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Cruz up to same old tricks this time with Rubio

Who is REALLY being tricked?
Dumb suckers like you who think Lying Ted told the truth about the scientists when the liar said they called for the government takeover of the energy sector in the 1975 Newsweek article when they never said anything at all about energy. If you were too stupid to know Cruz was lying his CON$ervative ass off he seemed 100% sincere as he lied.

I have no idea what Cruz said in some interview but I was around in 1975 when scientists were predicting we were heading for an ice age and the proposal from the liberal socialists back then was to bilk capitalists and give government more control over our lives. This "climate change" thing has been going on for years and years... it amounts to the same thing... an attempt by socialists to take more control over our freedom and liberty as individuals and give more power to government while inflicting as much punishment on capitalists as possible in the process.

And many of these absolute nut jobs, Trump was writing huge checks to just 8 years ago. People like John Kasich and John McCain were slobbering all over themselves to get in front of the TV cameras and lend credibility to these fuck-goofs.
I have no idea what Cruz said in some interview but I was around in 1975 when scientists were predicting we were heading for an ice age and the proposal from the liberal socialists back then was to bilk capitalists and give government more control over our lives.
A typical Lying Ted type of lying answer, I already posted the interview along with the Newsweek article Lying Ted cited as he lied, so the dumb act to justify your continued lying will not work.

Here is my earlier post to refresh your worthless memory that can remember 1975 but not yesterday!!!

I have repeatedly challenged anyone to present evidence of Cruz lying intentionally about anything. All I get are instances of things he might have said that weren't 100% accurate
The pathological liar Cruz said he just read the 1975 Newsweek "global cooling" article that very morning, so it had to be fresh in this self-acknowledged genius' eidetic memory. He said the scientists' solution back then in the article he just read was "government control of the energy sector and every aspect of our lives," which IS a lie. The scientists actually recommended stockpiling food. They said absolutely NOTHING about government control of the energy sector!!!

Cruz lies to your level of ignorance, as long as you don't know what was actually in the Newsweek article and you are too lazy to check, you will remain too stupid to catch the pathological liar lying.

In an interview with The Texas Tribune, Cruz talked about climate change. and said this "I read this morning a Newsweek article from the 1970s talking about global cooling. And it said the science is clear, it is overwhelming, we are in a major cooling period, and it's going to cause enormous problems worldwide. ... Now, the data proved to be not backing up that theory. So then all the advocates of global cooling suddenly shifted to global warming, and they advocated it's warming, and the solution interestingly enough was the exact same solution — government control of the energy sector and every aspect of our lives."

Newsweek on the cooling world

But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing the variables of climatic uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies. The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality.

S.J. How does it make you feel to have Eddy in your corner cheering you on? And people like guno? I know you're proud to be associated with such pillars of support.
How does it make you feel to be a shit shoveller for an underhanded politician who has to trick his opponent's supporters into voting for him?

Wow... look at all the liberals piling in to help you out, S.J. Bet you're proud of that!
Look who's talking. You're saying the same things every liberal on this board has been saying about Trump. Are you proud to be spewing the same shit the left spews?
Look who's talking. You're saying the same things every liberal on this board has been saying about Trump. Are you proud to be spewing the same shit the left spews?

Nope. This forum is FULL of posts from me defending Trump whenever he has been unfairly attacked by the left. You have actually thanked some of those posts, given me 'agree' checks and 'winner' awards. I'm currently in an active thread defending Trump on his TajMahal casino deal. So for you to sit here and claim I am saying the same things as every liberal about Trump is just a flat out lie.

That said, I can also be critical of Trump and I have been when warranted. Several weeks ago, Trump stood on the debate stage and labeled Cruz "the single-biggest liar" for pointing out that Trump supports funding Planned Parenthood.

Here is Trump stating that he supports funding Planned Parenthood:

Since then, Rubio as well as the left have picked up on the meme that Cruz is a liar. It's repeated daily and constantly. It's the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating the lie so often that it becomes the truth. It's bad enough that we have the left using this "dirty trick" to win... we don't need people on the right doing it too.
And maybe you missed it when I said I would support Cruz IF he were able to win legitimately by getting the most delegates, but if he has to do it by telling voters that their candidate has dropped out of the race (like he did in Iowa), that's not legitimate. It's one thing to attack your opponent, it's another thing to deceive the voters.
the left have picked up on the meme that Cruz is a liar. It's repeated daily and constantly. It's the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating the lie so often that it becomes the truth.
Actually that is the Rush Limbaugh tactic he learned from his mentor Adolph.

But I posted an example, as you requested, of Cruz lying about the 1975 Newsweek article complete with a video of Cruz telling the lie with his own mouth, so you can't lie that he was misquoted or taken out of context and a link to the actual 1975 Newsweek article posted by the author as Newsweek charges for access to the online mag. But you of course have repeatedly run away from the information you ASKED for so you don't have to be honest enough to admit the Lying Ted you worship is a liar.
And maybe you missed it when I said I would support Cruz IF he were able to win legitimately by getting the most delegates, but if he has to do it by telling voters that their candidate has dropped out of the race (like he did in Iowa), that's not legitimate. It's one thing to attack your opponent, it's another thing to deceive the voters.

Cruz never said anyone had dropped out of the race in Iowa. I doubt that one tweet from a Cruz supporter had anything to do with the outcome, Carson was never going to win Iowa nor was he ever going to be a frontrunner again and he would eventually exit the race as predicted. One of the things that knocked him out of the top spot was Trump's claim that he was akin to a child molester and psychologically damaged. That wasn't some innocent tweet from a supporter, that was in Trump's campaign speeches for a week. Trump is now running around calling Cruz a "pathological liar" for continuing to point out Trump's inconsistencies. He has lobbed similar personal attacks on Marco, Rand Paul and Jeb Bush.

Cruz CAN win legitimately. He now trails Trump by only 99 delegates. He gained ground on Super Saturday... something the mainstream media doesn't want you to know. In the few polls that have been taken, Cruz beats Trump head to head. If Rubio and Kasich were out of this race, Cruz would be winning. Trump has never had over 50% of the GOP vote and in head-to-head with Hillary, in every poll conducted, he loses. Cruz is at least within the margin of error against Hillary. Trump has a 62% negativity rating... a record for ANY presidential candidate in history.

Cruz is the Conservative candidate. He is the one who can defeat Hillary Clinton. He is the one who will stand for and uphold Conservative principles and nominate Conservative justices. Trump is a charlatan who is running a populist campaign exploiting anger and using nationalism while completely contradicting his past positions on just about every issue. STILL... I MAY vote for him over Hillary if he wins the nomination... BUT it would strictly be a protest vote because Donald Duck isn't on the ballot. I promise, I will NOT do that if he continues to smear Ted Cruz.
And maybe you missed it when I said I would support Cruz IF he were able to win legitimately by getting the most delegates, but if he has to do it by telling voters that their candidate has dropped out of the race (like he did in Iowa), that's not legitimate. It's one thing to attack your opponent, it's another thing to deceive the voters.

He's done it twice to Rubio and there's still 4 days to go before Florida. I'd vote for Trump before I'd vote for Cruz and to vote for Trump I'd have to be drunk on my ass after getting my butt kicked by a pack of MS-13's.
Cruz never said anyone had dropped out of the race in Iowa.
So typical of Cruz influenced CON$ervatives, even after their lies have been thoroughly exposed, the exposure to Cruz makes them just keep on lying.
Thank you.

Here is the text message Cruz sent over his official mobile app that accompanied the voice mails that he sent.


8:07 p.m. and 8:29 p.m.: Cruz campaign leaves voicemails saying Carson is 'suspending' campaign
Cruz never said anyone had dropped out of the race in Iowa.
So typical of Cruz influenced CON$ervatives, even after their lies have been thoroughly exposed, the exposure to Cruz makes them just keep on lying.
Thank you.

Here is the text message Cruz sent over his official mobile app that accompanied the voice mails that he sent.


8:07 p.m. and 8:29 p.m.: Cruz campaign leaves voicemails saying Carson is 'suspending' campaign

Now you're just repeating yourself. This was NOT from Ted Cruz. It was from someone on the Cruz campaign team. Maybe you think that is splitting hairs but it's NOT Ted Cruz lying. Sorry... it's just fucking NOT!

There is also nothing "untrue" in the tweet, even though it wasn't from Cruz. So it's STILL not a lie. It's not from Ted Cruz and it's not a lie.... but that's exactly what you keep claiming it is. You can fucking post it a million times, it still won't be what you're claiming. YOU are the liar, just as you are always the liar here.... every day... every thread... every post... every thing that comes out of you on a regular basis, eddy boy. A LIAR!
Cruz never said anyone had dropped out of the race in Iowa.
So typical of Cruz influenced CON$ervatives, even after their lies have been thoroughly exposed, the exposure to Cruz makes them just keep on lying.
Thank you.

Here is the text message Cruz sent over his official mobile app that accompanied the voice mails that he sent.


8:07 p.m. and 8:29 p.m.: Cruz campaign leaves voicemails saying Carson is 'suspending' campaign

Now you're just repeating yourself. This was NOT from Ted Cruz. It was from someone on the Cruz campaign team. Maybe you think that is splitting hairs but it's NOT Ted Cruz lying. Sorry... it's just fucking NOT!

There is also nothing "untrue" in the tweet, even though it wasn't from Cruz. So it's STILL not a lie. It's not from Ted Cruz and it's not a lie.... but that's exactly what you keep claiming it is. You can fucking post it a million times, it still won't be what you're claiming. YOU are the liar, just as you are always the liar here.... every day... every thread... every post... every thing that comes out of you on a regular basis, eddy boy. A LIAR!
The message from Lying Ted lies in the very first sentence, "CNN is reporting that Ben Carson WILL STOP CAMPAIGNING AFTER IOWA."

Here is what the CNN reporter actually tweeted:

Chris MoodyVerified account‏@moody
Ben Carson's campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.
4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016
This was NOT from Ted Cruz. It was from someone on the Cruz campaign team. Maybe you think that is splitting hairs but it's NOT Ted Cruz lying. Sorry... it's just fucking NOT!
I picture you sticking your fingers in your ears and jumping up and down when you say that.
I really don't get Cruz and his supporters running around like crazy and insulting the Trump supporters. I'm listening to the Red Eye guys show right now and all they are doing is slagging Trump supporters.

Duh? In the end don't they understand that if they keep this shit up Cruz won't get Trump's people in the general? Levin is pulling the same crap.

This is going to come back to bite them.
I really don't get Cruz and his supporters running around like crazy and insulting the Trump supporters. I'm listening to the Red Eye guys show right now and all they are doing is slagging Trump supporters.

Duh? In the end don't they understand that if they keep this shit up Cruz won't get Trump's people in the general? Levin is pulling the same crap.

This is going to come back to bite them.

WHAT??? :disbelief:
I really don't get Cruz and his supporters running around like crazy and insulting the Trump supporters. I'm listening to the Red Eye guys show right now and all they are doing is slagging Trump supporters.

Duh? In the end don't they understand that if they keep this shit up Cruz won't get Trump's people in the general? Levin is pulling the same crap.

This is going to come back to bite them.
Cruz won't be in the general election.
I really don't get Cruz and his supporters running around like crazy and insulting the Trump supporters. I'm listening to the Red Eye guys show right now and all they are doing is slagging Trump supporters.

Duh? In the end don't they understand that if they keep this shit up Cruz won't get Trump's people in the general? Levin is pulling the same crap.

This is going to come back to bite them.

WHAT??? :disbelief:

I listen to talk radio 24/7 and you have backers of Cruz blatantly insulting Trump supporters. Keep it up and if Cruz is the nominee he'll lose the general because of the alienation of potential voters.

It is an utterly insane tactic.

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