason, we saw low-wage salaries rise, in real terms, for the first time in decades

3) We were energy independent and gas prices were affordable for the working classes

4) He was making inroads with the Arab-Israeli situation via the Abraham Accords

5) He got us out of poor trade agreements, and into an advantageous with Mexico and Canada

6) He had the border well under control, with the Wait-in-MexIco policy

Those are just the ones off my head. So the way I see it is a choice between:

1) a man with an abrasive personality with great policy decisions and a record of accomplishments to run on

2) a man with dementia who has made a mess if the border situation, has incentivized people not to work with unneeded payoffs, has gone to the extreme left and is trying to push through policies that will exacerbate an already high inflation, left $85 billion in military equipment and Americans behind to Islamic terrorists, and has a 50-year record of accomplishing nOthing

You have proven nothing.... You are just name calling, you seem incapable of proving him wrong..
If it weren't for America the whole world would be overrun by Nazis, Devil Worshipping Muslims, and The Chi Coms, so these bitches can go back to picking dingle berries off of Xi's balls and changing EmperorShitzHizPantz' diaper.

May they all burn in Hell.
Nutcases like you always fall back on the religious condemnation bullshit whenever you lost an argument.

Blah, blah, blah...everyone is a super evil sinner except you...blah, blah, blah...

Go seek professional help!
Impeachment Now!
Impeachment Forever!
You seem not to recall that after the first day or The Obumbles Regime there was no longer a constitution. The only copy of it that was in the (once) White House was, that very day, shredded and smoked by Him and His bathouse buds.
That didn't happen.

You white dudes are still mad a blacvk man was president.
That didn't happen.

You white dudes are still mad a blacvk man was president.
And out comes one of our resident black racists to demean white people.

I for one didn’t care for Obama, given his leftist policies. But I would trade him back to get rid of the idiot white man we now have. So how do you explain that I prefer a black president over the white president? Doesn’t it just kill your anti-white rage?
It's legal to hire a company to solicit illegal foreign help for your campaign.

Good to know.

You guys just keep repeating shit thats shown to be untrue.
And out comes one of our resident residents to shit over white people.

I for one didn’t care for Obama, given his leftist policies. But I would trade him back to get rid of the idiot white man we now have. So how do you explain that I prefer a black president over the white president? Doesn’t it just kill your anti-white rage?
Nobody is shitting on white people. Learn that being white doesn't come with the right to be a racist, then accept the consequences of 245 years of poor decisions made by various white people based on race. Your type preaches about blacks taking responsibility and you don't want to take any.

The idiot we had in office was trump and he left a huge mess that Biden might not be able to fix. Meanwhile you're stuck believing disinformation instead of fact.

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