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Cruz up to same old tricks this time with Rubio

Let me ask you something.... I assume you're a conservative... How the hell are we going to do anything about the freight train of liberal special interest spending in Washington if we can't stand firm on Ethanol subsidies... the WORST of the WORST federal program? This program is literally more wasteful than if we just burned the money as fuel! Trump came out in favor of it so he could win votes in Iowa.... is THAT what you're supporting as a Conservative?

I am reposting this question because, curiously, NONE of you Trump fans answered it!

You are kidding yourself if you think the right doesn't have special interests...they just run on that platform, but do the opposite, this is why Trump and Sanders are doing so well.

Cruz apologized because he got caught. He also had to apologize for promoting a false story about Rubio's faith, ultimately firing his top aide Rick Tyler. Cruz seems to have a lot of unethical people working for him, huh?

Got caught doing WHAT? Letting Steve King have a Twitter account???? :dunno:
If he fired someone, that seems to be an indication he is on top of this shit and nipping it in the bud. Unlike Trump, who just kicks a few puppies and insults someone's mother and watches his poll numbers go up because people like you think that's cool as shit. Doesn't matter what he says or what he does... he can shoot somebody on 5th avenue and you'd still vote for him, right?

Cruz is a man of integrity and has been the lone voice of Conservatism battling the idiot establishment in Congress the past several years. He has consistently stood for Conservative principles and has done absolutely nothing to warrant the kind of attacks you are instigating. When you attack this man's honor and integrity the way you have, the people who stand behind him are not going to forget that. You might win your GOP nomination but good luck finding the support to win the general election. You can't do it without party unity at some point, and you seem hell bent on ensuring there can be no unity unless Cruz supporters come sniveling back up to kiss Trump's ass and THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Unfortunately it has to happen, the supreme court nomination is bigger than any one man. Because of that I will support which ever republican gets the nomination, do you really want the hildabitch picking 1-4 justices?

Well I can assure you, it's NOT going to happen if this continues. The GOP has had nasty and ugly battles before but this is on an unprecedented scale. There can be no unity in the party if this continues. This is FAR worse than some Establishment lackey winning the nomination and pretending to be conservative. This continuing to slime and smear Ted Cruz as some kind of "greasy, creepy, sleazy, looks like grandpa munster liar" by the smart asses who support Trump is going to result in a rather undesirable backlash.

If you can't see that, or you don't understand that... watch and learn, because I guarantee you... the Trumpites are losing this election for the GOP right now. IF YOU don't want Hildabitch picking SCOTUS justices, you best wise up and pay attention.
Let me ask you something.... I assume you're a conservative... How the hell are we going to do anything about the freight train of liberal special interest spending in Washington if we can't stand firm on Ethanol subsidies... the WORST of the WORST federal program? This program is literally more wasteful than if we just burned the money as fuel! Trump came out in favor of it so he could win votes in Iowa.... is THAT what you're supporting as a Conservative?

I am reposting this question because, curiously, NONE of you Trump fans answered it!

You are kidding yourself if you think the right doesn't have special interests...they just run on that platform, but do the opposite, this is why Trump and Sanders are doing so well.


Well, Trump already caved on the Ethanol special interest to get the votes in Iowa... which he lost.

Now... Ethanol subsidies is arguably the worst federal subsidy program we currently have. It does absolutely nothing to conserve energy, in fact, it does the opposite. It also drives up the price of food in the process... but it makes some corn farmers in Iowa and some lobbyists very wealthy.

If we are going to cave on Ethanol subsidies... WHERE are we going to make a stand?
Lets see I worked hard to teach my boys that playing fair is more important than winning the game
Sure he is Nixon's little brother..


Is THAT what you taught your boys was "FAIR?"
Who are you supporting for president?
Me? Trump. 100%.

So.. In your mind, it is perfectly ethical and above board to insinuate someone has a psychological disorder and is damaged mentally like a child molester? You know... how Trump did with Carson?

Or to accuse someone of being a liar because they point out that you were supporting Planned Parenthood just a couple months ago in a nationally televised interview? Or just a couple months ago when you said you thought federal land grabs were a good thing but now you don't know what anyone is talking about and Cruz is a liar?
Yep. ANYTHING goes in Politics.

Unless you're the Conservative candidate!
It seem you are very upset about what is being written about Ted Cruz, am I correct?

Well the reality is Ted Cruz is the next Richard Nixon and if you are too young to remember Nixon, well that is not a compliment I am giving Cruz when I compare him to Nixon...

I am 56 years old, asshole. And NO... Cruz is NOTHING AT ALL LIKE NIXON!

Cruz is much more like Ronald Reagan and his tenure in Congress is exactly what Reagan's tenure would have been like had he ever served in Congress. He is the anti-establishment Conservative in the race. None of the Establishment GOP likes him just like they didn't like Reagan. MOST of the Establishment GOP are crony corporatists like Nixon.

Sure he is Nixon's little brother..

this one is good too

Ted Cruz OR Grandpa Munster... which scary monster will you stop on? #facegame #GOP #SHS
Can't say I'm surprised. Cruz is desperate, and getting rid of Rubio is his focus right now and it doesn't matter what he has to do to accomplish that goal, even if it means lying, cheating, whatever it takes. Trump is starting to look like the only candidate with integrity. LOL

I don't care what Cruz does to his opponents to win if it's legal.

I don't care what he does to democrooks to defeat the when he's the POTUS, and he could breach a few minor laws when he does so.

Republican credo:

It's only cheating if you get caught.

Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat.
^ that
Cruz apologized because he got caught. He also had to apologize for promoting a false story about Rubio's faith, ultimately firing his top aide Rick Tyler. Cruz seems to have a lot of unethical people working for him, huh?

Got caught doing WHAT? Letting Steve King have a Twitter account???? :dunno:
If he fired someone, that seems to be an indication he is on top of this shit and nipping it in the bud. Unlike Trump, who just kicks a few puppies and insults someone's mother and watches his poll numbers go up because people like you think that's cool as shit. Doesn't matter what he says or what he does... he can shoot somebody on 5th avenue and you'd still vote for him, right?

Cruz is a man of integrity and has been the lone voice of Conservatism battling the idiot establishment in Congress the past several years. He has consistently stood for Conservative principles and has done absolutely nothing to warrant the kind of attacks you are instigating. When you attack this man's honor and integrity the way you have, the people who stand behind him are not going to forget that. You might win your GOP nomination but good luck finding the support to win the general election. You can't do it without party unity at some point, and you seem hell bent on ensuring there can be no unity unless Cruz supporters come sniveling back up to kiss Trump's ass and THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Unfortunately it has to happen, the supreme court nomination is bigger than any one man. Because of that I will support which ever republican gets the nomination, do you really want the hildabitch picking 1-4 justices?

Well I can assure you, it's NOT going to happen if this continues. The GOP has had nasty and ugly battles before but this is on an unprecedented scale. There can be no unity in the party if this continues. This is FAR worse than some Establishment lackey winning the nomination and pretending to be conservative. This continuing to slime and smear Ted Cruz as some kind of "greasy, creepy, sleazy, looks like grandpa munster liar" by the smart asses who support Trump is going to result in a rather undesirable backlash.

If you can't see that, or you don't understand that... watch and learn, because I guarantee you... the Trumpites are losing this election for the GOP right now. IF YOU don't want Hildabitch picking SCOTUS justices, you best wise up and pay attention.

I am paying attention, but like I said, the SCOTUS picks are bigger than any one man. They will determine the course of this country far longer than a president.
I am paying attention, but like I said, the SCOTUS picks are bigger than any one man. They will determine the course of this country far longer than a president.

Well I am of the opinion the ONLY way we are going to get constitutional originalist justices on the Supreme Court is if we elect a constitutional originalist as president and that isn't going to happen if we smear and slime the only constitutional originalist conservative in the race into submission.

Yes... Our nation hangs in the balance, and now is NOT the time to go off the reservation and start eating our own. I have said all along, I will vote for Trump over Hillary or Bernie... but I am telling you... if this shit keeps up with the slime and smear on Cruz, I will sit this one out and watch the nation go down the tubes instead. There IS a limit to how much I intend to put up with and I am quickly reaching that limit. I'll bet you I am NOT ALONE!
I am paying attention, but like I said, the SCOTUS picks are bigger than any one man. They will determine the course of this country far longer than a president.

Well I am of the opinion the ONLY way we are going to get constitutional originalist justices on the Supreme Court is if we elect a constitutional originalist as president and that isn't going to happen if we smear and slime the only constitutional originalist conservative in the race into submission.

Yes... Our nation hangs in the balance, and now is NOT the time to go off the reservation and start eating our own. I have said all along, I will vote for Trump over Hillary or Bernie... but I am telling you... if this shit keeps up with the slime and smear on Cruz, I will sit this one out and watch the nation go down the tubes instead. There IS a limit to how much I intend to put up with and I am quickly reaching that limit. I'll bet you I am NOT ALONE!

You're not alone, like I said in another thread, I think Kasich and Rubio have made deals with the GOP to take the race to a contested convention. Rubio already said he wouldn't drop out even if he loses FL. If that happens neither Cruz or Trump will be the nominee if the GOP has any say in it. Then the shit will really hit the fan, it will end the GOP.
It seem you are very upset about what is being written about Ted Cruz, am I correct?

Well the reality is Ted Cruz is the next Richard Nixon and if you are too young to remember Nixon, well that is not a compliment I am giving Cruz when I compare him to Nixon...

I am 56 years old, asshole. And NO... Cruz is NOTHING AT ALL LIKE NIXON!

Cruz is much more like Ronald Reagan and his tenure in Congress is exactly what Reagan's tenure would have been like had he ever served in Congress. He is the anti-establishment Conservative in the race. None of the Establishment GOP likes him just like they didn't like Reagan. MOST of the Establishment GOP are crony corporatists like Nixon.
Booger has none of Reagan's charm and likability. He is also a lot further to the right.
Who are you supporting for president?
Me? Trump. 100%.

So.. In your mind, it is perfectly ethical and above board to insinuate someone has a psychological disorder and is damaged mentally like a child molester? You know... how Trump did with Carson?

Or to accuse someone of being a liar because they point out that you were supporting Planned Parenthood just a couple months ago in a nationally televised interview? Or just a couple months ago when you said you thought federal land grabs were a good thing but now you don't know what anyone is talking about and Cruz is a liar?
Yep. ANYTHING goes in Politics.

Unless you're the Conservative candidate!
Yeah then you just cheat your way to win. Oh and a conservative isn't for Amnesty like Cruz is...there is video to back that up BTW.
Hair splitting again, Boss. His surrogate (Rep. Steve King) deceived people on his behalf so that lets him off the hook? Actually, it doesn't. Cruz made no attempt to correct the "mistake" after he learned the information was not accurate.

Look, fuckwit... that's STILL NOT Cruz standing in front of a crowd stating Carson is like a child molester... a mentally damaged human being! There is no moral comparison! Steve King is NOT TED CRUZ! And all King did was repeat what CNN reported. And yes, as soon a word came out that the tweet was considered some kind of "dirty trick" the Cruz campaign issued a statement, and Ted Cruz formally apologized before a national audience for the entire incident. But you're like a sick rabid left-wing radical loony toon with this... your'e fucking not letting it go! Just keep on smearing and pounding Cruz into the dirt.... until you piss off his supporters to the point they will sit their asses at home on election day and let Hillary become the next president..; you're a fucking GENIUS!
Look, asshole, I've tried to be nice to you but you have the emotions of a hysterical bitch. Whether I support him or not isn't gonna make him win or lose so wtf do you care how I vote? Cruz isn't gonna be the fucking president, ok? He can't beat Trump, he won't get the delegates, and he won't be picked in a brokered convention. Grow the fuck up and get over it.

No, you've not tried to be nice at all. You have the attitude of an arrogant jerk. I don't give a damn who you support or vote for, I can respect that. I don't appreciate the continued smearing and denigrating an honorable man because of your cocky arrogance. Especially a CONSERVATIVE who has stood up there by himself facing these tone-deaf Establishment SOBs in Congress. He may not be "your guy" but he doesn't deserve the humiliating way you are treating him.

Trump hasn't won the nomination yet. In the delegate count, Cruz is not that far behind. At this point, even if he doesn't win the nomination, he is going to be the "king maker" as his delegates will determine who the GOP nominates IF it comes to a brokered convention. You might want to think about that while you're stomping him into the dirt and calling him every name in the book like he was Barack Obama!
How do you figure that? He has LESS delegates than Trump. The only thing Cruz can hope to accomplish is to keep Trump from getting the required number of delegates to secure the nomination, in which case we will end up with Romney or someone just as bad who will LOSE THE ELECTION TO HILLARY. But because of your personal dislike for Trump, you'd rather see that. At least I would vote for Cruz if he beat Trump legitimately by getting the most delegates but if Trump wins the nomination, you'll still be stomping your feet and having a tantrum because you didn't get your way instead of helping the people's choice beat the Democrats. You vote on emotions and that's a really stupid way to vote.
Hair splitting again, Boss. His surrogate (Rep. Steve King) deceived people on his behalf so that lets him off the hook? Actually, it doesn't. Cruz made no attempt to correct the "mistake" after he learned the information was not accurate.

Look, fuckwit... that's STILL NOT Cruz standing in front of a crowd stating Carson is like a child molester... a mentally damaged human being! There is no moral comparison! Steve King is NOT TED CRUZ! And all King did was repeat what CNN reported. And yes, as soon a word came out that the tweet was considered some kind of "dirty trick" the Cruz campaign issued a statement, and Ted Cruz formally apologized before a national audience for the entire incident. But you're like a sick rabid left-wing radical loony toon with this... your'e fucking not letting it go! Just keep on smearing and pounding Cruz into the dirt.... until you piss off his supporters to the point they will sit their asses at home on election day and let Hillary become the next president..; you're a fucking GENIUS!
Look, asshole, I've tried to be nice to you but you have the emotions of a hysterical bitch. Whether I support him or not isn't gonna make him win or lose so wtf do you care how I vote? Cruz isn't gonna be the fucking president, ok? He can't beat Trump, he won't get the delegates, and he won't be picked in a brokered convention. Grow the fuck up and get over it.

No, you've not tried to be nice at all. You have the attitude of an arrogant jerk. I don't give a damn who you support or vote for, I can respect that. I don't appreciate the continued smearing and denigrating an honorable man because of your cocky arrogance. Especially a CONSERVATIVE who has stood up there by himself facing these tone-deaf Establishment SOBs in Congress. He may not be "your guy" but he doesn't deserve the humiliating way you are treating him.

Trump hasn't won the nomination yet. In the delegate count, Cruz is not that far behind. At this point, even if he doesn't win the nomination, he is going to be the "king maker" as his delegates will determine who the GOP nominates IF it comes to a brokered convention. You might want to think about that while you're stomping him into the dirt and calling him every name in the book like he was Barack Obama!
How do you figure that? He has LESS delegates than Trump. The only thing Cruz can hope to accomplish is to keep Trump from getting the required number of delegates to secure the nomination, in which case we will end up with Romney or someone just as bad who will LOSE THE ELECTION TO HILLARY. But because of your personal dislike for Trump, you'd rather see that. At least I would vote for Cruz if he beat Trump legitimately by getting the most delegates but if Trump wins the nomination, you'll still be stomping your feet and having a tantrum because you didn't get your way instead of helping the people's choice beat the Democrats. You vote on emotions and that's a really stupid way to vote.

Again... and you can search this forum to verify, I have repeatedly defended Trump from an onslaught of attacks and criticisms over the course of this election cycle. I have consistently stated that I will vote for Trump over the Democrat. So I very clearly do not "hate Trump" or approach this from such an emotive state.

But I am telling you in no uncertain terms... you keep on insulting, smearing and denigrating a good man like Ted Cruz, and I will actively campaign against Trump in the general election. I don't have a problem with typical political campaigning.... going after Cruz on substantive issues or his record... all fair game and within reason. You don't have confidence in his judgement or demeanor... fine... no problem with that. I draw the line at the constant personal attacks and insinuation that he is a dishonest and unethical liar, sleazebag or "greasy, creepy, ugly, etc." That is over the line. It's what the liberals do and I won't put up with it from people who are supposedly conservative. You will LOSE my support and I am sure I'm not alone.

Current GOP delegate count as of 3/9/16:

Trump 458
Cruz 359

99 delegate lead... 1237 needed.

Now, like you say... maybe Cruz can't catch Trump now... maybe it comes down to Cruz controls enough of the delegates to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and then what? You think these petty attacks and insults are going to play in Trump's favor with Cruz? Better yet, you think his delegates are going to be inclined to vote for Trump after the scurrilous attacks on Cruz's character? Now, maybe Trump doesn't need the Establishment delegates... but he is going to need the Cruz delegates.

Up until about a month ago, Trump and Cruz seemed to be on about the same page... in fact, many speculated one might pick the other as a VP... but this latest flurry of insults and unfounded denigration is not without consequence. Then, maybe Trump is going to depend on "Little Marco's" delegates?

Again, some advice for you and other Trump supporters... stop acting like radical left wing Alinskyites. Leave Ted Cruz the fuck alone or you're going to lose the general election IF you win the nomination at all.
But I am telling you in no uncertain terms... you keep on insulting, smearing and denigrating a good man like Ted Cruz, and I will actively campaign against Trump in the general election. I don't have a problem with typical political campaigning.... going after Cruz on substantive issues or his record... all fair game and within reason. You don't have confidence in his judgement or demeanor... fine... no problem with that. I draw the line at the constant personal attacks and insinuation that he is a dishonest and unethical liar, sleazebag or "greasy, creepy, ugly, etc." That is over the line. It's what the liberals do and I won't put up with it from people who are supposedly conservative. You will LOSE my support and I am sure I'm not alone.
You give yourself way too much credit. Do you really think you have that much influence (or any at all)?
Ted Cruz is dishonest and pulls dirty tricks. The only path to the presidency for conservatives is through Trump.
But I am telling you in no uncertain terms... you keep on insulting, smearing and denigrating a good man like Ted Cruz, and I will actively campaign against Trump in the general election. I don't have a problem with typical political campaigning.... going after Cruz on substantive issues or his record... all fair game and within reason. You don't have confidence in his judgement or demeanor... fine... no problem with that. I draw the line at the constant personal attacks and insinuation that he is a dishonest and unethical liar, sleazebag or "greasy, creepy, ugly, etc." That is over the line. It's what the liberals do and I won't put up with it from people who are supposedly conservative. You will LOSE my support and I am sure I'm not alone.
You give yourself way too much credit. Do you really think you have that much influence (or any at all)?

As I said, I am sure I am not alone.

You should be astute enough in politics to realize Trump cannot win this thing with ONLY his supporters in the primary. It's just not enough to win the general election. He doesn't even have a majority of the Republican support. So if you alienate these people to the point they will not come back, you will lose big time to the Democrat. People are not too enthusiastic about being kicked repeatedly in the balls and then supporting the ones who did the kicking. Consequences and alternatives be damned, there is only so much people will take. You are going to reach that point quickly by impugning the integrity of a solid Conservative stalwart like Ted Cruz. So if you genuinely want to win this election, cut the crap. Stop attacking the man like some kind of crazed rabid liberal. You might think it is helping Trump win the nomination, and perhaps it is to a degree... but you're burning bridges you're going to need.
Ted Cruz is dishonest and pulls dirty tricks. The only path to the presidency for conservatives is through Trump.

Trump is not a conservative and Ted Cruz is not dishonest.
Cruz IS dishonest. You just can't come to terms with that fact because you support him and you don't want to be wrong. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

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