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Cruz up to same old tricks this time with Rubio

At the time Carson was still a serious contender and you know that. Cruz's memo was deceptive and you know THAT too. You're rationalizing Cruz's deception because you want him to get the nomination. You can argue all you want about political rhetoric but on election day, Cruz was the one who told voters a candidate was dropping out when he was not. And like you said, Cruz apologized for his deception (why would he apologize for something that wasn't wrong), and your allusion to Trumps criticism of Carson is a diversion and an attempt to equate his campaign rhetoric to Cruz's out and out deception on the day of the primary.

Well, in MY opinion, you are NOT a serious contender when you elect to leave Iowa a day early and go home instead of going to SC. That is the actions of someone who is NOT a serious contender. Cruz didn't deceive anyone, his supporter tweeted a relay of a CNN story which came from Carson. Cruz didn't tell anyone anything.... that is YOU LYING. Cruz apologized for the misunderstanding not any "deception" because there wasn't any. Cruz apologized because he is a man of integrity and honor and he genuinely felt bad that such a thing happened. Again... I don't recall Trump's apology for the words that came from Trump's lips regarding Carson being the equivalent of a child molester. That wasn't from someone on his campaign, it wasn't in some random tweet... it was in his speeches for almost a week leading into Iowa, when Carson was polling ahead of him.

You can be a Trump apologist all you like, what you are doing here is exactly what the sleazy left wing nutters do all the time... and maybe you picked that habit up from them? Just smear and slime someone as much as you can... use the Saul Alinsky playbook! Destroy their credibility because you realize you can repeat the lie enough until it becomes the truth. But let me tell you something... take this as a warning... you are not going to win the general election like that. Trump is going to need the Cruz supporters and the Rubio supporters... and the Carson supporters... and the Kasich supporters... and the Jeb supporters... and the Carly supporters. Without them, he can't get more than about 20% of the general election vote and Hillary wins in a landslide. Is THAT what you really want to happen? Because THAT is going to happen!
At the time Carson was still a serious contender and you know that.

And the Cruz supporter did not say Carson is pulling out at this time... did he? As I recall, he intimated that Carson would be pulling out... as in... eventually.... which HE DID!
Cruz didn't deceive anyone, his supporter tweeted a relay of a CNN story which came from Carson. Cruz didn't tell anyone anything.... that is YOU LYING.
Hair splitting again, Boss. His surrogate (Rep. Steve King) deceived people on his behalf so that lets him off the hook? Actually, it doesn't. Cruz made no attempt to correct the "mistake" after he learned the information was not accurate.

Cruz apologized because he is a man of integrity and honor and he genuinely felt bad that such a thing happened. Again...
Cruz apologized because he got caught. He also had to apologize for promoting a false story about Rubio's faith, ultimately firing his top aide Rick Tyler. Cruz seems to have a lot of unethical people working for him, huh?

And the Cruz supporter did not say Carson is pulling out at this time... did he? As I recall, he intimated that Carson would be pulling out... as in... eventually.... which HE DID!
Eventually? As you recall? Not hardly. Here's the tweet.
Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. https://twitter.com/moody/status/694320149432651776 …

5:20 PM - 1 Feb 2016

Of course ole TRUSTed claims he knew NOTHING about it....uh huh and I was born yesterday...that asshole is making a habit out of LYING like HILLARY DOES to be able to win such tiny states like Hawaii for christ sakes!

And if Cruz gets the nomination.....you'll pretend it never happened and that Cruz isn't a serial liar.
Being against Cruz does not translate into being FOR Hillary. If it's Cruz vs Hillary, Cruz gets my vote.
Hair splitting again, Boss. His surrogate (Rep. Steve King) deceived people on his behalf so that lets him off the hook? Actually, it doesn't. Cruz made no attempt to correct the "mistake" after he learned the information was not accurate.

Look, fuckwit... that's STILL NOT Cruz standing in front of a crowd stating Carson is like a child molester... a mentally damaged human being! There is no moral comparison! Steve King is NOT TED CRUZ! And all King did was repeat what CNN reported. And yes, as soon a word came out that the tweet was considered some kind of "dirty trick" the Cruz campaign issued a statement, and Ted Cruz formally apologized before a national audience for the entire incident. But you're like a sick rabid left-wing radical loony toon with this... your'e fucking not letting it go! Just keep on smearing and pounding Cruz into the dirt.... until you piss off his supporters to the point they will sit their asses at home on election day and let Hillary become the next president..; you're a fucking GENIUS!
Cruz apologized because he got caught. He also had to apologize for promoting a false story about Rubio's faith, ultimately firing his top aide Rick Tyler. Cruz seems to have a lot of unethical people working for him, huh?

Got caught doing WHAT? Letting Steve King have a Twitter account???? :dunno:
If he fired someone, that seems to be an indication he is on top of this shit and nipping it in the bud. Unlike Trump, who just kicks a few puppies and insults someone's mother and watches his poll numbers go up because people like you think that's cool as shit. Doesn't matter what he says or what he does... he can shoot somebody on 5th avenue and you'd still vote for him, right?

Cruz is a man of integrity and has been the lone voice of Conservatism battling the idiot establishment in Congress the past several years. He has consistently stood for Conservative principles and has done absolutely nothing to warrant the kind of attacks you are instigating. When you attack this man's honor and integrity the way you have, the people who stand behind him are not going to forget that. You might win your GOP nomination but good luck finding the support to win the general election. You can't do it without party unity at some point, and you seem hell bent on ensuring there can be no unity unless Cruz supporters come sniveling back up to kiss Trump's ass and THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!
Eventually? As you recall? Not hardly. Here's the tweet.
Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. https://twitter.com/moody/status/694320149432651776 …

Is he stating that Carson has dropped out? NO! What did he say that was inaccurate? "Looks like he is out..." Well... here we are a few weeks later and Carson IS OUT! He was 100% RIGHT!

When a candidate checks out of Iowa in the heat of the final stretch, goes back home instead of travelling to the next battleground... does that sound like a serious candidate that is committed to winning the nomination or does it sound like someone who is giving up and getting ready to get out? This is POLITICS... every single vote counts! The Cruz campaign was locked into a tight battle for Iowa with Trump. They needed every vote they could muster to win... and they DID win... in spite of every disadvantage... without capitulating to the Ethanol special interest the way Trump did.

Let me ask you something.... I assume you're a conservative... How the hell are we going to do anything about the freight train of liberal special interest spending in Washington if we can't stand firm on Ethanol subsidies... the WORST of the WORST federal program? This program is literally more wasteful than if we just burned the money as fuel! Trump came out in favor of it so he could win votes in Iowa.... is THAT what you're supporting as a Conservative?
Cruz apologized because he got caught. He also had to apologize for promoting a false story about Rubio's faith, ultimately firing his top aide Rick Tyler. Cruz seems to have a lot of unethical people working for him, huh?

Got caught doing WHAT? Letting Steve King have a Twitter account???? :dunno:
If he fired someone, that seems to be an indication he is on top of this shit and nipping it in the bud. Unlike Trump, who just kicks a few puppies and insults someone's mother and watches his poll numbers go up because people like you think that's cool as shit. Doesn't matter what he says or what he does... he can shoot somebody on 5th avenue and you'd still vote for him, right?

Cruz is a man of integrity and has been the lone voice of Conservatism battling the idiot establishment in Congress the past several years. He has consistently stood for Conservative principles and has done absolutely nothing to warrant the kind of attacks you are instigating. When you attack this man's honor and integrity the way you have, the people who stand behind him are not going to forget that. You might win your GOP nomination but good luck finding the support to win the general election. You can't do it without party unity at some point, and you seem hell bent on ensuring there can be no unity unless Cruz supporters come sniveling back up to kiss Trump's ass and THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Unfortunately it has to happen, the supreme court nomination is bigger than any one man. Because of that I will support which ever republican gets the nomination, do you really want the hildabitch picking 1-4 justices?
Hair splitting again, Boss. His surrogate (Rep. Steve King) deceived people on his behalf so that lets him off the hook? Actually, it doesn't. Cruz made no attempt to correct the "mistake" after he learned the information was not accurate.

Look, fuckwit... that's STILL NOT Cruz standing in front of a crowd stating Carson is like a child molester... a mentally damaged human being! There is no moral comparison! Steve King is NOT TED CRUZ! And all King did was repeat what CNN reported. And yes, as soon a word came out that the tweet was considered some kind of "dirty trick" the Cruz campaign issued a statement, and Ted Cruz formally apologized before a national audience for the entire incident. But you're like a sick rabid left-wing radical loony toon with this... your'e fucking not letting it go! Just keep on smearing and pounding Cruz into the dirt.... until you piss off his supporters to the point they will sit their asses at home on election day and let Hillary become the next president..; you're a fucking GENIUS!
Look, asshole, I've tried to be nice to you but you have the emotions of a hysterical bitch. Whether I support him or not isn't gonna make him win or lose so wtf do you care how I vote? Cruz isn't gonna be the fucking president, ok? He can't beat Trump, he won't get the delegates, and he won't be picked in a brokered convention. Grow the fuck up and get over it.
Who are you supporting for president?
Me? Trump. 100%.

So.. In your mind, it is perfectly ethical and above board to insinuate someone has a psychological disorder and is damaged mentally like a child molester? You know... how Trump did with Carson?

Or to accuse someone of being a liar because they point out that you were supporting Planned Parenthood just a couple months ago in a nationally televised interview? Or just a couple months ago when you said you thought federal land grabs were a good thing but now you don't know what anyone is talking about and Cruz is a liar?
Yep. ANYTHING goes in Politics.
Who are you supporting for president?
Me? Trump. 100%.

So.. In your mind, it is perfectly ethical and above board to insinuate someone has a psychological disorder and is damaged mentally like a child molester? You know... how Trump did with Carson?

Or to accuse someone of being a liar because they point out that you were supporting Planned Parenthood just a couple months ago in a nationally televised interview? Or just a couple months ago when you said you thought federal land grabs were a good thing but now you don't know what anyone is talking about and Cruz is a liar?
Yep. ANYTHING goes in Politics.

Unless you're the Conservative candidate!
“The at-issue email and social media posting was not sanctioned by the Cruz for President campaign,” said Alice Stewart, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cruz. “The campaign became aware of the email this morning by press accounts, and upon investigation learned that some volunteers in Hawaii were involved in the posting.”
You expected them to ADMIT IT? HA! Didn't happen when they did it to Carson won't happen this time either.

No, you can control the media by blasting it 24/7 that Cruz is a liar... up to his old tricks... and uninformed people will believe you, we've seen that happen already. Cruz did nothing to Carson, he said that Carson was planning on pulling out... is Carson in the race today?

Carson knew Cruz did it..even if it was a mistake they could have retracted sooner...Second: Cruz is a lying scumbag who knows how to get away with things legally like a lawyer without morals...


No, Cruz ins't a lying scumbag or creepy or a jerk. Cruz is a stalwart conservative. He has done nothing unethical or illegal, his campaign has done nothing unethical or illegal, there has been no lies told by Cruz himself. I understand this is politics and you're trying to get your guy over the top... but you need to think seriously about the damage you are doing in the process. You're going to win the nomination only to find you've pissed off people to the point they cannot support your candidate in the general election and Hillary Clinton will be your next president.

The time to change your caustic rhetoric is right now, today! Just stop doing it. You don't need to anymore. This race is coming down the wire to two or three possible choices and people have pretty much decided on who they support... it's a matter of going to cast their votes. You are trying to influence people, ironically, in the same exact way you chastise Cruz for.

Perhaps you view this process differently than myself? At the end of the day, we all need to be able to come together behind the one candidate who prevails and wins the nomination. If that is Trump, I can support him even though I supported Cruz in the primaries. I would hope that someone who supported Trump could also support Cruz should he prevail. However, I see these threads that remind me of the sleazy left-wing politics of personal destruction attacks, and I have my doubts about that.

Lets see I worked hard to teach my boys that playing fair is more important than winning the game
( not that this is a game but you know what I mean )
Not sure what book of morals and ethics your reading out of, but in my book its called being a slim weasel who can not win otherwise.

Who are you supporting for president?
Me? Trump. 100%.

So.. In your mind, it is perfectly ethical and above board to insinuate someone has a psychological disorder and is damaged mentally like a child molester? You know... how Trump did with Carson?

Or to accuse someone of being a liar because they point out that you were supporting Planned Parenthood just a couple months ago in a nationally televised interview? Or just a couple months ago when you said you thought federal land grabs were a good thing but now you don't know what anyone is talking about and Cruz is a liar?
Yep. ANYTHING goes in Politics.

Unless you're the Conservative candidate!

It seem you are very upset about what is being written about Ted Cruz, am I correct?

Well the reality is Ted Cruz is the next Richard Nixon and if you are too young to remember Nixon, well that is not a compliment I am giving Cruz when I compare him to Nixon...
Hair splitting again, Boss. His surrogate (Rep. Steve King) deceived people on his behalf so that lets him off the hook? Actually, it doesn't. Cruz made no attempt to correct the "mistake" after he learned the information was not accurate.

Look, fuckwit... that's STILL NOT Cruz standing in front of a crowd stating Carson is like a child molester... a mentally damaged human being! There is no moral comparison! Steve King is NOT TED CRUZ! And all King did was repeat what CNN reported. And yes, as soon a word came out that the tweet was considered some kind of "dirty trick" the Cruz campaign issued a statement, and Ted Cruz formally apologized before a national audience for the entire incident. But you're like a sick rabid left-wing radical loony toon with this... your'e fucking not letting it go! Just keep on smearing and pounding Cruz into the dirt.... until you piss off his supporters to the point they will sit their asses at home on election day and let Hillary become the next president..; you're a fucking GENIUS!
Look, asshole, I've tried to be nice to you but you have the emotions of a hysterical bitch. Whether I support him or not isn't gonna make him win or lose so wtf do you care how I vote? Cruz isn't gonna be the fucking president, ok? He can't beat Trump, he won't get the delegates, and he won't be picked in a brokered convention. Grow the fuck up and get over it.

No, you've not tried to be nice at all. You have the attitude of an arrogant jerk. I don't give a damn who you support or vote for, I can respect that. I don't appreciate the continued smearing and denigrating an honorable man because of your cocky arrogance. Especially a CONSERVATIVE who has stood up there by himself facing these tone-deaf Establishment SOBs in Congress. He may not be "your guy" but he doesn't deserve the humiliating way you are treating him.

Trump hasn't won the nomination yet. In the delegate count, Cruz is not that far behind. At this point, even if he doesn't win the nomination, he is going to be the "king maker" as his delegates will determine who the GOP nominates IF it comes to a brokered convention. You might want to think about that while you're stomping him into the dirt and calling him every name in the book like he was Barack Obama!
“The at-issue email and social media posting was not sanctioned by the Cruz for President campaign,” said Alice Stewart, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cruz. “The campaign became aware of the email this morning by press accounts, and upon investigation learned that some volunteers in Hawaii were involved in the posting.”
You expected them to ADMIT IT? HA! Didn't happen when they did it to Carson won't happen this time either.

No, you can control the media by blasting it 24/7 that Cruz is a liar... up to his old tricks... and uninformed people will believe you, we've seen that happen already. Cruz did nothing to Carson, he said that Carson was planning on pulling out... is Carson in the race today?

Carson knew Cruz did it..even if it was a mistake they could have retracted sooner...Second: Cruz is a lying scumbag who knows how to get away with things legally like a lawyer without morals...


No, Cruz ins't a lying scumbag or creepy or a jerk. Cruz is a stalwart conservative. He has done nothing unethical or illegal, his campaign has done nothing unethical or illegal, there has been no lies told by Cruz himself. I understand this is politics and you're trying to get your guy over the top... but you need to think seriously about the damage you are doing in the process. You're going to win the nomination only to find you've pissed off people to the point they cannot support your candidate in the general election and Hillary Clinton will be your next president.

The time to change your caustic rhetoric is right now, today! Just stop doing it. You don't need to anymore. This race is coming down the wire to two or three possible choices and people have pretty much decided on who they support... it's a matter of going to cast their votes. You are trying to influence people, ironically, in the same exact way you chastise Cruz for.

Perhaps you view this process differently than myself? At the end of the day, we all need to be able to come together behind the one candidate who prevails and wins the nomination. If that is Trump, I can support him even though I supported Cruz in the primaries. I would hope that someone who supported Trump could also support Cruz should he prevail. However, I see these threads that remind me of the sleazy left-wing politics of personal destruction attacks, and I have my doubts about that.

Lets see I worked hard to teach my boys that playing fair is more important than winning the game
( not that this is a game but you know what I mean )
Not sure what book of morals and ethics your reading out of, but in my book its called being a slim weasel who can not win otherwise.


Slim weasel? Did you mean SLIME weasel? ...that would more aptly describe Trump and Rubio. Apparently, Big Dick Trump and Little Marco can't win without denigrating and insulting others in the most humiliating and personal way possible. I don't recall Cruz ever speaking of Marco's little hands or Trump being the equivalent of a child molester.
It seem you are very upset about what is being written about Ted Cruz, am I correct?

Well the reality is Ted Cruz is the next Richard Nixon and if you are too young to remember Nixon, well that is not a compliment I am giving Cruz when I compare him to Nixon...

I am 56 years old, asshole. And NO... Cruz is NOTHING AT ALL LIKE NIXON!

Cruz is much more like Ronald Reagan and his tenure in Congress is exactly what Reagan's tenure would have been like had he ever served in Congress. He is the anti-establishment Conservative in the race. None of the Establishment GOP likes him just like they didn't like Reagan. MOST of the Establishment GOP are crony corporatists like Nixon.
Let me ask you something.... I assume you're a conservative... How the hell are we going to do anything about the freight train of liberal special interest spending in Washington if we can't stand firm on Ethanol subsidies... the WORST of the WORST federal program? This program is literally more wasteful than if we just burned the money as fuel! Trump came out in favor of it so he could win votes in Iowa.... is THAT what you're supporting as a Conservative?

I am reposting this question because, curiously, NONE of you Trump fans answered it!
Who are you supporting for president?
Me? Trump. 100%.

So.. In your mind, it is perfectly ethical and above board to insinuate someone has a psychological disorder and is damaged mentally like a child molester? You know... how Trump did with Carson?

Or to accuse someone of being a liar because they point out that you were supporting Planned Parenthood just a couple months ago in a nationally televised interview? Or just a couple months ago when you said you thought federal land grabs were a good thing but now you don't know what anyone is talking about and Cruz is a liar?
Yep. ANYTHING goes in Politics.

Unless you're the Conservative candidate!
It seem you are very upset about what is being written about Ted Cruz, am I correct?

Well the reality is Ted Cruz is the next Richard Nixon and if you are too young to remember Nixon, well that is not a compliment I am giving Cruz when I compare him to Nixon...

I am 56 years old, asshole. And NO... Cruz is NOTHING AT ALL LIKE NIXON!

Cruz is much more like Ronald Reagan and his tenure in Congress is exactly what Reagan's tenure would have been like had he ever served in Congress. He is the anti-establishment Conservative in the race. None of the Establishment GOP likes him just like they didn't like Reagan. MOST of the Establishment GOP are crony corporatists like Nixon.

Sure he is Nixon's little brother..


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