Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Oh please. You are a dirtbag and so are all the dirtbags you support.

You lie
You are a thief
You have cheated on your taxes
You have cheated on people you claimed to love
You are a fornicator
You are an adulterer
You are a blasphemer
You are probably a sodomite
You most likely are a hair sniffer

But worst of all, instead of being remorseful and repent of your sins, you delight in them, and love to hear about such things, and jump for joy when you hear a lie told and get to repeat it.

ARE YOU IRREDEEMABLE? Maybe so, but no one will know until that day when we face our Maker.

Nutcases like you always fall back on the religious condemnation bullshit whenever you lost an argument.

Blah, blah, blah...everyone is a super evil sinner except you...blah, blah, blah...

Go seek professional help!
Article 2:

"shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Any other dumb questions?

So which one applied to Trump? Because he asked a leader from another country for a favor or because he had a rally that the commies have all the time?
Pretty good. The chimp trump is out of the WH. Several hundred right wing terrorist trumpanzee's are going to jail. It's just a matter of time before the rest of the chimp trumpanzees are made irrelevant once again. So things are going pretty well right now.
Oh goodie, a piece of shit ghetto trash hoodrat who wants the Democrat party to be the only authorized ruling party in the US. How totalitarian of you, Communist fuck.
He might be! I don't know for sure which of them are receiving the biggest payoffs.

If you are turning to sarcasm with me then we won't be able to continue a rational discussion between us.
Fwiw, I'm really mostly apolitical on the two major parties.
While of course leaning toward 'socially' responsible government at home in Canada.

Where are you thinking that you see sarcasm?
Crashing The Economy was The CCP - DemNazi party's idea to get rid of Boogieman Trump who was standing in the way of The Globalist DemNazi Fascist Utopia.
How did the Dems crash the economy when your boy & his mob were running the show, tree humper?
Oh goodie, a piece of shit ghetto trash hoodrat who wants the Democrat party to be the only authorized ruling party in the US. How totalitarian of you, Communist fuck.
Just because the knuckle dragger Trump got his ass beat by Biden doesn't Dems are the only party, Skeeter.

Ever hear of Mich McConnell?
If you know anything about Karl Marx and the Communist manifesto, you'd know that Marx did not really profess communism as we understand it today. Marx was pro-capitalism (try reading 'Das Capital') Many people believe that the most 'Marxist' country that there has ever been was the United States in the1950s. So, yes, there will easily be similarities between what Marx said and what the democrats are working towards.

When most people use the term 'Communist' they are referring to 'Bolsheviks' - people who believed that there must be a violent revolution led by professional militants, and that there could be only one political party allowed, which they called the 'Communist' party. That the government would be a dictatorship led by a 'Standing Committee' (which later became the politburo.)

There are different forms of communism like there are different forms of democracy, capitalism, socialism and so on. It doesn't change what they are. The last administration before Trump penalized people who couldn't afford a healthcare plan. This administration will get you fired for not getting the shot and will go as far as to have your unemployment claim denied so you and your family starve.

This is not a Republic, so what is it? You have a congress here that's spending taxpayer dollars to defeat a political foe a year after he left office because they are so scared to death of the man. You have a President that got our FBI to get search warrants for homes they suspect had his daughters stolen diary in like he was King because it likely describes his creepy actions. I mean really, using a federal government agency for your own personal concerns? They even got a phony search warrant to spy on this same man while he was running and it was all based on lies.

25 years ago when you called a Democrat a Socialist, they were highly offended and defended their position that they were not. Today they don't even blink twice. In fact they ran an admitted Socialist as their presidential nominee not long ago.

The same will happen with Communism. By the time they alert the people what they changed this country to, we will have already been there for a number of years.
You are showing your ignorance of what Harris actually did.
She donated to a fund, you just don't like the fund.

She did nothing illegal, what she did is honorable, and of course you want to discourage and punish honorable donations.

She didn't donate to the fund, she promoted it so anybody following her would. Honorable? Bailing out criminals so they can continue committing crime is honorable?

This is a primary example of why we need to split this country and have two countries instead. Anybody that thinks aiding and abetting criminals is honorable I don't want to be part of that country.
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?
Impeachment is a political process. Congress doesn't need a reason. Remember?

It isn't lawlessness. The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach and remove anyone in the Executive and Judicial branches.
You mean this doesn't exist :

Now you are going to have to pretend to not being able to read...

So what does this say? It says we will leave in 14 months after we announce our departure which never took place. Trump said it would never take place until he was assured that things going on in that country were stable. However as soon as Dementia took over, the Taliban began overtaking various parts of the country which was not in that agreement.

All that aside, a current President is under no obligation to honor any agreement he did not make. This was all Dementia's call to remove our troops and leave all that military arms behind. Trump would have never done anything like that.
The smarter move would be to first impeach Cameltoes.

Then Pelosi (unless actuarial tables work their magic first....)

THEN Xiden.

But maybe not 'cause I don't remember who (or "what" might be next in line.
The smarter move would be to first impeach Cameltoes.

Then Pelosi (unless actuarial tables work their magic first....)

THEN Xiden.

But maybe not 'cause I don't remember who (or "what" might be next in line.

Right now, the entire line of succession is filled with filth that would be no improvement over Biden.

We need to wait until after the 2022 elections, after the new Congress is seated, and an actual human being is in the position of Speaker of the House. Then we impeach Biden and The Whore, and that new Speaker then becomes President.
Nothing is intelligent about The CCP, Communists or Russians that you take your orders from.

They are Evil and Godless and on Judgment Day will go down in flames and and so will anyone else that carries their water for them.

President Obama never achieved anything of importance in his life. Nothing to denote.
Because you are a typical pseudo conservative lacking in basic empathy who thinks things are not important, unless they affect you directly.

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